Pitch Black (2000) Review

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One thing I loved about this film was the incredible use of lighting to portray a planet with three suns. A lesser director would have gone down the Tatooine route and just copied and pasted the sun elsewhere in the sky but this movie has at least one star of a different class/colour, so the way the light changes from what we perceive as normal to a more blue tone was a really nice touch. Pitch Black is also a prime example of a movie tying all its lose ends neatly as an excellent stand alone film. Not every successful movie needs a sequel and this stands testament to that.


“Richard B. Riddick, escaped convict, murderer” (shakes hand)


I wish Vin had done a dozen Riddick movies instead of the Fast and Furious series. I love the character.


The best thing about the Chronicles of Riddick is the tie in video game that's unfortunately no longer available digitally but can still be easily found when you set sail on the high seas.


Riddick is straight up Conan in space. Each story, including the video games, has strong influence from the literary Conan adventures. If you think of the series in that context, it makes sense that Riddick goes from escaped convict to warlord back to convict on the run, as Conan’s stories often placed him in wildly different scenarios and scales of conflict throughout his life, from a simple break in gone wrong up to and including him leading armies against resurgent threats to the world and even becoming a king after spending years as a wandering rogue and reaver.


It is a perfect scifi horror movie. Love the way they lit or overexposed the camera to give it an even more alien vibe. Cleaver film making.


love these old reviews!
Pitch Black is GOLD, and will always be.


THAT ENDING made the movie for me. When Riddick says he died on the planet, I took it to mean that he was forever changed by the experience. Fantastic performance by Diesel who was even better at steeling a movie than starring in one.


I love this franchise and wish we could have gotten more sequels


Solid thriller. Set up a fun badass character.


I actually really liked the 2nd film. Although Pitch Black work excellently as a stand alone. The 3rd was a nice extra but would have liked to see a proper continuation of the 2nd movie storyline.


Riddick's universe blossomed into this strange, clunky, charming and original thing. I would still love another entry, be it a 4th movie or a 3rd video game


Seeing this film at the cinema was a really memorable experience. The contrast between the light and dark sections were striking and immersive.

There was a genuine feeling of dread and claustrophobia in the darkness of the eclipse and a sense of relief when the survivors escape and the theatre lit up when they leave the planet.


I remember this film because Claudia Black was in it (Farscape & SG-1) It's a shame she wasn't used more in the film..she would have been great as the main female pilot.


Chronicles of Riddick is a guilty pleasure of mine.


Theres actually a movie you missed, Dark Fury, it was an animated sequel that slots inbetween Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick, and while it doesn't provide much to the overall story, it introduces some new characters and concepts that appear later in the series.


I rented Chronicles of Riddick having been told relentlessly that it was utter garbage and I loved it! Granted, it was the extended cut so perhaps that just played better, but I’ve always been a fan of sequels that try something drastically new and I thought that the Crusades in Space was a golden idea. Compared to CoR, Pitch Black seemed so quaint.

I admire David Twohy’s work and I fully appreciate the Riddick trilogy even if there’s some big ham moments, especially some of the events in the third film.


There was also the game "Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from the Butcher Bay" which used digital version of Vin Diesel. In this game they show how he's got his vision as well as the it is a direct prequel to the "Pitch Black" (it literally ends by Riddick getting picked up by this ship. The game was fantastic in 2004 (story was great, graphics were great, gameplay was great) and I think it still holds (well... not graphically but still nice). In my books this game and "Pitch Black" are the only two things that I liked with Vin Diesel and both movie and game are very high on my personal lists of good movies and games.
Sadly game is in license hell now and if you were not lucky enough to pick it up long time ago you are out of luck (unless you want to sail the seas).


I loved Chronicles of Riddick. I always found it to be a great exploration of Riddick's character which had a perfect cliffhanger-ish ending. More disappointing to me was when the third one unceremoniously tore that all down in the opening moments to try to remake the first movie. Riddick's arc is the thing that interests me the most about his character (and probably most anti-heroes). But it seems clear that most series fans would rather see him continue on unchanged.


Cullen, I recommend checking out and reviewing the movie "Cube" that came out in 1997.

It's remarkably simple for a movie, tense thriller, mystery, and escape type of movie.
Can't say so much about the other movies or sequels that came out, but the first was the best.
