Which Country do Japanese Hate?

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I'm Japanese. the difficult point is the countries you don't wanna visit is not always the ones you hate, even if the places are kinda dangerous, some guys would still be interested in the countries. And from my perspective, most of them are just "not motivated" to visit there for now, because of not being safe, not being hygienic, international situations and so on, rather than hate the places. So, different nuances from hating I guess. If you use the term of "hate" in this video, it seems a too strong expression, can't say the appropriate one.


Unexpectedly, I thought the country the Japanese hated the most was China, but it's not


As a Thai person who is currently studying in Paris I also had the same romanticized version before i actually lived here. I’ve had some bizarre encounter in the paris metro that made me appreciate my country more. In conclusion each country have their own strong and weak point, I hope fear and public assumption especially about hygiene won’t make people hesitate to travel to different country in Asia!


0:00 Introduction
0:11 Main Topic 🧾
0:45 Member 1 👧
Love: United Kingdom 🇬🇧
Hate: Iraq 🇮🇶
1:17 Member 2 🧔
Love: Hawaii, Bali 🇺🇸🇮🇩
Hate: South Pole, Russia
1:57 Member 3 👦
Love: Netherlands 🇳🇱
Hate: Sweden 🇸🇪
2:38 Member 4 (Twin) 👩👩
Love: South Korea,
Sweden 🇰🇷🇸🇪
Hate: Ukraine, Russia,
South Asia 🇺🇦🇷🇺🇮🇳🇵🇰🇳🇵
3:44 Member 5 👨👓
Love: Sweden, Belgium,
Norway 🇸🇪🇧🇪🇸🇯
Hate: Syria 🇸🇾
4:28 Member 6 (Twin) 💑
Love: Japan, Singapore
Hate: Russia, Malaysia
5:42 Member 7 👱‍♂️
Love: Spain 🇪🇸
Hate: North Korea, Syria
6:15 Member 8 👦
Love: France,
United Kingdom 🇫🇷🇬🇧
Hate: South East Asia 🇹🇭
6:52 Member 9 (Marriage) 👱‍♂️👩
Love: China, France 🇨🇳🇫🇷
Hate: Venezuela,
North Korea 🇻🇪🇰🇵
8:34 Outro

Edit: My reply to you guys for this amount of likes: " yO! I aM mAKinG a buSInEss wiTh ThIs! "
2nd Edit: LET'S GO!!! WE HIT OVER 100 LIKES!!! 🔥🔥🔥
3rd Edit: LET'S GO!!!! WE HIT 1K LIKES!!!! Btw, I already have comments more than 100 likes. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🗿🗿🗿


Basically, as japanese, I don't like speaking apearently about things I dislike, especially things are sencitve.
I think japanese have some hasitating to open their thinking that deny something or someone.
We are feared about getting negative labeling from people, even if it is saying about only just ourselves feelings, and even it come from on understanding others and other opinion. Especially at public place, it become strong power.

In the video, their answer is not about the country they hate but country they need to avoid visitiing for themselves.


As a Japanese, I really love Southeast Asia. I have been to Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam. They were really wonderful countries! Please stop spreading false perceptions by interviewing only a few people of a certain age group.


Awwww it’s nice to see that a US state got some love in this video! I love you too Japan! Your country is gorgeous, and people are very kind ❤❤❤


As a Filipino living in Europe and travel to a lot of places in America, Europe, Asia… i can only say.. „there’s no place like home“ Southeast Asian countries maybe different from rich developed countries but the people are way different from them, we are warm-hearted people! ❤


Love this video! I'm visiting Japan in February 2025, cannot wait!! :)


I like how the second guy didn't think of the dislike of countries in a bad way and just thought about temperature 😂


I love how Japanese people did not respond well to the word “hate”. If only all people around the world were like that.


I noticed they avoided to name the countries they dislike and preferred to say generic things like "unsafe countries", while they quickly named the likeable countries


해외 출국이 잦은 생활을 하다보니 각 나라마다 장단점은 있지만 어디에나 좋은사람들이 대부분 더 많았던 것 같아요. 우리가 살고있는 시대는 글로벌 시대이고, 원하는 곳에서 살 수도 있고, 국적도 변경할 수 있는 시대인데 굳이 특정 나라를 좋아하고 싫어하고 할 이유가 딱히 없는 것 같네요. 한국인으로서 일본이라는 나라는 역사적으로 서로가 많이 얽혀있지만 3번의 일본여행을 통해 겪어본 일본인들은 예의바르고 정중했고 국민의 기본 소양이 굉장히 높은 나라였고, 2년간의 유학생활과 5번의 여행을 통해 느꼈던 중국이라는 나라는 외국인들에게 먼저 다가와주는 능동적인 사람들이 많았고 조금은 거친 사람들도 있었지만 대부분 친절하고 정이 있었어요~ 물론 미디어에 보여지는 안좋은 모습도 몇번 겪긴 했지만 중국은 인구수도 워낙에 많고, 국토도 넓다보니 도시마다 편차가 너무 크다고 생각했거든요 . 전 그냥 한국인으로서 한중일 세나라가 정말 잘 지냈으면 좋겠어요. 정치 외교와 별개로 우리 일반 국민들까지 서로 미워하고 상처줄 필요는 없잖아요.


As a Chinese, I like this video and how these people in Japan responded to the question. They are very polite and kind, and avoid talking about “hate”, but instead, talk about some facts, such as safety or weather. Personally, I like Japan a lot, and I hope these two countries (China and Japan) can get along well with each other and be good neighbors!


The word hate is too strong to answer for young Japanese who are more conservative. Thanks for the host by rephrasing the question to more subtle one. Btw, Southeast Asian countries is a must to visit. I always love to travel to Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines having accustomed to City life in Singapore. Those countries have unique cultures, nice and warm people and less expensive places to enjoy. Besides so many great beaches, mountains, falls, rivers and cultural heritage sites.


As someone from Mars, i invite Japanese people to visit my planet and enjoy the rich heritage culture and food of mars


as an iraqi, i live every day peacefully, never ever hearing of a single crime, very very rarely but mostly of these rare times are just incidents not even real crimes, we dont even involve in wars that much


As a guy who has been to thailand, vietnam and indonesia I just wanna let you know, that you can have a good time anywhere because in general people are kind all around the world.

The things that make us different should not be the things that drive us apart 🫶


As a Malaysia myself, I’m so sorry to hear that about your bad & negative experience in Malaysia. We hope you get a better experience the next time. I appreciate your honesty and your reviews. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Hope our new government will look into this matter seriously


I’m a Chinese. I would say, in general, Chinese younger generations don’t hate Japan. Conversely, the younger generations like Japan because of the similarities between cultures and particularly the strong culture outputs of animations and games by Japan in recent years.

However, if you asked older generations then the answer would more likely to be Japan, because of the historical issues that we all know. Also, in my opinion, we don’t experience that period so I don’t think anyone can judge on the older generations opinions. As they experienced tragedies we don’t have, we can’t imagine how hard/painful it could be.

As for myself, I came to Australia after completing high school in China. Now I’ve graduated from university and working in Australia temporarily. I also study Japanese as my second language. What I learned most in this multicultural country is don’t judge anyone based on their race, nationality, etc. You can only assess someone based on morals or etiquette rather than using previous bias, stereotypes or prejudice of that nation/culture. Judging others by their backgrounds can lead to losing potential friends and it’s not wise. Hopefully, more people can learn from my experience (including the old generation Chinese). Additionally, I hope we can treat history as experience. Use history as a warning, as a stepping stone to avoid war and conflict in the future, rather than use it as a reason to blame or harm people.
