Why will high-speed train from Vegas go to Rancho Cucamonga, CA instead of Los Angeles?

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Why did planners choose a city about 45 miles outside Downtown Los Angeles to connect to Las Vegas via high-speed rail?
Why US Can't Build a High Speed Rail
Why The US Has No High-Speed Rail
How Europe's Replacing Planes With Trains
This high-speed rail project is a warning for the US
Why China Is so Good at Building Railways
How China built the best high-speed rail ever
Japan: World's fastest train 603km/h - BBC News
Why California’s High-Speed Rail Is Taking So Long
High-speed rail, transit funds among Texas Legislature bill filings this session
TOP 15 FASTEST High Speed Trains - Updated 2023
How Japan’s High-Speed Bullet Train Works | Rise Of The Machines
The Fastest train ever built | The complete physics of it
Why doesn't Australia have high speed rail? | ABC News
This animated map shows how radically a high-speed train system would improve travel in the US
What If The United States Had A National High Speed Rail Network?
How This Train Changed The World
Why High-Speed Rail is the Better Alternative to Flights
Amtrak's Next-Generation of High-Speed Rail
Why California High Speed Rail is Struggling (Re-upload)
The Unstoppable Growth of China's High-Speed Rail Network
Why Doesn't America Do High-Speed Rail?
Go inside Amtrak’s new high-speed train
Will A High Speed Rail Network Ever Be Built In The U.S.?