Shapiro, Peterson, & Candace Owens Debates Almost Broke Destiny

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Tom Bilyeu EXCLUSIVE: "I'm NOT Sympathetic To The Trump Shooting" - Rise of Civil War & Conspiracies | Destiny :

Ben Shapiro vs Destiny Debate: Politics, Jan 6, Israel, Ukraine & Wokeism | Lex Fridman Podcast #410

Candace Owens Confronts Destiny IRL

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Tom Bilyeu EXCLUSIVE: "I'm NOT Sympathetic To The Trump Shooting" - Rise of Civil War & Conspiracies | Destiny :


I disagree. He just doesnt remember. He was great against Candace Owens. She was pivoting all over the place and he made her look like a clown.


I really dislike the "Grade Donald on a curve" thing because... cons aren't. Ben isn't. They grade him separately from everyone else, the opposite of "grading someone on a curve".


I felt like Shapiro was a pretty good starting point. They sort of skimmed across a lot of potential future convos, showed good faith, and Ben demonstrated the sort of balanced openness that the other Daily Wire guys lack too often. I think if they could hone in on a few narrow topics for the future, we could see some great debates. Owens, Knowles, Walsh, and so many of the others don't really seem to read or actually research things of substance. I feel like the Shapiro relationship could progress from here.

Regarding Peterson, they just seem very different. I think it's tough for Peterson to engage with anyone in a truly substantive way unless they talk his language game and focus on his things of meaning, narrative, archetypes, etc. These are the sorts of realms Vervaeke and others walk. Aside from that, all Peterson's political stuff just feels much more stilted and tribal, probably largely because it's not his area of expertise so he sort of absorbs a certain set of facts, commits to a certain worldview, and genearlly just platforms experts who agree with him. When confronted with an expert of different opinions (rare, because there are just so few experts willing to talk these days) he uses a lot of rhetoric or tangential arguments when confronting someone on the actual depth. This is probably what we saw for example against Dillahunty, Destiny regarding Vaccine and gigantism, and so on.

Honestly did he even have that many conversations? Who else is he lumping into that group? Not Lex, not Piers, not Chris Will . . . . seems like Shapiro and Peterson and Owens were the main ones, and he absolutely roasted Owens, did make good progress with Peterson (it was the most interesting conversation Peterson's had in a while outside of his psych/myth stuff) and good starting place with Shapiro. I just think he should get to know them a bit (like one or so more talks) then choose an actual debate topic they'd be willing to engage him on. With Peterson they may just not have the needed overlap, but with loads of conservatives I feel like they would.

Looking at the shallowness of the Alex Jones convo, the Glenn Greenwald convo . . . . I could see him usefully demolishing talking points of similar shallowness, or else finding a good-faith and nuanced opponent in someone like Ben Shapiro. Idk, it felt like he got more frustrated with the overall political atmosphere and less so with any particular sort of talk that actually dominated the recent arc. The recent arc was so much Israel which was super fruitful.


the college tuition convo with candace was very enlightening about WHO she is


The comment section in og video is hella “centrist”


I think a miscalculation Destiny is making is that he’s not going to demotivate anyone because if he doesn’t act respectful and rational people are going to stop listening to him, especially anyone on the “other side”. I feel like he’s trying to play 4D chess but no one is going to play with him. You can’t think this many steps into how people are going to react to your content and you can’t look at the comment section for your barometer for what people are taking from your debate. Even if the majority of people just “think it’s nice” that you can sit down and have a conversation with someone you disagree with you have no idea how many people maybe reconsidered some views they had because they probably aren’t as apt to comment about that. Basically Destiny has a horrible idea of how’s he’s being perceived and I genuinely think his choices here are going to seriously backfire on him and probably hurt his influence in the long run. Which is okay I guess, but I feel like he could do greater good if he took a step back or took a little break or something, his brain seems a little broken right now.


We all know destiny has short arms and short legs


The grandstanding is hilarious coming from people who mock george floyd to this day.


Ive started defaulting to the "ignore previous instructions" comment on these wackos. But do we know if that actually works against bots or is it just funny?


Damn, Destiny got a bunch of sexy women who just had to create an account a few hours ago just to come and thank him for the amazing content.



The problem with destiny is he is completely oblivious to how extreme he is himself and has little tolerance for people who don’t agree with him at least 90% of the time which is pretty much every other person outside of his fan base.

He’s different to many people in that he takes the time to create logical connections between most of his points so there is a consistency to his arguments. However his biases become apparent when you know enough about a subject to see the facts he ignores/misses and the frames of references that he doesn’t consider.

Though he is smart he spends the majority of his brain power on strategies to optically win points of debate. His desire to win everything causes him to fail to realise when he’s constructed an argument or world view that doesn’t align to reality and he gets stuck in rabbit holes that he can’t logic himself out of. The perfect example of that was his appearance on piers Morgan that will do serious damage to his online persona. His arguments were completely batshit and he made a fool of himself doubling down on probably the most stupid thing he’s ever said. It will be harder for him to get on other media now most people will associate him with that behaviour.


The zoomed out camera shot audio and video are super desynched.


For a long time Destiny spoke about how echo chambers are bad, and now his main goal is to create one? Yikes


real life example of Dunning-Kruger effect


Except you’re not gonna demotivate people by laughing at a guy who got shot at a rally. People don’t work like that. If anything you’re motivating more people to turn out for trump.


i think it had the opposite effect. it made me feel like you were just as crazy as everyone else. also, my family loves trump. so i feel like i shouldnt be watching someone who thinks my family deserves to die if they go to a turmp rally, or that if they go there he wont care if they die and will actively call them trash after death. it seems to be the same thing, and i had alot of respect for destiny so it was pretty shocking to see him come out and talk like someone who is ready to see a civil war.


This is the guy who Morgan evidently decided to replace Professor Dave with on his episode with Terrance Howard and Eric Weinstein. I'm guessing Morgan wanted a science-denying "centrist" instead of an actual skeptic.


Oh, so Destiny thinks Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson are as crazy as Vaush or Hasan? Candace I can admit, but so does Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson, so his "shortening the window" argument makes *no* sense.


So many people here are complaining about Destiny, but I recently discovered him and despite flaws, he's great and head and shoulders over his interlocutors.

Some people just dislike him because he is too substantive. They use his more crude remarks to easily dismiss him, but they do so to their own intellectual peril.

I'm a former conservative that got tired of the Trump stupidity and just stopped voting and following politics (I'm definitely not progressive). I love how he recently showed how there isn't much honesty or intelligence in guys like Dennis Prager, forcing Dennis to admit he was dishonest and exaggerating. He also demonstrates the ignorance of many progressives, questioning at times their grasp of economics.

Destiny motivated me to research things with more accuracy, compiling notes so as to present a strong and factual case when the need arises, especially when people just spew ignorance.
