What life in Afghanistan is like in 2023 #afghanistan #taliban #travelvlog #afghan

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Life in Afghanistan, in 2023, where everything is illegal for women. Women cannot vote, women cannot wear their hair down, women cannot travel outside of the capital without a man. Music is illegal for everyone, women are being banned from mosques, they are banned from parks.

This is reality. This was my experience in Afghanistan in October 2022
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If they ban the women from the place of worship itself, it’s a huge sign that it was never about religion in the first place and they were only manipulating religious rules to fulfill their agenda.


If a woman cannot go to the place of worship you derive your laws from, then the laws do not apply to her.


I’m a muslim, and I think a lot of Afghanistan’s laws are absolutely outrageous! Not allowing women in places of worship? This is not islam! And in islam both men AND women are OBLIGATED to seek knowledge, which means going to school. Please don’t think our religion is like this. I’m a muslim and I am against the taliban forever and ever! May allah make it easier for out afgani brothers and especially sisters living this hell

Edit: Women are truly not allowed anywhere in Afghanistan. Not even parks?! This is against islam, and its really heartbreaking to see this oppression.


One time in class I had to do a presentation and on global issues and I chose the issues of women and one of my guy friends said “but women have it so easy, name one thing women can do that men can’t” and when I told him about people in Afghanistan he said “but that’s not in America” and that truly was terrible to hear.


I am an afghan girl myself and i have been forced to go from one neighbour country to another so i can find a suitable and financialy feasible place to conitunue with my studies. I had to leave my mom and familly and go thorough the obstecls of becoming a refugee in asian islamic countries as an 18 year old girl alone just to reach my right of getting eduacation. I hope what happens to us never happens to any other country on the planet.


The men in that country who actually love their wives, sisters, mothers etc.. need to stand up and help to change this


I can never understand this hatred towards women. Why??


Why do they hate their women so much to the point of treating them like prisoners?. What a terrible way to live. This is not of God. It’s rules of Man.


Banning women from school is absolutely horrific. This generation will be scarred by the time they are prevented from learning.


The last line hit hard: “Don’t forget about the Afghan people.” So much power in a small sentence. I hope more people see this video


It breaks my heart to see such oppression happening in the middle East. My heart goes out to all the women and girls in this country. I hope that you are safe


I feel so bad for people of Afghanistan.. there's so many Innocent and kind people being treated and forced to live in a place where they're treated like garbage..


I don’t understand how they can treat women so harshly, we form and raise new life, without us, there would be nothing


There are lots of Afghan people in my university. The boys are a in a constant need of finding a woman, some wants several. The girls, they only study. They probably had to go through so much in their country to come here. They are so focused. I don't even know if they have families. One of them once told me that her family went through stuff that she couldn't even imagine. She tears up everytime someone says Afghanistan. I was so scared to ask what happened to her family. Once a teacher asked her if she was going to go back once she become a doctor. She said "I can't even if I wanted to" and cried. I wish her and all the Afghan women the best.


I saw a girl on tiktok not that long ago vehemently supporting the government in Afghanistan, it was so unbelievable to me I took screenshots to have as a reminder that people can support with their whole hearts a genuinely awful thing. The irony is that her account was centered around UK unis


As an Afghan I confirm it. They do not know women as human.


I started tutoring a woman from Afghanistan last week and she knows zero English and is also illiterate in her native language bc from what I made out (we communicate through pictures and translated audio) she wasn’t allowed to learn. She’s so fucking smart and it breaks my heart that so many smart individuals won’t get the chance to strengthen their skills all bc of their sex and gender.


At this point I’m surprised you even have internet acces


In the Quran it says: ‘la ikraha fid’deen’ which means “there is no compulsion in religion”
These people are twisting Allah (swt)’s words and for whatever personal reason, claiming that they’re doing it for “Islam”
Although hijab is mandatory, it should not be forced! Islam is a beautiful religion that teaches peace and unity between everyone, and that we should respect everyone no matter what nationality, race, or religion. Whats happening in Afghanistan is oppressive and that’s against Islam.


As an Afghan i can only say that the reality in this place is like hell, there is no hope or life or dreams. And the people in the comments aren't even Afghans they are westerners or pakistanis and arabs who are pro taliban. We are tired of these people trying to control our country and lives.
