5 Signs That A Cat Is Lonely (NEVER IGNORE)

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Boredom and loneliness lead to depression and behavioral problems in cats in the long run. Apartment cats are especially affected by this. Cats, contrary to popular belief, are very social creatures. So that your cat is healthy and happy and you can act quickly, we now tell you 5 typical signs that your cat is lonely.

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One thing to remember - cats are social creatures. If you are getting a cat because you want a pet but think a cat will be low maintenance, then please get two, so that they have each other. It's cruel to leave a solitary cat home alone inside all day long while you are out, come home to feed him, and then head out for the evening.


All this talk about cats being lonely and depressed is breaking my heart 🥺🤧
They deserve nothing but the utmost love and happiness ❤


I got two, they were cage mates at cat orphanage and it would have been cruel to separate them. They take care of each other. And me.


By contrast I adopted two out of the same litter, a boy and a girl. The boy cat was incredibly playful the girl not so much. He was constantly terrorizing her just because he wanted to play and she didn't, which over 2 years resulted in a lot of actual fights and bleeding. My roommate really took to the male cat, and I bonded well with the girl, so when I eventually had to move for school we split them up. The boy cat didn't do so great but she moved in with her boyfriend who had a cat, and they bonded really well. My little girl on the other hand has been so happy being a single cat


I had a lonely cat when I went back to work full time. She started to pull the fur off her tail and bit it hard to make her scream. Didn't understand why she was doing it for at first. I consciously spent more time with her and she stopped her destructive behavior. Poor kitty!


We also adopted a cat, but she didnt eat, stayed scared, hiding and running away. We adopted her sister and now they are like yin and yang.


I play with my cat almost every day until he's exhausted, let him sit on my lap while giving him exclusive attention for at least half an hour daily and I implemented rituals regarding feeding and getting treats to make these events a bit more playful and social. Oh and there's many, many more pets and getting carried around spread throughout the day. So far, so good. He purrs like a V8, does slow blinks and exposes the belly and neck while being pet :P


My mom doesn’t think cats get lonely despite many times of trying to convince her. Sending this to her now


My female cat was feral and was always with her sister who someone took because she was Friendlier. So Minnie was sad and a couple of months later she brought a feral male tuxedo cat through the cat door! Shared her food. He's super friendly. They are ours now. When he's on one of his adventures, she looks for him. Cats are actually emotional, which is something I never knew until these two cats adopted us


My cat was social but he stayed close to me...he was my boy. Whenever I got home, I made sure to give him all my love and attention once I settled in. He always took care of me...I miss him.


I’ve been a cat person all my life. Who could only get one kitten? 4 is the optimum number.


cats are one Gods most wonderful creations.


I wish everybody in the world had as much love, compassion and consideration for the animals and were more sympathetic. To know that animals have feelings, bleed just the same, eat, sleep, live, and generate emotions like human beings makes the realization clear, that they deserve good things too!


My 7 year old sleeps the day away most of the time. He has all the toys in the world and he has no interest in them. The only thing he really cares about is getting pet, getting brushed and getting a treat. 🥰 He's not bored, that's just how he rolls.


We have two cats in our large home with a screened Florida room so they see nature. They are happy. We are happy.


A bored cat is better than a dead shelter cat that they put to sleep because it has no home. There are ways to make the cat feel less lonely.


I set out to adopt a older female cat after I lost my 16 year old cat, Snickerdoodle. But out of the blue, decided I wanted a kitten (as in one). Lo and behold ever where I inquired had two kittens 😸🐱 had to go together ❤. I ended up with Hugs and Kisses....brother and sister who were inseparable. I am so blessed that it turned out that way because they are great company for each other.


Thank you for this! I thought my cat was lonely since my other one passed but wasn’t sure, now I know for certain and will be adopting him a friend.


We took over 2 dozen cats and kittens off a property 10-12 years ago. The adults have had renal failure, liver failure and lymphoma possible due to chemicals in the garage and on the driveway. Too many were put to sleep after being in our home for 12 years and it broke my heart! Now one female is so lonely and appears to mourn every night because her love is gone plus 2 BFF girlfriends. One of my other rescue males sort of helped abe then he went into renal failure and was put to sleep. I get up at night an late on the rug with her to help. I wish she'd go under the bed onto the blanket with her brother and other BFF still here. I even being here son, now 11, in to see her. I truly believe they mourn the loss of a loved one like we do.💔😿


Regular play time means a lot to them bonding time 💕
