What’s Hidden in the Seed Vault in Svalbard?

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The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, known as the "Noah's Ark of Seeds," is a hidden gem on Norway's Spitsbergen Island. For a modest $8.8 million, this vault stores duplicate seeds from genebanks worldwide, serving as a crucial safeguard for our global food supply. It acts as an insurance policy against a range of threats, from mismanagement to natural disasters.

What makes this vault truly exceptional is its strategic location deep within a mountain, maintaining a frigid -18°C temperature through refrigeration units. Even in the event of equipment failure, the surrounding permafrost would keep the seeds viable for weeks or even months.

Since its opening in 2008, the vault has garnered acclaim as one of Time's Best Inventions. Today, it preserves nearly 1.2 million seed varieties, with the capacity to hold an astounding 2.5 billion seeds, each accession representing a specific plant variety. This unassuming vault, with its ingenious engineering and location, is humanity's assurance that our planet's plant diversity will thrive for generations to come.

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I have always thought this is one of the most intelligent and foresighted accomplishments humanity has performed. Hopefully humanity will never need to call upon the seed bank to rescue our species from an otherwise extermination event. In the future though, it will provide a vast repository for scientific research as plant bioengineering becomes evermore advanced.


Seems like they should have more seed varieties


They should also store the dna of all existing animals


Hopefully none of these seeds are from Monsanto


Only thing it’s missing is senzu beans!!


They should send some seeds to Mars and the Moon, just in case.


People are extremely smart, It's mind blowing like who on earth thought to that level, it could be hundreds of years before we need it .A solution that starts now for a possibly SCIFI future problem.What a wonder we are!


What if the permafrost melths because of global warming


"So few people don't know about it." I think you mean so people know about it?


As long as they keep the smelly Durian fruit from Thailand out of the vault - I'm okay with this idea.


Interesting idea. But not everyone eats vegetables


Do anything you can, No one can run away.

Surah Al-Qari'ah (The Striking Calamity), Chapter 101, Verses 4-6:

"The Day when mankind will be like moths, dispersed, and the mountains will be like wool, fluffed up. Then as for one whose scales are heavy [with good deeds], he will be in a pleasant life."


If Gavin Newsom was in charge of this project, it would have cost 80 billion dollars to date ans still 10 years from completion.


2 Peter 3:10 KJV

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.


With the seed vault came to mind the ruder Ellis weed variation that allows for a rapid growth stain of weed but then kills the next season as the seeds from the Ellis variation then come infertile there by killing the next season of growth. The seeds were they ever then to get in the arc would be the take down of the next race as when they mingle., Just as spiders are easy cross breakers the ellis variation is able to cross breed but creates the gene block as it were that prevents subsequent seasons only infertile growth and do not germinate. .Germinate then brings to mind the second phase of killing off the inferior blood lines as the Russian nazi plot thickens, the bastards took it upon themselves to plant deceased genes in the pot that holds the gene arc. This killing off not only the growth we rely on but the next race of humans, while apart from all the rest in two systems designed for glacial motion to crack the chambers we grow again from the Nazi pot., And there plants up closer to the expected initial glacial turn so we grow into the Nazi purity of there chosen growth system . What they won't understand is the desease is probably the kick the other genes need to vile from and grow stronger. So the plot is impasse till the next time.
