DSI OB-6 (2016) vs. Oberheim OB-Xa (1981) Analog Synthesizer battle

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(c) 2016 vintage synthesizer demo by RetroSound

DSI OB-6 (2016) vs. Oberheim OB-Xa (1981) Analog Synthesizer

I have programmed a few of my favorite OB-Xa sounds on the OB-6 for a comparision video. I used only settings that you can find on both synths.
The OB-6 fx routing is on bypass.
no external fx or compression. You can hear only the raw sound from both synths.

Here can you find the full OB-Xa playlist with a lot single sound demos, synth comparisions and one synth demo tracks. Enjoy.

RetroSound synthesizer demo videos since 2007.
All is for free. If you like my work, I'm also happy about a small donation or a purchase of my music albums. All is very welcome and helpful. Thank you!

0:00 Einleitung
0:08 Oberheim OB-Xa (8 voice) - pad
0:52 DSI OB-6 (6 voice) - pad
1:25 brass sound
2:09 filter cutoff & resonance
4:03 string sound
4:59 VCO Sync & Unisono
5:40 Unisono & Detuning
6:22 filter modulation - envelope
8:24 filter modulation - LFO

#OBerheim #ob6 #obxa #obx8 #ubxa
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The Oberheim OB-XA Synthesizer is one of the big legendary synths in music history. Used by many pop and rock groups in the 80s. Most famous is Jump by Van Halen. Here can you find the full OB-Xa playlist with a lot single sound demos, synth comparisions and one synth demo tracks. Enjoy.


Now that the latest OB6 has the vintage knob function, the sonic differences will not be as profound. I think a retest is needed. the vintage knob function makes a big difference.


As a owner of the Xa I am planning to switch to the ob6, just for maintenance reasons. Sound is more than close enough, but there ARE some differences in sound.


I can hear more harmonics in the Filter-Resonance sound of the OBXa and not so much on the OB6. Back when those synths were the latest and greatest, I bought a OBX 6 voice, added a Prophet 5 a little while later, and also bought an OBXa. Paid on bank loans for years to own all that stuff. I sold off the OBX to pay off some of my loans, and kept the OBXa and Prophet. I never really had much trouble with either the Oberheim or the Prophet. I learned how to calibrate the OSC and used a Strobe tuner when I was on the road. I handled them myself and was very careful not to knock them around. In between bands I sold off the OBXa but couldn't find any buyers for the Prophet 5, so I still have it. It still works fine and its safely kept in my music room.


The OBXa sounds fatter because of the panning per voice. For a more honest comparison, the OB6 filter needs to be opened up and the panning spread turned up to about 3:00. Also the voices are cutting out on the OB6 because of the ADSR settings. The OBXa has 2 extra voices to compensate for longer release times. I had an OBXa for 5 years and when it worked it was glorious but man was it infuriating, which was 90% of the time. And yes I had access to a tech and parts, every 6-18 months it was in the shop. I spent WAY more time under the hood than I ever did playing it. If you're writing/ recording music or playing in a band, I promise no one will notice or care if you used an OB6 instead of an OBXa. At the end of the day the OB6 is a dream of a synth that we're lucky got made at all- with that said I'll take 2.


The OB-6 wasn't designed to be exactly like the OB-Xa, it's more closely related to the SEM systems in sound. Besides, These patches weren't matched well enough. The OB-6 needed some voice panning, more detune/slop, and a lower cutoff frequency in some patches.


I love my OB-6 desktop module. It's great for synthwave and ambient styles as well as weird FX.


Holy shit. I listened to this on my cell phone twice and the obxa just sounded bigger....hence all the comments. But THEN... I put headphones on and and then played it through studio speakers and was shocked to hear how amazing the ob6 sounded with the bass revealed. Fat. Analog. Warm. Real deal. I just ordered one.. down payment n all.


Wow at last a demo that puts the OB 6 in second place and by quite a margin. Great demo, thanks


I would have to say the Oberheim OB-Xa is the clear winner. The sound is so much fatter and just better quality. When it comes to the original analog synthesizers, you just can't beat them. They built them better back in the day.


I'm a little late to this discussion but... Everyone seems to be missing something important here: The sounds were created on the Xa then duplicated with the OB-6. The problem is that we didn't hear any of the OTHER things the OB-6 can do that the Xa cannot, specifically the different modes of the SEM filter, not to mention the extra capability of the modulation and yes, even the effects too which can be an important part of the sound. I definitely agree about the sound we hear in this video though. I am buying mostly older synths because I MUCH prefer the less clean, more electric snap in older oscillators that seems to be missing from the newer synths. But that doesn't make this a bad synth, it just means it's a bit different which is what synthesis is all about.


The instant he hits that XA string sound! There it is....the winner.


So I click away and leave this video playing in the background... along comes a sound that makes my heart skip two beats.
I click back to the video and it's always the OB-Xa


Cool to hear these instruments side by side.


wow, i have waited long for a comparison video. Thankyou very much Retrosound, always a pleasure to view your videos, indeed one of the best synth channels in my opinion.


I listened without looking and then looked and I always could tell the XA sounded more pleasing.


Great comparison! I own the OB6 and although this video makes the synth sound thin and much less exciting than the Xa, the OB6 is an absolute monster of a synth, I have nord, access, and Roland virtual analog in the studio and none of them come anywhere near the OB6! I do agree with the limitation comments regarding the 6 voice but careful note selection or layering during recording will overcome that very easily. I am also lucky enough to own the Prophet 12 and both these synths working together is a match made in heaven! The build quality, warmth and clarity of dsi products are outstanding. I absolutely love both P12 & OB6


While I am liking the OB-6 generally, the OB-Xa (@ 2:35) gives me goosebumps that the OB-6 can't quite pull off.


Awesome comparison (as usual). Thanks for all you do!


The Oberheim OB-Xa definitely sounds more raw, but the Oberheim-6 is still nice to listen to. Despite the Oberheim-6's design imitating that of the OB-Xa, they have really different characters, sound-wise. I would argue that the Oberheim-6 has definitely more of a modern touch, but that did not stop me from getting it. It does a nice balance of vintage and modern edge. OB-Xas are just too damn hard to find these days and too expensive to boot. Having one would be nice though.
