Tech Billionaires are 'Afraid' of A.I. Should We Be Too?

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This month I received...
second channel: @shansorbet
- James Moor. “The Dartmouth College Artificial Intelligence Conference: The Next Fifty Years.” AI Magazine.
0:00 intro
5:20 scentbird shoutout
8:51 our fear of tech and ai
14:00 history of ai
21:04 benefits of ai
25:10 potential downsides
25:30 inaccuracies
30:44 ai generated content
37:40 ai policing
38:16 ai art and you
#artificialintelligence #elonmusk #chatgpt #askai #robot #openaichat #ai #chatbot #midjourney #aiart #wgastrike
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AI should make our lives easier and more equitable, not take away all that makes it beautiful - art, music, writing, entertainment.


As an artist, AI art has been such a big thing for the artist community to fight back against. It's incredibly discouraging to be an artist or any creative right now. Support creatives, it's hard out here!


the phrase “tech experts.. and elon musk” is something i hope to say everyday lmao


As an artist, I just hope that the 'creators' and people who made this technology public one day feel the same sense of doom, despair, nothingness and panic that artists are feeling. The pain of having your labor of love being stolen from you. Sold against your will. To be ridicularized when trying to protect yourself. This is too much hurtful.


I'm currently in art school to become a concept artist/character designer and seeing people program robots to do creative jobs like the one I'm studying to go into is really discouraging in a way I can't describe. It just really, really sucks that I'm so close to getting there, and there's a robot that's been programmed by stealing art from non-consenting parties that is actively working to take away my future job.


Khadija Mbowe and Shanspeare uploaded on the same day?
We eating good today.


I've lived long enough to see people make the same conversations about computers, machines, robots, and now AI and I've seen all of these things take money, jobs, and opportunities away rather than make life easier alone.


I think a good way to slow down the AI race would be to make anything made with it automatically public domain, or atleast, cannot be copyrighted. You'll see companies drop it real quick if they can't selfishly keep it for themselves


AI art is not art, and I will die on that hill.

Art is not a "thing", it's a _process_, specifically, it's a form of human expression and cultural communication. Even ignoring the HUGE ethical issue with AI bots scraping uncredited and uncompesnated material to create their output, it almost completely removes the human from the equation. But too many humans have lost that understanding of art, and see it only as "pretty pictures" or "entertaining stories". We've been taught most of our lives to see art as a commodity, as a _thing_ to _own_, rather than a method of connecting to our community and creating a shared culture, as an *essential part of our humanity* .

And that's the core problem, the whole point of AI-generated "art" is to create commodities for a capitalist market, and for individuals to garner ego-boosting acclaim and other rewards without making the effort to actually develop their skill and imagination and express their personhood. Plugging prompts into a bot and then claiming to be an artist is like ordering a pizza with personalized toppings from a restaurant and then claiming to be a chef.

It is not "democratizing" art as so many techbros like to say, since there is no "democratization" needed; literally *anyone* can make art of some sort. It doesn't matter if someone else considers it "good" or "bad", the important thing is creative expression, regardless of the result. Keep in mind that the same people who are pushing AI "art" as the Next Big Thing, and deriding anyone opposed to it, are mostly the same people who have been shilling NFTs and cryptocurrency.


As an artist I have been seeing a growing trend of people commissioning artists for a sketch that's cheap just so they can put it in an AI art app to finish it for free :( sketches were made for commissioners who don't have a lot of money and artists with not a lot of time but now people are abusing it


i still can't believe Marvel used AI to create the opening intro for their new show Secret Invasion. They'd rather use AI to create art rather than pay actually artists..


that intro had a strong "every creepy pasta ever" vibe to it. All it was missing was a jump scare with a "distorted face".


"let us have stories that are separated from our traumas" as a black mom of a mixed daughter I feel this sentiment in every part of my soul, we represent more than a collective of generational trauma but heaven help us, you would never know it from the media we exist and have thrived in


No computer will ever benefit from painting. I can draw all day and burn my art so nobody sees it, and still get a sense of catharsis and satisfaction that no machine can. When a robot gets depressed because it can't come up with an idea, then I'll be worried.


AI may not end our world, but it’s taking a big chunk of our freelance work already in creative fields. It’s extremely vexing that of all the ways AI could benefit humanity, the tech bros decided to make it create art, music & writing to steal the voice, style & likeness of human creators.

I’m an attorney & designer in a big studio, and it’s very sad for me to see how young artists have lost the will to draw, and my colleagues and I are literally seeing imitations of our work made by AI art bros on Twitter who put our names in their AI prompts


Wait! Let me hop to the bakery, get my pastries and cozy up for this one because it's guaranteed to be great! 😊


I will just carry on with my silly flawed human-made art. What I appreciate about this video is how it makes an honest attempt at both taking the threats seriously AND also questioning if the fear has possibly gone too far. Personally I don't think art or even digital art are dead, what I do believe is that it's going to be another excuse to demand more efficiency for less pay across all the affected industries, even in cases where the new tools may not magically speeding things up by as much as they think.


I've been losing my mind seeing so many uninformed takes about AI, and one of the biggest things that people miss is the fact that AI generators don't do anything "on purpose". it's hard not to anthropomorphize it, but it's really just very advanced text prediction (or image prediction, etc. depending on the generator) and it doesn't understand a single thing that it's saying. the word "intelligence" is misleading and vague imo, since the computer doesn't "know" what an apple is. it just knows what humans usually say in response to "what is an apple" based on the text it has ingested from the internet. and god, we really need to correct misinformation about AI functioning like a human brain and other stuff like that.

I also feel like we're getting ahead of ourselves in these conversations, like imagining what terrible things AI might do instead of figuring out what to do right now. we should all advocate really hard to pause and focus on things that we could actually change, like limitations on the datasets that train these computers. I get that it's super scary to imagine AI taking jobs and becoming an evil force in the world, but I feel like that broad view is really missing the specific points about what we can do to combat AI misuse. social media companies were allowed to invade our privacy and use our data unchecked for a very long time (and they still are) so knowing that, we should push to impose limitations on that data for both privacy and copyright reasons! I think using data they've scraped without permission is 100% copyright infringement and I'm really hoping for some favorable court decisions that will set the precedent that it's not fair use.


As an artist and a person who works in the tech industry the thing that worries me most about ai is the lack of regulation. Im also worried that it just lies lol and that its not currently being used to do repetitive tasks and is being used to take artists jobs


I'm really glad Shan has half a mil followers cuz their vids are some of the most creative and cinematic in the space rn.
