Mt. Segla | Hiking in Northern Norway | Senja, Norway | Bella Bucchiotti

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Mt. Segla | Hiking in Northern Norway | Senja, Norway

Video: Joel Schat

I went on a trip to northern Norway for about 10 days in early September. Norway is a Scandinavian country that is a gold mine for avid hikers, photographers, travel lovers and wanderers.

The first day we arrived to Senja, we hiked to see Mt. Segla that afternoon. This hike was also a pretty easy and straightforward two-hour long trail. Both trails start from Fjordgård. You will need to hike Mt. Hesten to see Mt. Segla. The view here was, again, just unforgettable! These trails are not to be missed. You might go to the Norwegian island Senja if you are in Northern Norway.
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