The Surprisingly Short History of the Pony Express

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Given that most have still heard of the Pony Express today, unlike so many other messaging companies long gone, you may think that the Pony Express was once an integral part of communication between the East and West in the United States. It turns out, this was never the case and the Pony Express was around only for an extremely short amount of time.

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On the subject of horses (or ponies), have you ever wondered if mounted police have to clean up after their horses?


My great great grandfather was a pony express rider and I didn't even know all this.


Through sleet, through snow, through hail, nothing can stop the Pony Express. Their legendary hard work and dedication were well respected and inspiring.


I'd hate to be the guy who had to ride over the Sierra-Nevada part of the route.


I had opportunity earlier this year to follow a bit of the Pony Express route using the "loneliest Highway in America" US route 50. Ely Nevada to Austin, NV was the segment I drove.

My trip was to a town 100 miles north of Austin that had been a crew change station of the Transcontinental railroad and now served Interstate 80. In traversing this more sparse route to the south I pondered the reasons for that choice rather than the Humbolt river route used by both the pioneer wagon trains and the railroads.
It occurred to me that the southern route was quite a bit less likely to have washouts as the water requirements for the pony way stations were much less than the trains and wagon trains would want for their travel needs. An all season route for mail would be preferred as well.
The wagon trains that did the passage first would follow rivers wherever they could, and plan their passage with the seasonal rains in mind. The trains which came later would add drainage and trestles needed to stay close to the rivers where larger communities were established, needing more water yet.
I hope someday to discover this hypothesis to be confirmed for me.


My friend's great grandmother delivered mail in Colorado and had to shoot a robber in the knee while being held up.


The second telegraph ever sent was "We've been trying to reach you about your car's warranty."


Don't be naive to believe that Pony Express is an American invention.

This system was used by the Persians, Romans, the Mongols and probably many other empires.
2500 years ago, during Darius the great in Persia, couriers could travel 1677 miles in 7 days, on the "Royal road".

Communication (and the flow of information in general) is one of the most important things in any empire. And replacing horses every 15 miles is a very simple and efficient solution for a such a great and common need.


loving the bonus facts, please make every video w/them if you can :)


There was a short-lived TV show about the Pony Express to starring Josh Brolin and one of the Baldwin brothers. It was called The Young Riders.


I was so so so so glad that I found this cuz I need the information for school!!!👏💯🏫


I am doing a project on the pony express


I wonder what kind of horses were used by the Pony Express? Thoroughbreds or other blooded stock might have been too expensive.
Maybe mustangs or Indian ponies? Reliable, cheap and abundant.
Anyway, no matter what breed was used, it wouldn't have made much difference.
No horse will ever quit. It will run till it drops, but it will NEVER quit.


Of course the westbound was faster than the eastbound, the answer is on the map : it climbs to Missoury and it goes down to Sacrameto


hearing this voice makes me believe exurb1a is a bot voice


Let these skinny little guys have their legendary status some died for Pete sake.


dam doing this for homework but still its a cool video!:)


Other facts not shared here.
.most riders were orphans. They didn't like hiring family men for riders, for booth attendants yes but not for riders and riders had to weight around 125 pounds or less and be five foot seven or less. Have to remember people was shorter then compared to now


my great grandfather is Alexander majors! this is so cool


My grampa was their lawyer back then being born 1885
