What Happens When You Buy 3 Guitars from Guitar Center? | Trogly's Unboxing Guitars Vlog #87

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🐕 Episode Guide:
0:00 - Intro - Check Links in the Description
0:27 - Unboxing #1
3:37 - Unboxing #2
10:04 - Unboxing #3
14:29 - #3 Workbench
22:23 - Boxing #1
23:01 - Boxing #2

📚 Description: Guitar Center's Used and Vintage listings just recently got migrated onto the Musician's Friend website too, which means you can gain 8% back in loyalty points for these guitars which actually makes for some interesting deals! I was able to find 3 Les Pauls that I felt were worth picking up for my shop this way. Service after the sale is important as well as condition/descriptions. How did the Guitar Center do? Watch this video to find out!

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At the end of the day, with their return policy - I don't think you can go wrong. You might break your heart returning a guitar you were looking forward to though!


Sweetwater knows how to package a guitar for shipping. Just saying.


I bought one guitar from Guitar Center, had it shipped to the local store (cheaper shipping). When it arrived I went to pick it up and they opened the box and the headstock was broken. They processed my refund on the spot, no issues. If I ever bought another through them I'd do the store-to-store shipping again, just in case.


Dude. A lot of the older Gibson guitars Have longer threads sticking out. They are cut differently. You can also add a half moon washer under the nut. I’ve done it a million times with great success.


I love the second Les Paul. It has a really pretty headstock and back


I worked at Guitar Center, "The Evil Empire" as I referred to them, for 2 years and they never, ever, perform the sort of detailed inspection for used guitars that they should. (this does not apply to the Vintage Guitar Vault at the Hollywood store, as they most often sold to the pro's and discerning collectors, and was managed by two guy's called "The Burst Brothers" who were VERY knowledgable). Doing an inspection of an instrument prior to buying it off the street is a job requirement as mandated by corporate. But in practice, never done, as most people working there, with a few exceptions, don't know what to look for as they don't have the technical knowledge or experience to do this. ESPECIALLY with any sort of vintage instrument. If you did a "Street Buy" and the guitar was found to be defective later on, you were screwed by management (although sometimes forgiven under certain circumstances). The way it worked was this:
Somebody comes in with a guitar to sell. They look around for an employee to help them. ALL the floor sales people quickly rush away in order to avoid making contact with the seller if possible (not jokeing here). A manager will then intervene andr does the transaction, or they will assign it to a salesperson to do the "Street Buy" as it is called. Sales people HATE doing Street Buys, because the process takes up a great deal of their time to process and fill out the necessary legal paperwork, etc. This process also requires them to fully check out the instrument (they aren't required to disassemble it though). All of this process takes up thier time and takes them off the sales floor and away from making commission. Though Street Buys are a part of their job requirements, most hated having to do it andavoided it if at all possible due to this reason. More often than not a new amd less experienced employee would be assigned this responsability and thus, mistakes would be made. Management could be quite brutal if you didn't make your monthly numbers, and is quite compettitive and cutthroat with the sales people, Sales people took shortcuts, rushed the process, then hustled to get back on the sales floor. This is a generalization of the process and how employees dealt with it, and it should be taken in that context. It does however, provide you with a caveat when purchasing used equipment from them.


I really have a tough time believing you can't find a decent guitar tech near you! That natural custom was cherry and well worth saving!


3hrs on the phone?? Jesus, that seller had the patience of a saint


12:00 that is what heat does to varnish! I make custom walking sticks. Sometimes I need to remove the clear coat. I use a heat gun gun to remove it. The finish looks like this when it gets to hot and I don’t scrape it off. Sometimes I get interrupted mid process. When I get back to it, that’s what it looks like.


Say Austin, your videos have helped me out tremendously in shipping the guitars I sell online. I got compliments from the buyers for packaging them so well. You showed me how to go to it the proper way.

Thanks man.


Guitar Center Used has been my guilty pleasure since 2010. Now, you can find serious differences in prices between stores. I have made quite a few great purchases from the stores in the smaller markets. I am usually looking for the oddball 80's early 90's amps and guitars.


“Only 10lbs 6.6oz” I don’t think the word only is a good use there 🤣 🤣 🤣


I like these cross section looks into what you're getting packaging wise from different places. Although, they do remind me why I usually only buy on reverb


Just started watching the video, but what a coincidence -- I also purchased three guitars from guitar center recently. Each one was either listed incorrectly or priced very well. Every guitar I bought came without a case and they did a GREAT job packing it. A couple of the guitar's they even put into boxes from the same brand 😂 i.e. a 2004 epiphone I bought came in a new epi box because they had it lying around. Cute lil touch for an inexpensive guitar


3rd one looks like water damage. There is a pretty distinct dirt line running up and down, likely the guitar was standing up and only the area from the tal piece down actually was under water. The splitting further up the body is in line, and shows that the liquid was absorbed pretty high up. The pressure of the strings is likely what caused much of it to break.


You should've seen what they tried to sell me. Lol
They said they had a PRS SE 245 still in the box...
I get there and they couldn't find it for 30 minutes. Then they bring out this smashed up box that was clearly already opened, because it was barely holding together. They held onto it and rang it up. They wanted me to pay up front. I told them to let me look at the guitar first. I let the "box" lid fall open and the guitar is fucking smashed between the volumes and tone pots. They said, "oh shit, how'd that happen?"
The box wasn't even labeled, they just tried to sell me a smashed up guitar. They had to look in the box to see what it was, and told me to drive out. They let me drive 2 hours to guitar center to buy a guitar that they knew was smashed up.

They deserve to go bankrupt.


I've bough at least a half-dozen used guitars off GC's website over the past decade. All modern Gibsons though, no vintage stuff. All of them are great, no complaints here. They seem to price at a fair value and don't overcharge for shipping.


True story. About 25-30 years ago i took a 63 strat that (unfortunately) the previous owner had taken to a local guitar shop to repaint. It looked pretty but it lessened the value. It was still a very cool guitar but times got hard and I had to sell it - sooner rather than later. So I took it to one of the Guitar Center stores in MI to see what they would give me for a start figuring I would check out other places and friends etc.. I always open up my Fender guitars and date the pots and controls and take plenty of pictures. I don't think I ever bought a vintage fender without doing that. So the guy at the counter wanted to take it into the back to have it checked out for authenticity etc. and I expected that. But I said I got pictures here of the date on the neck and the pots, initials and date on the pickups etc.. But he said the tech had to physically see it all. I understood that and I said 'cool lets go'. Then he said I couldn't go in the back because of insurance regulations being I might get hurt if something fell on me or something like that. Well he seemed pretty cool and like an idiot I figured the tech would pop the pick guard remove the neck to check everything out and that should take 20 - 30 minutes at the most.

So long story short (as I can make it). After about 25 minutes I told the sales guy they should be about done and at the least know enough to give me a price as they're tuning it back up or whatever. He goes in the back then comes right back out of the back and says they're not done yet and have to check some things out - it will probably take a half hour or so. Well I may have been an idiot for letting my guitar go in the back in the first place however I wasn't stupid enough to leave it there for another minute and I walked right into the back to their shop area. you should have seen the shit start to to fly. Two guys of about four that were at the benches got right in my face trying to block from me going any further yelling about their insurance rules bull shit. But I could plainly see my strat and the tech soldering on the pots and another already removed and some new looking pots and pickups right on the same bench. Fucking thieves. They were trying to tell me they had to remove the pots and pickups to date them and test them AND told me I had to leave or they were going to call the police. well there was a lot of yelling and it was a pretty tense situation to say the least. Thatwere saying that I couldn't prove what part was whose and I would be arrested. So I insisted they do call the police. I demanded they call the police but of course they wouldn't because the stupid sales guy didn't tell them I had pictures of everything WITH ME and informed them of that - right after I did there on the spot.

It was now a pin drop quiet situation. Then they started stuttering and using words like 'a misunderstanding' and said I could stay and watch them put it all back together. Fuck that I wasn't going to let them touch a thing. I put the four screws through the neck partially threaded into the body and got the stuff together enough to put in the case with paper wrapped around much of the parts - I couldn't close the case all the way. I told them I was taking EVERY part on the bench and they even got me a box. I had extra pickups, pots and a bridge much of it crap as far as I was concerned. I wasn't in the state of mind to assemble the the strat properly or do much of a comparison to my pictures. My adrenaline was still running. When I got home and calmed down I compared all the parts and put it all together. I sold it at the next guitar show for a lot more than I paid or even thought I would get. Of course after I left I thought to myself that I probably could have got even more.

I doubt if it was GC policy to steel parts but they are stupid enough not to see this kind of thing going on. Either way I have never been into a GC since. AND I let every musician friend I have know about this. If they are doubtful I show them the pictures I had taken when I got my strat home in pieces.


It's been a few years ago, but I ordered a used Dean ML from GC. Can't remember which one, but it came in an inner box of a 2 box set up and that was it. No packing of any kind. It was a miracle that there was no damage


***Tbh, that scratched up silver burst, will probably be one of the best playing guitars. I've worked in a music store/pawn shop for the last 12 years. The ones that are brought in that look like they were in a car crash lol tend to be the "Runts" of the pack. Alittle TLC, and just enjoy it. The dings in dents are there. Can't be afraid of it lol
