European Railway Project of the Century: Rail Baltica

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- Today, we talk about the European Project of the Century - the so-called Rail Baltica.

The main idea behind Rail Baltica is to develop high-quality connections for passenger and freight railway transport between the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) and Poland, in the south. But also, it should integrate the Baltic and the Nordic countries, particularly Finland, in the north.

This project represents a symbolic return of the Baltic States to Europe bearing in mind that prior to World War II the Baltic States were connected to Europe with a standard 1435 mm gauge railway. Bearing in mind the present situation with the war in Ukraine and the complete demarcation with Russia, this project gained another perspective and an additional boost of importance.

The idea of Rail Baltica first appeared in 1994 in the joint political document “Vision and Strategies around the Baltic Sea 2010”, as an important element for spatial development in the Baltic Sea Region, which aimed to connect Tallinn with Warsaw by a quality railway line.

The EU recognized this as a priority, and after the revision of the TEN-T guidelines, an act was passed, i.e. a Decision amending the community guidelines for the development of the TEN-T. Within this Decision, the Rail Baltica axis Warsaw - Kaunas - Riga - Tallinn was identified as priority project No. 27 at the EU level.

When it is built, Rail Baltica is planned to become a part of the EU TEN-T North Sea – Baltic Core Network Corridor and North Sea-Baltic rail freight corridor, which links Europe’s largest ports of Rotterdam, Hamburg and Antwerp – through the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Poland – with the three Baltic States, further connecting to Finland, via the Gulf of Finland short sea shipping connections, with a future fixed link possibility between Tallinn and Helsinki.

Do you think we managed to present the main aspects of this amazing railway project? Tell us in the comments below!
Special thanks to our Patrons: David Brandon, Brendan McKeon, Linda Vainomae-Hoffmann, Andrew Saffrey, Myron York, Gerald Brady, Tim McKeoun, August Bigelow, Bill, Sergii Getman, Andebian, Raka Sidik, Jonas Christen, Duikboot, Nathan Walls, Marcelli, Phillipe Branco, Ben Meakings, Paul Larsen and Dale Winke !
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Рекомендации по теме

One of the most annoying thing living in Baltics is that to get to the neighbouring country aprrox. 300km, you have to either fly or take a bus for 4 - 6 hours. So, weekend trips are less likely to happen. When this is done, I feel there will be a strengthen bond between the Baltic people due to visiting each others countries a bit more.


Its so hard currently to travel between the Baltics via rail, So this will be a big boom for the region


Fun fact - IF the railway tunnel between Tallinn and Helsinki will be completed, the tunnel would be longest undersea railway tunnel in the world. The lenght between two cities is 80 kilometers but the tunnel would be at least 90 to 100 kilometers long.


many people here in latvia didn't believe this could ever be accomplished, but a month ago they started building the new main station


I'm from Latvia, and this Railway will certainly change the way i travel. Just now i got from a 4, 5 hour drive from Tallinn to Rīga, but with Rail Baltica it will be much more easier. Also the airport will finally have a solid connection to the centre. And of course the old, ugly soviet station will finally be rebuilt and that whole neighborhood will look a lot better. Can't wait.


The last months have shown that eastern/central Europe must stick together. Close cultures, common interests and challenges, simple neighbourly partnership will be good for everyone. Greetings from Poland to its neighbors.


I really like that interactive map showing where it’s going to go


With the dependence of Russia's military logistics on rail transport, it seems like converting the network, particularly in the eastern regions of the Baltic countries, so standard gauge could have great defensive importance. It would also tremendously improve economic integration with the rest of the EU by providing through-freight access. The Baltic countries were still quite economically reliant on trade with Russia until earlier this year, and the broad gauge rail network certainly contributes to that dependence.


I, as a German, always am a bit hesitant to show pride about my home country, but I am freaking proud to be European and partof the EU!


This megaproject needs more attention. It's very important to all these nations.


It would be nice to see if Eurostar could ever extend from Amsterdam to Helsinki using Rail Baltica


I'm from Riga. It would be very nice to travel on such line. Looking forward.


This project will be a boom to the connected countries! Thank you Railways Explained for this great elaboration of the Rail Baltica Project. I really like the way you summarize all the important aspects of projects and rail systems around the world and never be boring at the same time. I love the content!


Very interesting video, thank you. I wish the Baltic tigers all the best with the project. They developed a lot during the last years.


Rail Baltica is one of the most interesting railways projects in Europe, in my opinion, and you've made a great video explaining it!
Could it be that the link to your Patreon in the video description is redirecting to your merch-store instead?


This project is of very high importance. Thanks to this new line, you not only move goods and people but also military equipment to defend Baltic states. Also, for Poland, it is a very crucial project because makes close cooperation with Baltic States even more real and easier.


Already to reach Lithuania by Poland is a huge mess due to Kaliningrad and Suwalki corridor. The absence of highways connecting well the 3 countries is also a mess to be considered


Great video showing the rail baltica project it will connect the baltics (and also finland if the tunnel gets approved aswell) to the main European railway network making it easier to travel between the countries. Cannot wait to see the project when it's finished


Its a great railway and it looks like it's going to be a significant strategic importance for all of what about the Polish part? Not a single word mentioned on it, except that it will end in Warsaw...


Armenian 🇦🇲 here. So happy that my beloved countries are getting United through railway network. Hope Armenia will join the EU one day
