Biofilm and Phage Therapy

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Dirty hair presented by an attempt at using lime and vinegar instead of real shampoo :/

My previous video of Biofilm

Phage Therapy sucess story book: The Perfect Predator
There are some videos on youtube about this as well.

Another sucess story:
"Phage therapy: 'Viral cocktail saved my daughter's life'"

Biofilm and Phages (first is best)

UTI medication that I had a bad reaction to: metronidazole (note: I also had a bad reaction to Tindamax which is in this same family of antibiotics)

Supposedly this is a rare side effect that only happens with high doses over extending periods of time but this happened overnight after 1 500mg pill.

but it's not just me.

Link between this antibiotic and biofilm increase
"Subinhibitory concentrations of metronidazole increase biofilm formation in Clostridium difficile strains."

D-mannose is the supplement I tried first for the UTI. I'm not a doctor so I'm just sharing what usually works for me.

Biofilm buster supplement that I believe has been decreasing my reactivity to chemicals
(I only take half a pill since I'm sensitive to meds)
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Holy crap this is me. I am a slime machine since 2012. I have Lyme A Ichanella Epst Barr and Influenza A co inf. Per my Lyme doc, currently only on herbals for 3 weeks starting Valtrex today. We are to start Doxy + Amoxicillin in 3 weeks. Have had Lyme unknowingly since 1990. This info you are discussing is all new to me- I will be researching it. I am so grateful that you take the time to post this stuff. You're a smart person, and its nice to see that you are doing this. The slime has given my poor sphinx cat a chronic left eye infection. I know its me because when i get back in town. she gets it back.


MicroGen Diagnostic laboratory (MicroGenDx) specifically tests for biofilm or what's in the biofilm. They can refer a doctor, who uses their labs, but who knows if the doctor can actually help.
