British PM Cameron: Teaming up with Assad to defeat ISIS is 'phony solution'

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The war in Syria is one of the biggest topics at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. With a new report about the rapidly increasing number of foreign fighters going to Syria to join ISIS, which include hundreds of American and British citizens, and the influx of refugees fleeing Syria into Europe, British Prime Minister David Cameron has many decisions to make. Cameron joins “CBS This Morning” for his only appearance on U.S. television during the General Assembly.
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Supporting the Assad regime seems to me to be the only reasonable position to take if you are serious about defeating Isis and are unwilling to put troops on the ground yourself. Assad is the only "serious" opposition to Isis on the ground. Are these people really so gullible as to believe that these "moderate rebels" (assuming there really are such people) will simply walk into the vacuum left by the defeat of Assad and form some kind of western style democracy in Syria?

I don't know what Assad has or hasn't done to his people, but it's pretty obvious to me that the 12 million Syrians are not fleeing from Assad (as Mr Cameron says again and again), but from Isis. Also, it's ironic that Cameron and Obama are so horrified by the Crimes of the Assad regime, but turn a blind eye to the terrible things that go on in places like Saudi Arabia.


I wish people could listen to what someone is saying before trying to give their opinion on what that person is saying.


Putin couldn't stand one minute with this fool


"Much of ISIL's territory in Iraq was retaken thanks to US and UK air strikes"??? Who are you kidding? Ask the ground troops about the insufficient and at many times harmful support in the guise of supporting the Iraqi army? How many friendly fires, late strikes, insufficient input, and cases of dropping armaments and ammo in ISIL areas? Iran and Russia have contributed much more in helping build the Iraqi army and aiding its advance against ISIL through the shi'a militias who proved very lethal on the ground.

Who are you kidding DC? You're prolonging ISIL's existence to have some negotiation grounds against Syria, Iran, Iraq, and Russia to spread your influence through this never ending conflict. You bend the knee to Saudi, UAE, and the USA who are the winners from all of this bullshit at the cost of Europe.

You're selling to the world that ISIL and Assad are the same and that supporting either is immoral while ignoring that ISIL is decapitating its opposition while the Assad family, although a dictatorship on many levels, have protected the rights of minorities and religious groups in Syria for decades by keeping the state secular and established a freedom of worship in that country, which lead it to be a progressive economy in the Middle East without the petroleum prior to 2011.

The fact on the ground now is that Assad, Iran, Iraq, and Russia are directly fighting ISIL... what can be said about you and Obama? What's the contribution of your cronies: KSA, Qatar, and Turkey in this affair? It's a long established fact now that the people have lost confidence in their governments in the UK and the US... so much so that Bashar and Putin now are spoken about as if they're some folk story heroes.

You want Bashar gone that's like saying we won't fight ISIL until the entire government collapses and disorder ensues before we get rid of ISIL. How about having a backbone and getting rid of ISIL and help Syria stabilise under Assad with Russia and Iran and demand the UN to run a democratic election later, when peace is established? I wonder what you'd do then if Assad is elected again...


Isn't current English prime minister similar to a joker ?


Nothing he said made any sense. A syria free of both Assad and then what genius?


I think the PM has been at the old Botox again he's so shiny he looks like a spoon with hair


I'm trying to count the lies that have been said!!


Bashar Assad is still in power!! Ha ha Charlie !


Why is this criminal not in jail yet exactly?
