Choosing a home for my art business | Shopify vs Squarespace + ⭐Upgrading⭐ my website

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0:00 Intro
1:35 Why I'm not choosing Etsy
3:22 Shopify vs Squarespace overview
4:08 Pricing and Plans
7:45 Templates and Web design
8:47 Blogging
9:50 Advanced functionality
11:57 In person sales
14:02 Final thoughts and verdict
15:36 User experience research and upgrading my own website :)

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There's nothing I hate more than having to do anything to my website, but switching to Shopify has made things so much easier oml. I've really been enjoying this upgrading series, it's fun!


When I got Shopify, I didn't want to use their POS at first, but now I don't wanna use anything else. It keeps track of my sales everywhere and it calculates accurate taxes for me so I don't have to think about it no matter the city I'm in. I've also designed my Shopify based on how I like to shop. The only complaints I get really is from people who can't even be bothered to read a website. I'm looking forward to your finished upgraded website!


Love how detailed you went with your analysis of both Squarespace and Shopify and I value your opinions on your findings of both!
Knowing how vast the options are for page design on Squarespace have me strongly considering them and I wasn't considering them before.
Thank you for your time and work that went into this, loving this series you're doing and love seeing the motivated energy about you. <3


Your thumbnail for this is literally everything 😂


I feel u with the Etsy thing, it's crazy. I still need to use it because I do not make anywhere near enough money monthly to afford a website which sucks, but I am working on a website so it's ready for the future lmao. Writing this after your Etsy talk, I chose Shopify.. Lets see if that opinion changes at the end of this video aha!!


We have nothing in common like I’m not good and do not understand art and but I found you first when you posted about selling at conventions and has been following you since. I enjoy your videos and listening to you talk. All the best with the new website and shop😊Btw this thumbnail is so funny😂


I've never seen anyone do interviews with their customers for their site UX feedback but that's so smart!! the waterproof sticker and shop all situations are the ones I most relate to; sometimes I just want to get to one product type quickly, or I want to browse absolutely everything at once and avoid dealing with too-specific categories lol. great vid, feel like I learned a lot!!


Thank you for this, been looking for couple of days who could break it down… you did it perfectly! Really going to the nitty gritty vs everyone else I’ve watched who just reads the website . Thank you! New sub


You are so engaging and fun to watch! This was so informative and I hope Shopify watches it and sponsors you! I believe your research will help a lot of people make more informed decisions and help Shopify gain future businesses 👍🏼. I wanted to tell you that I was so happy that ‘fricken’ was the “F” word of choice in this video and I truly appreciate it. I wish you much success in your business re-boot, re-brand and re-vamp.


Great video with a ton of useful info! I went through the exact same process months ago so it's really cool to see someone else dig up information and balance pros and cons of such a big decision. In the end I personally decided to stick with Etsy because of the exact reason you mentioned in your video, as in I'm only starting out, so it kinda makes no sense to pay monthly for a website as long as your profits don't cover those costs. That being said, I cannot wait to make the switch one of these days and will be looking back on this video when I do. Anyway, love this series and I'm excited to see your brand new website! Thanks for the video and keep up the great work! :)


Thank you for sharing! Re etsy and 10K - kind of crazy! And I watched many videos on etsy vs other website platforms, noone mentioned that (it is essential).
Loved the 2nd part with interviews and UX/UI insights.


This upgrade series is so interesting ! Great to have your thoughts and see your thinking process on the topic.


I'm sure your new store website and the office are going to look amazing!
Wishing you the best of luck and I hope to see more videos like this, good vibes :> ♥


I use squarespace and it’s very simple to use but some of the features like shipping I’ve had trouble with because I have the business one not the commerce plan. I want to move to Shopify but it’s such a huge transition it feels like 😭💕


What I actually did for mine is through Square. I’m using the free version and linking it to my website which is actually through squarespace. Square’s fees are the same online and off. It was a little tricky but I was able to set up a commission (con sketch) page with a thing for the buyer to tell me what they want. There isa monthly sub version of square’s ecom but I’m blanking on how much that is. Square can also generate buttons you can paste onto your homepage.


Thank you so much for going into depth in this vid! I've been debating which platform to use to start my website and this made the right choice for me clear 💖


Love love your process. It's not chaotic at all. It makes a lot of sense :)


Just found you yesterday and I been watching you while I’m crochet
Ink since yesterday 🥰 love you content


I loved this video so much!! It was helpful for someone who's thinking of starting their own sticker business, so thank you :') Could you do a video on the logistics / legal stuff around how to set up your business? I'm thinking of starting a sole proprietorship but I see other ppl also do LLC. Also how do you set aside money for taxes, open up a business credit card for your expenses, how to do write-offs, or pay taxes throughout the year / at the end of the year? To me that's the most intimidating part about starting a small business, so any guidance would be soo appreciated <3


can you make a playlist with all the viseos so I can binge in order? XD (also love your stuff uwu <3 am enjoying watching them while doing boring work chores your drawings are so cute and serotonine producing <3
