10 Amazon Products You NEED Under $15!

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I thought it was about to time to compile a BRAND NEW list of my top 10 personal favorites from amazon. All the products in the video are under $15 and are serious MUST HAVES!

Here is a link to all Amazon USA products mentioned in this video:

Over $15 Bonus Item:

**These are affiliate links. If you buy something through these links I may get a small share of the sale.

I have been seeing so many of these amazon products videos around youtube so i thought it would be great if I did a best amazon products video under $15. You may have seen must have amazon videos from creators like AlishaMarie and amazon products 2022, so i thought making an 10 amazon products you need video would be a great idea.

Similar to an amazon haul this amazon products you need video has all the best amazon products that I own that i think you need. Some are under $5, some under $10, some under $20 and at least most are under $25. In this video im testing amazon products and things you need from amazon, essentially all my favorites and it isnt even a tiktok amazon video!

Let me know what you think in the comments!

#Amazon #AmazonProducts #BestAmazonProducts #TheDealGuy
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If you enjoyed this video, please give it a THUMBS UP as it really helps me get the videos out to more people! 😀 You all commented asking for more Amazon Product videos so I couldn’t help myself! I hope you like it! :)
👇🏼 Comment below 👇🏼


Your wife did an excellent job demonstrating various products. Hats off to her!


The oxo brush - put dawn and white vinegar in it and just clean the shower anytime you are in there or see any build up. It keeps you from having to do a big shower scrubbing.


I love the jar opener. Opens everything from soda bottles to large peanut butter jars. As I get older and arthritis gets opening jars more difficult it is indespencible


Thank you Matt! Tell Miah you are helping other families find good and useful products that will save them money. She might not understand but she'll know you are doing good for other peoples. I love all your videos because you throw yourself into them and save me money. Plus you have a helpful viewer base!


Thanks Matt, really enjoyed the Amazon products under $15. My wife walked in while I was watching and told me to order the air fryer magnetic cheat sheets because she had been trying to find something like it. We have had your bonus wall adapter for a couple of months and love it.


You really know how to make us buy things that we don’t need! your energy is incredible !


Some of these products I know I will never use, but your energy in describing them & actually using them is making me second guess if I need them. Great job, Matt!!


Would like to see a deal from Daiso!

For the bacon grease / oil, use paper towels to absorb the grease after cooking and dispose that simply without paying much. OR collect the used oil in a small glass jar to use for another time.


So glad to see Deal Mom helping Deal Dad!
Somewhere don't you have the bacon grease pig so you can save the grease for another use like cooking eggs or mushrooms? It has a strainer, too. You gave me my morning smile. Don't tell my hubby....he thinks he did it. Love from the Bay Area again.


Another great and helpful video! Love seeing your wife in the spotlight, she is the perfect demonstrator ❤️


I can vouge for the grout pen, when we bought out house there was beautiful tan neutral tone tile bordered around the outside of our shower & they paired it with horrid brown grout, i used the grout pen to paint the grout white and it's been almost 3 years and it's still just as white as the day i applied it!


Your daughter must just be thinking you’re lonely! 🤣🤣🤣 Thx for the Sat morn giggle. Been MIA moving 4 rooms of furniture after a remodel. Can hardly wait to order some of these fun things!


Thank you for the Saturday morning humor, you really made me laugh with the baby thinking daddy is lonely 🤣🤣🤣 I look forward to watching your videos and remember I love you too. It’s great that your wife made the video with you. Tell Miah that you’re just a little wacky and we love the amount of wacky you show us. Blessings!!💞😘💞


OMG! As a senior with bad arthritis in my hands, and a healing broken right arm, the #4 jar opener is a LIFE SAVER! Ordering today 😁

The only thing #5 is missing is one or two Allen Wrenches!


Thank you Matt for making sure I spend $100 next paycheck! But seriously, I went ahead and bought the jar opener set right away for my mom who just broke her dominant wrist. Not to mention I share your channel with all my friends and neighbors, and we only head out to Costco after each video. Wife is super adorable, her picks are awesome.


I’m always so excited when a new video comes out! Thanks for helping me find small but helpful gifts for loved ones…and a thing or two for myself!😬


There were so many things you showed that I am going to order. Thanks for doing all the leg work and making my life easier. Have a great day Matt. Take care & stay safe.


I’m very glad to see you’re using avocado oil, which is so much better for your health than nasty vegetable oils, like canola or sunflower.


Oooo, that plug is mine!! Thank you both for showing us all of these products! I watch for these videos and just adore them! Best to you and yours!
