WinCC Unified V17 # 26: Create Unified Project Certificates 🤹📜 #WinCCGURU

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This is #26 in our WinCC Unified V17 Course. Here we will show you how to generate and distribute SSL Certificates to your Unified Collaboration Projects using the WinCC Unified Certificate Manager. First we will create a Certificate Authority, then we will create Certificates and distribute to all collaboration projects for secure access and communication. How Fun!

00:00 Introduction
00:23 What Are SSL Certificates?
00:46 Show Details of SSL Certificate
01:28 The WinCC Unified Certificate Manager
01:39 Create a New Certificate Authority
02:21 Add participating Network Machines
03:08 Generate Certificates for each Machine
03:19 Add Web Server Certificate
03:44 Add Unified Collaboration Certificate
04:13 Transfer SSL Certificates to Computer
05:27 Open Certificates with Certificate Manager
05:46 Install Certificates on the PC
06:09 View SSL Certificates in IIS
06:33 Assignment 3 Generate Project Certificates

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