Scientists discovered Super-Earth planet|TOI-561b

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A hot and rocky exoplanet known as a super-Earth has been discovered orbiting one of the oldest stars in our Milky Way galaxy, according to a new study.

The exoplanet, called that because it's located outside our solar system, is about 50% larger than Earth and has three times the mass -- which makes it a super-Earth by astronomy standards.
Even so, the planet, known as TOI-561b, only takes less than half an Earth day to complete one orbit around its host star.
"For every day you're on Earth, this planet orbits its star twice," said Stephen Kane, study coauthor and astrophysicist at the University of California, Riverside, in a statement.
The study has been accepted for publication in the The Astronomical Journal and was presented Monday at the 237th meeting of the American Astronomical Society, which is occurring virtually due to the pandemic.
Рекомендации по теме

What kind of star is Toi 561 ?
Is it a Main sequence star ?
It's age suggests it is not .
Not being a Main Sequence star. Means that it is probably bombarded with strong radiation, Also being close to the galactic center also suggest high radiation .
Any form of life on Toi 561b, would be a crawling life form, due to high gravity .
It would also be low population, due to tidal locking, perhaps a sea life in the belt region .


The fact it has not an atmosphere is the heated debate. Wow..we used to talk of this. Yet who chose to find a new planet? Rocky planet ?? Hot?? It's not on 3000 plus degree


That's even bigger than the exoplanet
HD 100 546 b


What if we are living inside a black hole and looking out makes everything seem so far away when in reality space travel and distances are possible to achieve. Would make sense why we haven’t received any alien signals or communications


What a joke... Planet with 2000K temperature is super earth...
