Dispensational Heresies: Worshiping the Seed of Men

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Dispensationalism claims that Jews are chosen people of God based on genealogy, despite Titus 3:9 KJV, that says But **avoid foolish questions, and genealogies**, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.

And completely ignoring Rom 2:28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:

29 But he is **a Jew**, which **is one inwardly**; and circumcision is that of the heart, **in the spirit**, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
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Thanks again Marcus for being so thoughrough and teaching me to be berean!!! I have been learning so much. AlsoEphesians 2:15 and hebrews 8 discuss the end of the covenant and law yet these people think they are still separateand the apple of Gods eye. Which I do believe God has a great love for his chosen people when they have also excepted Jesus...because in Romans 11:17 Paul speaks on that God will never forget his people due to the covenant with Abraham and states he will readily graft them back in as the natural branch.


Fantastic explanation my brother. God bless you for your thousands of hours of study and prayer to know this. For your readers I pose this interesting question below:
What do:
Jehovah’s witnesses and
Seventh day Adventists and
Judaism and
First century Pharisees and
Christians Dispensationalists
All share in common? 

Answer: They all interpret the Hebrew Prophets as LITERAL!!

The Hebrew Prophetic books are not literal, they’re spiritual. God spoke in Numbers 12:6 and said He speaks to His prophets in dreams and visions. Dreams and visions must be interpreted, they are not literal.

In Luke 17:20 the Pharisees came to Christ and asked Him “when is the kingdom of God going to show up”? They were reading the prophets and interpreting them as a literal, earthly and carnal kingdom, and what did Christ answer them? He said “the kingdom of God does not come with observation, you can’t see it with your human eyes, your fleshly eyes, the kingdom of God He said, is within you.”

All these groups are making the same exact mistake the Pharisees were making as Christ walked the earth, they were interpreting the prophets as literal and looking for a carnal, earthly, kingdom. This is the reason they rejected Him, because He did not establish a literal,   earthly kingdom. Don’t you remember how angry God was when Israel asked for a king way back in the book of Samuel.

Question to you out there who are upset at my words right now, If Rev. 21 and 22 are literal and everything is “brand new and perfect” how come the “nations still need healing” (Rev. 22:2, ) and who are all those people in vs. 15, and please tell me if everything is perfect and there is no more sin or evil or death or wars or fighting, how come the city has “walls” and “gates”?

The spiritual city that comes down in Rev. is the bride of Christ, and she has existed on this earth now for over 2000 years. To get into this city you have to be “spiritually born again.”

Dispensationalism was created by a Jesuit Priest named Manuel Lacunza as an attack against the protestant reformation in 1767. All our multi-millionaire tele evangelists and big church preachers were taught this doctrine in their Seminaries and Bible Colleges. Dispensationalism was actually the key part of the plan to create the secular state of Israel, by passing it off as a fulfillment of prophecy. Dispensationalism is nothing less than Jewish- literal interpretation of the Hebrew prophets.

Lacunza invented it, Edward Irving spread it in England in the early 1800's, then to John Darby, who brought it to America and from there to James Brookes, then William E. Blackstone, the Father of American Zionism, then to a young scallawag named C.I. Scofield, then to Lewis Sperry Chafer who founded Dallas Theological Seminary, and then the rest was history. 

This doctrine which has deceived almost all of American Christendom, is nothing less than an attack on the deity of Christ. How so?, by teaching that God has two plans, one for Christ and the Church, and one for God and Israel, therefore, Christ and God are not one and the same. The true church, ecclesia,  is both believing Jews and gentiles. Christ removed the barrier which separated them by His atonement and has made both one body in Himself. That barrier was physical Israel, the Temple system.. See Ephesians 2:14


As a dispensationalist who knows many dispensationalist as, I only know of one person who says people were saved a different way in the OT (sacrifices). All the rest of us believe salvation was by grace through faith in the standard God had for that time. Abraham believed God's promise to give him a land and descendants, and that was good enough. The Israelites (some of them) by faith repentantly offered sacrifices understanding that they are sinners and deserve to die, but the sacrifice took their place so they wouldn't have to be punished. That was good enough. Now, we have to believe the Son became flesh, never sinned, voluntarily died on the cross to satisfy God's justice and wrath, rose from the dead, and demands faith and repentance. That's all dispensationalism is.


Wow, perfect commentary for Covenant theology, ( theology that the church was in existence through the whole bible). Your dispensational friends can use some help but there on the right path. The law can not save anyone, the holy spirit is in the old testament but it is given and can be taken away. There are no covenants given to the church except "The New Covenant I give you" at the death of Christ. The Church begins at Acts chapter 2 and ends Revelation chapter 3. Genesis is the creation of a nation. 70 people called Israel entered Egypt and millions left heading to the land of milk and honey. The rest is "History". In order read the bible correctly, read each book with these questions; 1) Who wrote the Book?; 2)Who was it written to?; 3) What was the history at the time of the writing? The more you jump around the more confused you'll get. 2 Timothy 2:15b rightly dividing the word of truth. This does not mean separate Israel and the Gentiles, it means to get the understand the word correctly so you truly understand it. Dispensationalism unlike Reformed Calvinism/ Arminianism/ and Catholicism, takes a lot of study to get it correct. Like other beliefs Dispensationalism has a Hyper, Progressive and an Ultra systems which are incorrect and can give false information. I study conservative or classical Dispensationalism. Darby, Barnhouse L S Chaffer, Ryrie, Vernon McGee, David Jeremiah, and others. Israel will inherit the Earth, Gentiles the Heavenly Kingdom. One salvation through the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, (Paul's Gospel) "the mystery" May God Richly Bless You, J.Veron McGee


Hey loving the video and haven't finished it so maybe it's towards the end but what do you make of Paul saying that Israel or they will be grafted back into the vine. I gotta read it all after listening to this and catch the correct context but wondered what you make of it. Thanks


No one was permanently indwelt by the Holy Spirit in the OT. That's the whole point of Jesus' promise of the Holy Spirit in John 15 and 16. The Spirit indwelt kings, prophets, priests, and other special workers to help them do their jobs (if they cooperated), but He did not indwell all OT saints permanently. Otherwise, why is Jesus hyping the Spirit's coming so much if He's already there in every believer? What's the point of Acts 1:8?


Romans 9:6 has nothing to do with Gentiles. All it is saying is that not every physical Jew partake of the Abrahamic covenant and salvation. Where on earth do you covenant theologians get the idea that Gentile Christians are in view in that verse?


Interesting perspective from the Scriptures. What version of the bible are we all using? Vatican approved or the hated AKJV? This is so important if faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. We must have the right faith. There is an attack on Israel, but we need to remember there are fake Jews. God will seal 144, 000 Jews just before the judgments come.

Sometimes I want to cry. So many different beliefs and interpretations. I recently heard that Jesus is the God of the old testament and not God the Father. There is Scripture for it and it does make sense. Now what you are saying using Scripture makes sense. The real Jews will return but not until they go through the wrath of God. That is why Hod seals the 144, 000. Why isnt the tribe Dan included? The Church and Israel are one in the same? Need to research this more as I learned dispensationalism is an errant doctrine. Makes my head spin.

Wont the time of the Gentiles be over and then God returns His focus on His people once again? They are the natural branch. Argh this is so messed up. What is the true bible? Genesis 6 account is not fallen angels with human women? Again head spinning. Help? Years of dispensationalism poisoning.
