How California High Speed Railway Will Outperform Elon Musk Tunnels

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The California High Speed Railway Will Most Likely Outperform Elon Musk Tunnels because of some previously unseen reasons...

It was the year 1804 when the first-ever train was developed and used in the world. That train could travel at speeds less than 10 miles per hour, though, which sounds excruciatingly slow. Today, a number of high-speed rail ways are averaging more than 30 times those speeds at upwards of 300 miles per hour. Humanity has definitely come a long way as far as the railway is concerned. However, with the futuristic ideas presented by Elon Musk for his hyperloop tunnels, it does look like the future is going to get very exciting. It seems unusual that California's high-speed railway would compare to Elon's futuristic designs, but the competition is well-justified. So, how will California's high-speed railway outperform Elon Musk's tunnels? Let's find out.

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#CaliforniaHighSpeedRailway #ElonMushTunnels #RailwayVSTunnel #Futurition
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I want to point out that Elon didn't invent the hyper loop, it was already a concept for over a century. Also HSR is a proven technology and reinventing the train is unnecessary as was done before when monorails and air vacuum trains were supposed to be the future of transportation. HSR and Maglevs are expensive and this thing is basically a maglev train in a vacuum tube, it's going to be extremely expensive, especially with all the mountains that have to be bored through and one of the things not being put into consideration is whether the tubes will go around mountains or up and if the trains can even go uphill. I think hyperloop is just another concept that captures pples imagination but won't be useful irl


Hyperloop is vaporware. At this time, all Elon Musk has built is small-bore tunnels with Tesla cars operating inside. For his system in Las Vegas, the cars don't even operate in driverless mode. I look at the images in the video of what look like large-diameter overhead sewer pipes and wonder why anyone would take seriously the idea that cities would allow such things to be built along their streets. If there ever is a Hyperloop demonstration line built, I will not be in line to ride it. It will lead to the first train decompression accident that suffocates the passengers.


Hard not to outperform something that doesn't, and will never exist.


High speed rail is proven technology that has been fine-tuned for nearly 50 years in Japan and France. We know its strengths and weaknesses, we knows what it takes to have a functional service, and we know how much it costs to run and maintain it. Hyperloop on the other hand is a pipe dream, a mad theory. If it's expensive to build HSR, imagine how much it will cost to build vacuum tubes and keep them air-free! Assuming that hundreds of miles of tube can be kept in a state of vacuum, that is, which anyone with at least half a brain doubts it.


The thing people are missing about the Hyperloop is it's no where near as efficient as HSR because it's a bunch of small pods where as HSR can carry hundreds of people a great distance in a short period of time. There is no real comparison.


It's next to impossible to create a near perfect vacuum in a tube over 300 miles long. A hole no larger than a pin hole with decompress this tube.


The carbon footprint alone of this system is that of a small country. Imagine the energy required to maintain a vacuum and propel the pods. This is the biggest snake oil scam since the Wild West.


If Elizabeth Holmes's father owned a diamond mine, she'd be Elon Musk.


“Will be safe and comfortable”
Also Hyperloop: “did we mention the fact that if the tube has a single hole, it turns the pod into a crushed can of soda?”


Cal HSR is bad from the budget and timeline perspective. But it is better than Hyperloop because we don't have a fully developed Hyperloop technology and it will for sure become more expensive over time


I think that they should invest in steam and nuclear power stations for long-distance electric trains.


I want to keep all the Amtrak all year and every year.


The only good thing that comes with all that Hyperloop talk is that people become more aware of HSR


anything is faster than hyperloop because it literally a pipedream that is just fundamentally a terrible idea


It's not that innovative at all... Vacuum tubes were used to deliver messages a long time ago and the idea to use them for trains was there as well. People even made a vacuum powered train. Sure it's more feasible with today's tech but it's still unrealistic and a waste of resources that could be spent on reliable, dependable and proven rail services.


It’s not our “first” high speed rail line. It’s our second. We have the Acela


You mean most high-speed trains run upward of 300 km/h not 300 mph. Trains don’t run at 300 mph. Also, Epitome is pronounced e-PIT-oh-mee. Not “eppa-tohm”.


Diesel trains, commuter trains, electric trains, passenger trains, freight trains, light rail trains and more.


When is the California High Speed Rail from San Francisco to Los Angeles and Anaheim going to be completed?


"CHSR will soon be available to California residents". Depends on your definition of soon. Completion is likely 30 years out.
