Three Dimensions of Prayer - Robert Henderson (Friday, 28 Jul 2017)

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Live teaching from our Friday meeting at Catch The Fire Toronto.

Click here to see the worship that preceded this message, led by Laura Woodley-Osman:

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It simply amazing how timeless these godly messages of strategy in the spirit really are


The moment I prayed to know his ways. Was lead to brother Robert Henderson Miniseries. Had started to pray one hour and saw spiritual warfare and told to be still and approach the courts of heaven


In the past week I have listened to teaching on God as Judge and now about stepping into the courts of heaven and while watching have plead my case before God and been released from the legal rights the enemy has been using against me and my bloodline all of my life. As pastor Henderson then went into healing prayer, he named at least 7 areas he saw being healed that I have been oppressed & afflicted with. I received healing for me & all my descendants & on behalf of my siblings! I Praise the Holy Spirit for answering my prayer to move me a little to the right, or left, and keep me in the lane God has for me on this earth. It is quite His doing that I even found this teaching. His timing is perfect.


Many preachers run away from teachings like these. They make the gospel look powerless.


please pastor pray for me ..I trust after 22 years of maintenance case Victory is eventually my...praise the lord..praise the lord ❤


courts that dear Robert is giving helped a lot me and my children, after repenting and applying the Blood of Jesus everything that stayed on the way, we got inheritance home, we now have place to live!it is awesome!All Glory to Jesus and His Blood! Thank you dr.Robert, please continue to give us the teaching about courts.God Bless!


Bless our Drs n nurses protect them from every danger n harm thank you Lord Jesus Christ for answering our prayers


I was listening to the episode on Its Supernatural and that same day I received a phone call about a young man that was giving up on his marriage and that he was leaving....I immediately began to come against that spirit that was trying to attach itself to his marriage through the wife lineage and I plead the blood of Jesus against the iniquities of the past generation as well as the mindset and behavior of those of the past...later that day I receive a text saying that they were talking things over and was going to work things out by the word of GOD....TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Thank you for your obedience to the will of GOD for your life, passing on to us some more keys to the KINGDOM OF GOD! GOD BLESS YOU!


This is so powerful!
The enemy has the legal ⚖ right against us, We need to break it up in prayers in courts of heaven


Lord Jesus Christ teach me to pray n I dedicate my life to you in Jesus Christ precious name We Pray Amen 🙏


Plz pray for my spouse good health also my siblings their spouse n children
Lord bless all who have asked me to pray for


As I repeat his prayers when he prays in the spirit, may I do my best to reflect the prayers to heaven in the blood of Jesus amen. I step into the courts of heaven and recv blessing and annointing for my family in great boldness into the courts of heaven by the blood of Jesus amen.


I found this teachings 1 week ago and it melted my heart, i have never heard any teachings about the courts of heaven, this is a great revelation, i thank God for his divine connection to this man of God, i also thank pastor Robert hederson for teaching us this great revelation.


I'm so blessed to be hearing Your teaching!! Thank you 😊 💓 and God bless you 🙏


Lord I pray bless this country forgive our sins n the sins of our ancestors let you mercy be upon us all n on this whole week


Lord fill me n my family n siblings n their family with a fresh anointing of your Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ precious name we pray Amen


Lord I choose to forgive all those who hurt me knowing or unknowingly in Jesus Christ name we pray Amen 🙏


Lord unite every parent n their children bless them all


The Lord said He didn’t come to throw out the law but to fulfill (establish) the law. It was the curse of sin and death He nailed on the cross, not the law. I thank God for the revelation He has given Robert Henderson to relay this truth to help us better understand the ways of the Lord, through His Word.


Thank you Excellent Teaching blood of Juses for Everything
!Victory in the Blood of Lord Juses!
Amen Hallelujah praise the Lord..
