6-16 C# Displaying Bar Chart (For Loops, C# List) - Control Statements Pt.2

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C# 2012 How To Program: Intro to Classes and Objects in C#
Programming Challenge 6.16: Displaying a Bar Chart using For Loops, and C# ArrayList

One interesting application of computers is to display graphs and
bar charts. Write an app that reads three numbers between 1 and 30. For each number that’s read, your app should display the same number of adjacent asterisks. For example, if your app reads the number 7, it should display *******.

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Рекомендации по теме

Many thanks for this pavol: this is how I attempted to do it:
please let me know what you think:

static void Main(string[] args)
int input;
for (int counter = 1; counter <= 3; counter++)
Console.Write("Enter number : ");
input =

Console.Write(input + "-");
for(int i = 1; i <= input; i++)


