Algebra Calculators and Math Solvers – The Best One!

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Algebra calculators and math solvers are great learning software for math students. However, too many students try to depend on these calculators too much and don’t focus on understanding the actual math concepts they are learning in class. This video will explain how why your brain will always be the best algebra calculator and math solver. Need help with math?

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I love your channel. It is the best of all the math channels I have gone to. I am a 63 year old college student who went back to college full time and making straight A's but having a very hard struggle with polynomials and slopes intercepts. I simply don't understand those. Do you have specific videos I can watch in relation to those? I need something made for someone who has never had any of it before. I would appreciate any info. Thank you.


Ur videos still help me to this day bro ! Keep going


I'm terrible in math a calculator has been my saving grace. I disagree with the brain because im simply not good in math and I can't remember formulas.


Ti still uses an 8bit processor, and that makes sense for the sake of keeping costs low. The HP prime is the most powerful, the SwissMicros' take 2nd place, then Casio on 3rd, and finally Ti. But agree the brain is the best of the bunch. Slide rules were great teaching aids, especially if showing the student math history such as liking up logarithms in appendix tables.


Definitely gonna need it because next year I’m retaking Math 125 so I can remove the F grade and change it to a C or a B grade


Our mathematics professor in university - "You Do Not Need A Calculator For This Calculus Course". Having said that, I have an HP48-GX RPN calculator. I didn't use it at uni, because a calculator actually slowed you down.


What program do you use for drawing on the screen? I waste a lot of paper doing this


i love your videos. i always struggled in math but had other talents in me. 😑😑
