Instant Girlfriend in The Philippines (No waiting required)

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The Only Dating Website I recommend to meet serious Filipinas
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An awesome free Philippines dating site with 500+ new members joining daily!
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The Only Dating Site I highly recommend for best results!
Meet a serious Filipina today, sign up for Christian Filipina with my link below to find your true love.

Travel Medical Insurance. Protect yourself from a travel emergency.

Need a Throw away ticket, look no further $14 for a valid ticket ( I use this all the time).

The only VPN I trust and use personally: Surfshark

Book your hotel when traveling with my link for the best deals:

Gio's Essentials Traveling List (Must have items for living or traveling in the Philippines)
Order today!

Wise get your first transfer for free:

An awesome free Philippines dating site with 500+ new members joining daily!

If you would like to buy me a coffee:

My Patreon account: Over 80 Exclusive videos not found on YouTube and free consultations and apparel with silver level and higher.

Check out my website for more information on the Philippines.

Contact Information:
Contact me by visiting my website and clicking contact Gio
AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this channel are affiliate links, meaning, at NO additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase and/or subscribe.


I meet my girlfriend, after a five minute romance we agreed to move in together, five years later we have not had one argument, she is the best thing to ever happen in my life, I respect her and she respects me. My ex australian wife yelled at me for years. Women here respect their man.


I met my Filipina online, met in person 5 months later, married 1 year after that, and now she and I have been married for 12 years. Best thing that has ever happened to me.


From the moment I saw a beautiful, young Filipina walking my way I knew she was for me. Not quite instant as it took several weeks to persuade her that I was good boyfriend material. That was 45 years, 11 months, and 20 days ago. She's kept me around all this time so I guess it is working out so far.


i met a medical professional online, flew to the Philippines. I`m in my late 50`s, she`s in her early 40`s, but she looked after herself. Very pretty face. We met at the airport, had a late dinner at Jollibee`s, we couldn`t get a seat at a proper restaurant. She didn`t mind, she loves Jollibee. Went to the condo i arranged on airbnb. We enjoyed each other`s company the first night . Travelled to Cebu, Mindanao, Angles City, then i stayed a week with her at her modest apartment. She never asked me for money, and she hasn`t ask me for money since i`ve come back to Oz. I`m stuck here again in Australia, owing to this scam-demic. When the world comes to its senses again, I`ll be with her again. I plan to stay with her for 3 months next time, as i`m semi retired.


If someone says they love you almost immediately there is definitely something wrong. Even being online there is no way one can know if you are genuinely compatible. There is more to a lasting relationship than simple attraction.


I have an online Filipina friend that didn’t say “I love you” until after about 6 weeks. She didn’t post to her other friends and family that she was in love until 9 weeks after meeting. I guess she is taking more time than most, and I appreciate that.


The most common phrase I remember hearing when I was in the Philippines is, "I love you, Joe, no sh*t." She loved me so much, she couldn't remember my name (on the naval base and in the bars, everyone is Joe).
Today, I have no resentment or disrespect. I love Pinays and their playful, special sense of humor.


rules number 1 dont take any of them on an expensive long trip...until youve done several cheap smaller trips. sucks to drag a girl along and find out you cant stand being with her all the time. ..

#2 never take them back to the states.


What you observed is accurate as a generalization! In fact, they will try and meet you at the plane if possible, never let you out of their sight your whole trip so the competition will have zero chance to move in, and will even grab your hand in public any time a Filipina under 60 walks too close to you. VERY possessive. Also be aware that some Filipina are on a very tight schedule. They will have several online relationships via different ID on different dating sites. On occasion those online bfs want to visit so watch out for Filipina that have trips to the province, have lost their phones, lost their laptop, etc and cannot communicate with you a week or two at a time . ;-) I have one friend that paid for tuition, books, condo, living expenses, etc. and when his fiance missed her K1 visa interview, he flew to the Philippines expecting something wrong and found she had sublet the condo, his gifts were still outside the door, she had gotten pregnant by one of her "visitors" and his K1 visa interview came up first so she was out of there!


the dating sites are the easiest, and worst thing to play around with if your visit to the PH is more than a week away. i always recommend to stay off those dating sites until... a few days before your actual flight or after you have arrived.

once you are actually IN the ph, then you can chat a girl online and meet with her, literally, in a few hours. chat at 11am, meet at 2pm or dinner-time. if she's flaky, out for money or just not your type, you only lost a few hours.

but by chatting months beforehand online, you arrive and that one filipina will 'claim' you as hers. she won't want you to date anyone else. and if she's not your type, now you have to dodge this girl or deal with her drama your first few days in the ph. so... stay off the dating sites until you are practically there and able to follow up quickly.


I know a few people married to filipinas and they always come across as so kind and loving. That's the kind of girl for me. ❤


I met my wife in person without any internet connection. We've been married 14 plus years.


I agree with this video and also add that you NEVER tell a Filipina girl how much $$ you earn or even what your business is. They are looking for a fat wallet. If they get personal find another. They will also tell you that when you get them you also get her family. What this actually means is that they will expect you to pay for her family as I had to. After I married my wife was constantly wanting money for her family. After my daughter was born she started using her to get money because I was quickly losing money. She would threaten to take my daughter away if I did not pay up. It took 3 years to get my daughter out of there and back to the US. As this guy said "BE CAREFUL" and don't let emotions rule.


Sometimes you need an instant relationship


I work with a Filipino man, who tells me a lot about life in the Philippines. He was raised with his father as a young man, but as he got older came to America. It's good to have a native perspective.


I am glad to say that I met my kind and beautiful Philippina wife online. I knew from looking at her picture that she was the one. Open and honest face. That was 11 years ago been married since Dec. 10 2010. You have to know what you want. A permanent partner or to date around. Either way you need to be honest upfront.


When you are a single white American guy who is in shape, average looking, dresses nice and has blue eyes. You will have a really great time in the Philippines.

Filipinas are really sweet and loving women. There are some bad apples but for the most part if they say they love you, they mean it.

I love the attention I get when I travel to the Philippines. The movie star treatment from young and beautiful girls can be pretty addicting.


Not all are easy to get to be an instant gf, quality filipina never did that it is in the quality of their lives, you will notice them even the way they dress, i am a Filipina thanks .


Im from davao ...and i met mt husband online and after a month my husband bought a ticket and after nine months he flew to davao city and see if we are match personally because online we are good match and then couple of days (5days) we went to city hall to ask requirements for civil wedding .then he flew back to his country and came back again after 6months and got married and now still going strong ...
