Race Relations Board (1969)

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Racism is shown the yellow card in this eye-opening public information film about new laws giving protection from discrimination in housing and employment. Targeting both potential victims of racism and its active as well as unconscious perpetrators, the film appeals to the general public by reminding them of Britain's much vaunted tradition of sportsmanship and 'fair play'.

It seems hardly credible that before the 1968 Race Relations Act an employer could post a job advertisement which banned "coloureds" from applying, but this was the case, as was the prevalence of the "ugly business" of casual racism. Although the earlier 1965 Race Relations Act made discrimination on "the grounds of colour, race, or ethnic or national origins" unlawful, there were several key exemptions, notably for landlords and employers. The Race Relations Act 1968, which came into force on 26 November 1968, widened and strengthened these existing laws to encompass housing and employment. As well as the English language version shown here, this film was also released in several Asian language versions including Hindi and Urdu.

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I love that they had a clip of all of the kids of different races playing together. Racism is learned, not born.


We need a race relations board in the States because discrimination is still an ongoing issue.


That legislation was finally updated in 2010 great


People still displayed those signs in 1968? Wow.


The signs are offensive. If colour is not the reason for dividing the "races" from each other, then what other factors might be at work? Are people different to each other in the same way that some animal breeds are different from each other? Is it wrong to make such an analogy? Nature versus nurture? What makes people think that the strict divisions of the past cannot just happen again in the future? If people are given the same opportunities, regardless of colour, then does that fix the problem of the "races" not getting along?


"No coloured, no Irish, no children"


Hope more spiritual laws prevail in hearts as well. racial, political, economic and patriotic prejudices destroy the edifice of humanity. As long as these prejudices prevail, the world of humanity will not have rest...." ~ Baha'i Faith
