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About this channel: Just a business professor sharing her thoughts on life, learning, and luxury. This channel occasionally contains affiliate links.

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Yes, if you maintain your platinum membership, you get the platinum gift again. But if you allow it to expire, you can start the journey all over again and start as a silver and qualify for silver gold and platinum again. Which is far more fun than just being platinum again.


Yes, the website is super glitch. I received the platinum birthday gift and dislike it. Why would I want a notebook and pencils???? Pretty worthless. The other level birthday gifts are much better. The welcome gift and the holiday gift are really nice though.


Oh my gosh I thought the tote was just that recycled plasticy type (reusable grocery store bag 😂). So glad to hear it’s a fabric!


Wowwww...It is absolutely beautiful your unboxing at DIOR products and gifts . I would love one day to own something from DIOR ⭐Thank you for sharing your products with CD to us and I hope to see you soon with another STUNNING PRODUCTS. Send love from ROMANIA⭐


I live in Japan and am still pretty new to all this (though I've had a membership since 2022).
I just recently made the Crystal (Gold everywhere else) level and the welcome gift is a phone charm while the one for the Silver is some digital content. 😅
I hope the birthday gift will be interesting.


I just wish that promo codes worked in the uk. People in the us seem to get so many freebies!
Also, I’ve had some problems with the lucky charms lottery.


I had the same issues! I contacted customer service and after about a week it was resolved. But for both gold and platinum gifts, they never sent and had to contact customer services saying they never arrived. They quickly shipped them but yeah the frustration is real. They need better IT for sure but appreciate customer service being very understanding and responsive.


Been waiting 6 months for my platinum anniversary gift


I qualified as Platinum last month. I saw that my welcome gift was 3 leather charms which there was no option to claim. After emailing back and forth with CS they advised me that they had arranged to send them out manually rather than me claim them. To be honest I’m not too impressed with the gift. I’ve spent in excess of £1300 on products and I don’t feel that the gift reflects the amount I spent. I’m not ungrateful but if Dior wants customers to exclusively buy their products they need to reward them with better gifts. I loved my gold gift. It was a beautiful refillable travel spray and a wash bag. These are things I will use. Stationery or bag charms not so much. That’s my opinion though ☺️


Beautiful gifts. However, yes the UK has the same problems. Very glitchy website. Gifts don't show up on your account when you know that you have surpassed the purchase levels. I have put in previous complaints and they send the gifts but I don't think they get the point. The customer should not have to chase these gifts. The business wants you to make the purchases so customers should be their top concern. I regularly have to chase Dior for the seasonal gifts, the birthday gifts, the free gifts, always the same. Another annoyance for the UK customers though is that the Dior gifts around the world are very different to the ones received in the UK. We have had the same brush set for three years in different colours. I have always been platinum, as have my friends but we are currently waiting again. Hoping to speak to someone next week about it as there have been delays. Your gifts are stunning, I hope they come to the UK. :)


I’ve gotten that form email for the better part of 2 years now 😢Never got my platinum welcome gift for the year, did get the pencil/notebook birthday. 1st time I ever got my birthday gift since joining a few years back. I’ll be falling out of platinum this year between frustration with the site & the product changes 😫 Nothing I want, so no more wrestling with the site from hell 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hi, same here to all of the above and totally agree. Gave up on customer service last year.


Same, word for word. So much so, that I just simply decided to drop the Dior game. My Platinum expires soon and I was wondering if it starts over again with pearl, silver, gold, etc. Which, I see, is the case, and much more fun. I have had so many issues with the site that I gave up...CS is underwhelming at times, the last straw was when half the complimemtary samples were not included and CS was just: "Well, they ran out, sorry". Packaging has been subpar lately, just like someone else mentioned, stuff thrown around the box, not as neatly wrapped, just as if someone threw it there with resentment. There is more but I don't like whining, so I'll stop here. Basically, reading everyone's comments completely overlaps my experience. So I'll give it a break and just order whenever I need something. Some of their products are wonderful, some not so much. The whole level game is involving, but I feel like I am the only one invested in playing the fair game, not them.
And to be completely honest and fair: I was almost sure I would have to go through the same old tooth pulling endurance about my Platinum Birthday gift, and decided to just let go and not even attempt anything, but they actually had it in my cart on the date, I claimed it immediately and miraculously it arrived within a little more than 24 hours after claiming it online!!!! I was floored.


I have recently had the bag gift (beautiful ❤️) does anyone know what the gift will be if I reach platinum again before the end of the year?


Yes it starts over with platinum if you spent enough to renew the year.


This is currently happening to me. Very frustrating. I’m platinum & I cannot use the promo codes they sent me via email so I haven’t placed any orders for Mother’s Day yet. Sent out a few emails and no responses yet. Also, their loyalty challenge program is definitely a challenge. Some of the quizzes weren’t working for mths. I emailed & called them and they said it could take a mth to resolve. Also, my niece opened up an acct and somehow they merged our accts so now she’s platinum even though she’s never ordered before. She wants to have the same experience I had with all the beauty gifts, but they are still working on fixing it. Love their products & gifts, but they need a better IT team that can resolve issues quickly.


Have you ever won a challenge gift before? I did last month. Now, the star just spins. Almost like they don't want us to win again. I have issues with the promo codes that hardly ever work! Definitely not the ones that YT shares. They sent me an "exclusive" promo code a few days ago....doesn't work unless I add a specific item to cart AND $100 more product than the promo code offers! CS says they can't fix that but will let HR know. Then they told me to purchase needed items and then return them and keep the promo gift samples!!


I agreed about their web problems. may I pls ask the ring at your tumb where is it from? I am looking adjustable wedding band that would work for me :)


I wasn’t upset w my platinum BD gift until I saw someone Gold BD gift😅


Hi the note book costs $80? So expensive for that!
