What's needed to defeat Long Covid? | The Stream

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Muscle weakness. Shortness of breath. “Brain fog”. Just some of the myriad symptoms that millions of people worldwide have withstood in the days, weeks and months after recovering from acute coronavirus infections.

News outlets routinely report the ebb and flow of new coronavirus cases, amid a global outbreak that has killed an estimated 5.7 million people. But the lingering long-term effect of the virus on Covid-19 ‘long haulers’ has led health policy experts to declare a "hidden pandemic".

Long Covid doesn’t just affect individuals’ physical health. Many people with Long Covid say it has had a dire impact on aspects of family life - particularly parenting - and that their jobs have been hampered. Those afflicted face knocks to their education, career and social prospects as symptoms stretch out before them with little respite. Sufferers also say it takes a toll on their mental health.

But now medical researchers are beginning to understand what may be driving the conditions affecting Covid long haulers. Researchers in South Africa suggest that microclots in the blood of certain Covid-19 patients may drive inflammatory responses that hamper their full physical recovery. Other investigative teams are examining the presence of ‘viral reservoirs’ that steadfastly remain in the body.

In this episode we’ll look at the physical and mental impact of Long Covid on individuals around the world, and the efforts underway to understand and address it.

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Thanks for watching everyone. Tell us what you think in the comments below.


Great interview! Unfortunately, I'm afraid the majority of the people watching this are people who are suffering from long covid themselves. It is such a battle to get policymakers to understand what is happening and what they should be doing.


Almost died at beginning of the pandemic and have had problems since. Spent the warmer seasons in the woods camping with my dog, fresh air helped some. High blood pressure after years of low blood pressure, I cut out most processed food, eat a lot of fresh organic vegetables and fruits, lean meat, grains, dairy, all are improving the blood pressure and lack of energy. I drink mostly water now and stopped buying soda, if I want flavor I add it myself. It's taken over two years to start to feel better but I altered many things in my life.
I believe that food is our medicine and just as a car doesn't run properly on bad fuel our bodies don't run right when we neglect to eat nutritious food and drink clean water.


I'm going on two years with shortness of breath. Tested positive in May 2020 while working on a Covid wing..I wish I would've quit...Just the depression alone frightens me. Im reading the grief phases of death, as I surely know thus will cause me to die. The medical field suxs and they do not care it isn't them suffering. Anyone suffering I hope you begin to feel better. And if you have a good day enjoy it with every ounce of your being!


I'm suffering from long covid going on my second month now, it's horrible.
Short breath, weakened body, brain fog, off and on diarrhea. It feels like walking underwater with a trembling body. After having covid, i didn't lose taste or smell until last week. Everything tasteless and bland, smells come and go. There's time I get tired and need to sleep, it takes a hour to cut 15min worth of grass. If I do any form of exercise, it takes an hour for my breath catch up. I had quit smoking 6 months before contracting covid, I was healthy and always active and didn't suffer from any health issues. I used cannabis as medicine, but had quit using when i gotten covid. My depression is bad and anxiety also, it doesn't take much for me to depressed for couple days. I hadn't had depression or anxiety attacks in almost 6 years. I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy.


I fought back when my pulmonologist said there was no such thing as long covid and told me to stop watching YouTube. Even after I had asked for his understanding as to why I was so adamant that these symptoms weren't weight/activity/anxiety related; that I had lived for over 35 years with bradycardia that had been written off as everything from vertigo to stomach issues (when your heart rate drops, you can get nausea and diarrhea) to in-your-head. After getting a pacemaker, and the leads becoming fractured, a hospital dr told me that my symptoms were 'my imagination'. I told him of my experience, and women in genearl being dismissed, especially overweight women, now compounded by being older, another group who are treated dismissively. I explained that as a college graduate, I know how to do valid research. I explained that i wasn't watching Bubba's Health Conspiracies, but a symposium hosted by the United States National Institute of Health's RECOVER specialists and gave him names of physicians from Yale and Harvard. I begged that I needed his support - for him to question what else this could be - That only made his attitude toward me worse. He told me I was free to seek a second opinion and I told him I didn't need his permission. The only satisfaction I got was standing up to him


I feel VERY sorry for those who just can't seem to get rid of the spike protein.


I feel listened to with this episode. having dealt with long covid now for 11 months, I've given up on the doctors that push me along to the next doctor for a diagnosis, the roommates who have no patience for my inability to get up and walk to the kitchen at a moment's notice, and the family members who wish this was all in my head...and keep encouraging me to see the doctors who'd rather wait on easier patients. Being a fairly active person before this, I know what it's like to not want to even move toward getting out of bed without tremors and the feeling of exhaustion just sitting up. I really do appreciate your stories here because it means there are still voices out there hoping to connect people to these long term issues that are rarely addressed in the circles I am frequenting

Thank you


I got the Covid back in March 2020 and very bad almost died, struggling everyday! And January 2022 I got the Covid again and heavy as well. Got vaccinated 2 times with Pfizer. Was advice to NOT take the Booster by my GP. Still have lots of muscle/body pain, pain on my left chest/Lung, very tired, and most of the time gapping for air. And mentally I’m a mess. Can’t think and can’t concentrate. Reading and watching tv is a huge issue. Spend most of my day in bed due to this all. Turning 45 in a few weeks and I can barely take care of my self. And no one that understand/get me. I’m so happy to be watching this. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Long Covid in kids exists as well ... This is something physicians have to start acknowledging.


We are millions around the World Help us


My pulmonologist keeps saying my lungs are fine but I can’t breathe and I don’t understand it at all


Great segment! Prayers w those who are suffering from this horrible illness…thank you for sharing your stories🌟🌟


Having followed many medical professionals and athletes since my long covid came on, I am absolutely in agreement with the micro clotting evidence. I may not be a doctor but I do know my own body. I was a keen strength athlete in my younger days and know well the effects of exhaustion and the feeling of oxygen deprivation. I know my brain is starved of oxygen. I know my muscles are starved of oxygen. This has had a huge effect on mental wellbeing at a time when I am having changes in my life which should improve life after a long run of bad luck and loss. My GP has been supportive but he said the covid clinics are a waste of time for people like me who instinctively know how to best manage our bodies. The NHS needs to listen to the finding of people like yourselves and take action before we have a huge wave of suicides and people losing all they have including family and relationships. 6 months in and I have come very close to complete mental breakdown and it were not for some very supportive friends I may not be watching this video.


Dr, what you said about 1 million people secretly signing a pact saying we are all mentally ill was genius! How do we get the medical community to hear this AND BELIEVE IT? My son and i have had long covid for 2 years and am still treated like I am making this all up. Is there a way to educate the docs so this doesn't keep happening? I am being serious with the question, bc i would like to educate my doctors (and the rest of the docs around the world).


If you stand an ME/CFS person next to a long covid person the symptoms are the same, why aren't doctors looking here first, ME was hard to diagnose because there are so many symptoms Dr Khan is absolutely right my friend has had ME/CFS for over 35 years and suffers from all the symptoms Long Covid sufferers are experiencing


I have a vaccine injury that has the same symptoms as long covid, since my second dose of moderna. I am slowly getting better- it’s been a year. But I am afraid because I won’t be able to get a booster and people don’t seem to care about us Vaccine injured. I am hoping I will be able to access any long covid treatments in the future. Would love to see the root causes tackled, including autoantibodies and linger S1 units of the spike protein.

We cannot “go back to normal” until we can treat and prevent long covid in my opinion. Deathly afraid of getting covid and relapsing. Why are we saying it’s safe to unmask, allowing a huge wave of preventable disability?

Also thank you for highlighting patients of color with long covid. Most stories only highlight white patients who can afford expensive treatments.


Frustrating. Not nearly long enough. Would have liked to have heard more from Resia and her research plus the rest of the speakers rather than the interviewer.


I was on Holiday in March 2022. I woke up in a hospital after 6 days where the doctors told me my bp had dropped caused my body to shut down. Went to see my GP when I got back to the UK he did not know what had happened after looking at the reports. Almost a year later I still have shortness of breath, depression & nany other symptoms. Watching this video & sharing this with others is a positive step forward.


With the threat of long COVID still a thing, I’m appalled we don’t still have mask mandates. So disappointed in humanity. 😢
