WHY INTEREST (RIBA) IS HARAM - Animated Islamic Video

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WHY INTEREST (RIBA) IS HARAM - Yasir Qadhi Animated Islamic Video

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In this video Yasir Qadhi highlights a few of the main reasons why Interest or Riba is Haram.

The key thing to take note from this lesson is that the money lender is making a profit without any form of risk, he always expects a return from the borrower.

Riba is a sure gain without any possibility of loss, hence all the risk is taken by the borrower, rather than sharing the risk and the profits with both parties.

Riba creates a monopoly in society, where the rich are rewarded for being wealthy, while those who are not are forced to pay extra!

Interest Banking is something very dangerous because Allah & his Messenger have declared war on the lender, the borrower & the person signing the contract. They are all equally guilty in Islam.

Muslims should stay away from paying or charging interest. Fear Allah.

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I thank anyone who came here to reach knowledge about their religion and i encourage you to do so more and more🖤💞


Everything that’s mentioned in the Quran has a reason


May Allah Allah protect us from riba....it is very difficult nowadays to stay away from riba...


in this curst modern era its difficult to escape from Riba .. May Allah bless us from this . Ameen


My father told me right now like if you commit zina 70 times with your own mother 😮 such a big sin


May Allah SWT protect the Muslim Ummah


Amin. Ya Rab lift off of me all debt AMIN


Brother, you saved somebody today, most muslims can't explain the reason why, you shouldn't take interest, maybe It's Haram god said so, doesn't help, what helps is logic and rational like just how you described, the rich taking advantage of their position to do indirect harm to the poor, than simply giving and sharing the wealth


I think more should be explained the danger of riba.
I believe the current economy and financial system are build on riba.
All the nations on this planet heavily depending on it.
This system can easily be manipulated by certain group of people that has the power to do so.


Salam. I have a very important question regarding this topic. Is it possible to up a children’s saving account which only work by interested being added in. Therefore would it be possible for me to get rid of that interest money. There is no other bank near me which accepts children’s savings account without adding interest JazakAllahuKhairan


Hats off to you man very nicely explained👏👏


❗️❗️-Take advantage of people
-Non ending worry, stress and anxiety, that can quite literally be passed on to generations (the ribaa). A family member couldn’t pay it, so the loan has to be paid by another family member etc
It’s exhausting, in humane and merciless. Please don’t deal with ribaa. ❗️


He is defining Riba in very narrow sense...
Guys our Islam is flawless but our most of ulama are unable to understand the present day economy...
Mortgage, car loan are way high halal... Consumable things doesn't count in Riba rather usable does...

So we must understand Riba definition... I feel Dr javaid Ahmad ghamdi has defined and taught it very nice way


• اللهم صل و سلم و بارك على سيدنا محمد و على آله و صحبه و سلم تسليما، صلاةً تصلُ قلبنا بِقَلْبِه و جسدنا بجسده و روحنا بروحه، صلاةً تصلنا بربنا.


wt about paying interest monthly on car insurance . what is the kaffarah if someone has payed 2 instalment with interest cuz they didnt aware of .


The only money that has real value in it is gold and silver.


So is taking on loans with interest forbidden as well? Or is it only if you are inflicting it onto someone else that it is then forbidden?


Allah himself has no problem with Riba, *provided he is the one receiving the loan*: Quran 2:245: Who will lend to Allah a good loan which Allah will multiply many times over? It is Allah ˹alone˺ who decreases and increases ˹wealth˺. And to Him you will ˹all˺ be returned.


Was it just limited to $ against more $ or it was leading to salve in case of delayed payment? who used to decide $ 1000 borrowed and return $ 1100 after two months etc. as in example? please answer honestly.


I have faced too much hardship but never take it from any banks or anywhere.
at this point I've no money and no One is helping me.
what should i do.
i have a little shoe store..
i have to do business.
i have a family to take care
and i don't have any money to do business also im in debt like 1000$.

at this point my cousin's are suggesting me for taking loan from bank.
i know its Haram but i dont have any other ways.

please pray for me to guide me in correct path.
show me a way which is Halal
