Places You Should NEVER EVER Swim

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When the hot summer rolls by, there’s nothing better than having a dip in the ocean or in a sparkling, crystal-clear blue swimming pool! After watching this video today, you’ll probably want to keep choosing the swimming pool option over the beaches because as inviting as what some of these beaches look, they are also extremely dangerous.

9 - Kipu Falls…
These majestic falls are located in the Hawaiian archipelago. The falls are on private property, but that hasn’t stopped people from making their way there. Sadly, many don’t return from the trip. This majestic location shows off its stunning falls into a serene pool of water, but for some reason, people have been sucked into the water, never to be seen again. People have described the event, saying that the swimmer would be paddling away and the next moment appear panicked and distressed and then disappear. Some believe the waters to be home to a water spirit, while others believe there is an underwater whirlpool, whatever the reason, the waters are closed off to any swimmers and they’ve requested travel guides to exclude this watering spot from any future publications.

8 - Zipolite Beach, Mexico…
In Spanish this beach is known as Playa Zipolite which when translated means “beach of the unliving.” The crystal-clear waters and white sands tempt a lot of bathers to the area, but there are many signs warning people to refrain from swimming. The rip tides are wild, and when it’s a full moon, gets extremely erratic. Swimmers have often been swept out to sea and done a full circular motion and landed back at the beach, while others haven’t made it back at all.

7 - Hanakapiai Beach, Hawaii…
Yep, Hawaii is known for its gorgeous beaches but not all of them are safe for swimming! Hanakapiai Beach is one of them, and its situated at the end of a treacherous 2-mile trail. There are no lifeguards on duty and you’re exposed to some of the most powerful rip currents in the world. The rip currents are always there regardless of when you go, as there is no reef protecting the beaches shores. More people have drowned at this spot than anywhere else in Kauai. You’ll notice a sign at the beach with a marking for every person that has drowned there… the last update featured 80 markings! Definitely not worth the risk!

6 - Lake Karachay, Russia…
Similar to Yenisey River from earlier, this is Lake Karachay and this lake is highly contaminated. Between 1951 and 1968, Mayak – a nuclear facility – dumped toxic waste into this lake found in the Ural Mountains. They tried to stop the shifting of the toxic sediment by filling the lake with concrete blocks, but 4-years after their attempt the levels of radiation in the water were so high that they could deliver a lethal dose to a human within one hour.

5 - Amazon Basin, South America…
Here you have a plethora of reasons why swimming would not be recommended. The Basin is home to anacondas, piranhas and electric eels, but they’re the least of your worries! The Amazon Basin is also to home to a very small fish called the Candiru. These nasty fish like swim inside every opening of your body, including the urinal tube – for your own safety, stay far away from this body of water!

4 - Berkeley Pit, Montana…
This used to be an open-pit copper mine, and why people would want to attempt swimming here is beyond me. The water is filled with acidic, highly oxygenated water which include things like arsenic, cadmium, lead, copper and zine. 342 geese were found lying at the pit in 1995 with their internal organs burnt to smithereens.

3 - Citarum River, Indonesia…
Wait, this is a river? It looks like a garbage tip! This body of water is in West Java and as you can see, is one of the most polluted rivers in the world. The river is lined with factories who all think it’s ok to dump their rubbish into the water! This water provides thousands of people with liquid to drink, bath and wash their clothes in! In 2008 a $500 million loan was received from the Asian development bank to try and clean up the waters, but whether that was successful or not is unknown to us at this stage.

2 - Shark Alley, South Africa…
The majority of South African beaches are amazing for swimming, especially the warmer shorelines of Port Elizabeth and Durban, but there is a spot where you might not want to throw caution to the wind. It’s called Shark Alley and it’s located in Gansbaai. You can enter the waters with a steel cage around you and grab some astounding shots of the scary looking Great White!

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Warning: Swimming in my toilet can be hazardous to your health.


The pollution stories were more upsetting


Back in the 90's I was on a company trip to Disney . After the trip my wife and I wanted to go to the beach. We drove to New Symrna Beach, sounded innocent enough to me. I grew up on Long Island and went to Nauset Beach on Cape Cod every year, I consider myself a strong ocean swimmer. At the time we arrived there was a hurricane offshore and the water was roiled. There were 7 wave breaks before the water reached the shore. Just past the 5th wave break there was a band of white water. I had NEVER seen anything like it so I decided to swim out and see what it was, brilliant idea. I finally got to it and it was a band of foam that was like 20 feet wide and 15 feet deep to the bottom. Like an idiot I swam into it. I immediately dropped to the bottom because it was foam. I tried swimming out but that didn't work because it was air and water so kicking and paddling did nothing. I started to panic because I figured I'm gonna drown. But then I actually got my shit together and figured out how to get out. I squatted on the bottom and lunged toward the shore. After about 3 tries I got enough into the water to paddle and kick out of the foam. I was exhausted. I swam in to shore and laid on the beach My wife videoed the whole thing and asked how it was and what happened I disappeared for a while. I told her I almost drowned. And the whole time I NEVER even saw a shark. The next day we were in the hotel room watching the news. They had a clip of the beach I was just on from a helicopter talking about how crazy the water was and showing film of THOUSANDS of sharks talking about how unusual it was that there were that many sharks..I almost shit my pants when I saw it. Then I thought there was NO ONE in the water but me.


Who else clicked because of the Maheno. It’s the ship wreck on Fraser Island, QLD Australia.

No one was on board, the ship was being towed to Asia for scrapping when it broke off and was stuck on the island.

I know because I see it all the time.

FYI Fraser Island is the biggest sand Island in the world & is for 4Wheel Driving.


It looks nice at Fisherman's Warf in Monteray but don't go swimming there! I had a job skining fish & found out that late at night they dump their waste fish stuff off at the end of the dock.
Before knowing this in Nov I went swimming with my mask, fins & snorkle. The cold water didn't bother me. I hadn't realized it but I'd gone to the end of the dock kind of a long way out.
Said time to go in. It was kind of scary as the water was cold & very cloudy & you get a feeling that something wasn't right. Having been a life guard I knew to try to keep the heart beats as regular as possible as sharks can dectect when fish are in distress. Don't splash all that good stuff.
I popped up once to see how much further it was to the beach & I see folks about as big as my pinky waving their arms & yelling for me to get in. Ahhh? This is not good. But my diving traning/life guard stuff said, "Fool, don't panic!" And it wasn't easy but I went back to trying to chill out while picking up the pace a wee bit. That 'thing' that warns you when something is deffinately not right kicked in & you talk about swimming?! I booked !!
I got back to the shore
& the folks on the beach said they had seen a shark swimming around where I was, it got distracted by a bird floating on the water & went after the bird which went under the water & never came up & that had been the time I'd booked.
I've often thanked God & also that poor bird because if it haddn't been there I probably wouldn't be here now. Who knows how many sharks were swimming with me the water was so merky.
It was like a scean out of 'Jaws' cause I'd gone to an English Pub & they had the news on explaining how it was Nov. & mate-ing season for sharks & they showed Fisherman's Warf as a main mate-ing place for sharks. A man from the Monteray Fish Institute was sitting next to me telling me about sharks. I pictured Richard Dryfess sitting next to me. I still love the ocean & think sharks play a very important role in the sea. I'm just glad I wasn't on the menu that day.


When I was stationed in Puerto Rico I was at a party in Playa Azul. At the beach there was a rip ride that was going parallel to the beach. I walked in to my calves and was almost swept off my feet. I am a retired Navy diver.


Swimming in a puddle is also very dangerous and has lots of sharks


Really?.... who tf gon jump in a lava lake? L


I swam in the lave lake once... It was too hot and I had to get out ;-;


wtf have we done to this world. This is crazy as hell.
Hello, this is where we live people.


With regard to number ten, a lot of the sharks shown were Sand Tiger Sharks, which aren't as aggressive, and are unrelated to the Tiger Shark.


First time I've heard of molten lava described as a body of water!?! 😨


It's not the water you need to worry about in Fraser island it's the wild dingo packs, snakes crabs and spiders that lurk in the woods


Surprisingly, I've been going to New Smyrna Beach for over 30 years and I've never witnessed a shark attack!


It's been a long time since I've heard such a crystal clear and articulate voice....just thought you should know that.


thanks for the tip! i REALLY wanted to go swimming in the lava lake with my family tmr! but guess i can’t :/


She put in the lava part to get over the 10 minute mark xD lmao


Damn we are PIGS!!! We're ruining this world FAST!!


I go to New Smyrna all the time and I've never seen anything more interesting than an occasional dolphin or turtle nest. I even bring my dog sometimes.


I swam in the sea once, and knew I’d never do it again. It was terrifying! I went out in a peddle boat as a kid too and was getting swept further out bit by bit and was so scared, nobody even knew I was in trouble, thought I was waving! I will appreciate the wonder of the ocean from the safety of the shore!
