Encryption Basics and Classical Ciphers

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Information Security - Week 2a
In this video: Encryption basics, plaintext, ciphertext, classical ciphers (Caesar, Vigenère, and Enigma), brute-force attacks, bits of security
Undergraduate course on networking security and cryptography taught by Aleksander Essex, Ph.D., P.Eng., Associate professor of Software Engineering, Associate Chair (Graduate), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Western University, Canada
Course topics include:
Confidentiality, authenticity, integrity, ciphers, plaintext, ciphertext, encryption, decryption, keys, key generation function, uniform random, semantic security, bits of security, brute force, Kerckhoff's principle, semantic security, ciphertext indistinguishability, IND-CPA, INC-CCA, block ciphers, message padding, PKCS 7, modes of operation, initialization vector, pseudo-random permutation, counter mode, cipher block chaining, electronic codebook mode, counter mode, CBC, ECB, CTR, Advanced Encryption Standard, AES, hash functions, random oracles, pre-image resistance, collision resistance, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA3, SHA-513, MD5, message authentication codes, MACs, Galois counter mode, GCM, AEC-GCM, public-key cryptography, Diffie-Hellman, public-key agreement, Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman, DHE, ECDHE, digital signatures, ECDSA, RSA signatures, PKCS v1.5, digital certificates, X.509, public-key infrastructure, PKI, certificate pinning, certificate revocation, CRL, trust store, Transport Layer Security, TLS, TLS 1.2, TLS 1.3, HTTP over TLS, HTTPS Secure Shell, SSH, ciphersuite, client hello, server hello, VPNs, TOR, 802.11, wifi encryption, client authentication, passwords, password hashing, password lengths, single sign-on, federated identity
Music: Arp Bounce - Geographer
Slide template: Slidesgo including Flaticons with infographics & images by Freepik
In this video: Encryption basics, plaintext, ciphertext, classical ciphers (Caesar, Vigenère, and Enigma), brute-force attacks, bits of security
Undergraduate course on networking security and cryptography taught by Aleksander Essex, Ph.D., P.Eng., Associate professor of Software Engineering, Associate Chair (Graduate), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Western University, Canada
Course topics include:
Confidentiality, authenticity, integrity, ciphers, plaintext, ciphertext, encryption, decryption, keys, key generation function, uniform random, semantic security, bits of security, brute force, Kerckhoff's principle, semantic security, ciphertext indistinguishability, IND-CPA, INC-CCA, block ciphers, message padding, PKCS 7, modes of operation, initialization vector, pseudo-random permutation, counter mode, cipher block chaining, electronic codebook mode, counter mode, CBC, ECB, CTR, Advanced Encryption Standard, AES, hash functions, random oracles, pre-image resistance, collision resistance, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA3, SHA-513, MD5, message authentication codes, MACs, Galois counter mode, GCM, AEC-GCM, public-key cryptography, Diffie-Hellman, public-key agreement, Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman, DHE, ECDHE, digital signatures, ECDSA, RSA signatures, PKCS v1.5, digital certificates, X.509, public-key infrastructure, PKI, certificate pinning, certificate revocation, CRL, trust store, Transport Layer Security, TLS, TLS 1.2, TLS 1.3, HTTP over TLS, HTTPS Secure Shell, SSH, ciphersuite, client hello, server hello, VPNs, TOR, 802.11, wifi encryption, client authentication, passwords, password hashing, password lengths, single sign-on, federated identity
Music: Arp Bounce - Geographer
Slide template: Slidesgo including Flaticons with infographics & images by Freepik