Galatia - The Celts of Anatolia

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The celts are a group of people that are usually linked with western Europe. However, how and why did the Celts end up in Anatolia?
Sound provided by:
Håkan Glänte "Sound of the Cornu" "Moment of the Battle" "The sound of Destiny" & "Civil War"
#Ancient_History #Celts #Anatolia
War Footage:
Sound provided by:
Håkan Glänte "Sound of the Cornu" "Moment of the Battle" "The sound of Destiny" & "Civil War"
#Ancient_History #Celts #Anatolia
War Footage:
Galatia - The Celts of Anatolia
The Forgotten History of Celtic Anatolia
The Secret Celtic History of Turkey… Galatia Revealed
The Galatians - The Celtic Tribes of Ancient Anatolia
Full History of the Ancient Celts: Origins to Roman Conquest DOCUMENTARY
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The Galatians - Celts in Asia (250 BCE) #shorts
Why did the Celts Collapse?
The Epistle to the Galatians: Embracing Freedom in Christ
The Rise and Fall of Galatia: From Celtic Warriors to Roman Province
Ancient Celtic Galatia @youngasanga
'The Brave Celts of Galatia': The Biblical Side
Celtic Galicia: The Celtic Origins of Galicia in Spain
Ancient Celtic Armies: Invasion of Rome and Greece
Religion of Ancient Celts - Gods of Iron Age Europe
Galatians: What Was Paul Accused Of? | N.T. Wright Online
25 BC Galatia Becomes a Roman Province: The Path from Celtic Tribes to Imperial Rule
Ancient Celtic Galatia
In Galatians, we learn how the law could never save.
The Dying Gaul as Roman Propaganda Against the Galatian Celts
To the churches in Galatia
Dying Gauls and Galatians in 10 Minutes
Where is Galatia from the Book of Galatians?
Short: The Galatians Were Israelites!