How Old Are Champions According To The Lore?

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Let's talk about how old League of Legends champions REALLY are...



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Sett being 14 just further proves that he truly is a Jojo's character LMAO.


Sett: 14
Draven: 38

I love how this will never die.


Aurelion has been in there since the beginning of time... I really love how massive and overpowered he is in the lore, only to be the exact opposite in the gameplay.


aurelion sol being as old as the start of time be losing to a 9 year old at midlane


I love how this is a low-key way to tell riot to update some champ’s lore


Necrit: Shaco doesnt even exist, he cant hurt you
Shaco: The jokes on you


It would be so poetic for Jhin to be 44 years old


Timestamps =)
Aatrox: 2:31
Ahri: 2:42
Akali: 2:59
Akshan 3:43
Alistar: 3:50
Amumu: 3:57
Anivia: 4:06
Annie: 4:26
Aphelios: 4:43
Ashe: 4:48
Aurelion Sol: 5:07
Azir: 5:10
Bard: 5:29
Blitzcrank: 5:32
Brand: 5:38
Braum: 5:50
Caitlyn 5:56
Camille: 6:05
Cassiopeia: 6:18
Cho'gath 6:50
Corki: 6:52
Darius: 6:53
Diana: 7:01
Dr. Mundo: 7:42
Draven: 7:46
Ekko 7:52
Elise: 8:32
Evelynn: 8:38
Ezreal: 8:44
Fiddlesticks: 8:49
Fiora: 8:54
Fizz: 9:03
Galio: 19:45 (Poppy)
Gangplank: 9:10
Garen: 9:22
Gnar: 10:35
Gragas: 10:41
Graves: 10:49
Gwen: 11:00
Hecarim: 11:24 (Camavor)
Heimerdinger: 12:24
Illaoi: 12:29
Irelia: 12:34
Ivern: 12:41
Janna: 12:50
Jarvan IV 9:22 (Garen)
Jax: 13:04
Jayce: 13:12
Jhin: 13:29
Jinx: 7:52 (Ekko)
Kai'sa 13:44
Kalista: 11:24 (Camavor)
Karma: 14:23
Karthus: 14:34
Kassadin: 15:02
Katarina 6:18 (Cassiopeia)
Kayle: 15:08
Kayn: 15:23
Kennen: 15:33
Kha'zix: 15:39
Kindred: 15:46
Kled: 15:49
Kog'maw: 15:59
Leblanc: 16:09
Lee sin: 16:16
Leona: 7:01 (Diana)
Lillia: 16:24
Lissandra: 16:57
Lucian: 17:02
Lulu: 17:17
Lux: 9:22 (Garen)
Malphite: 17:20
Malzahar: 17:26
Maokai: 17:31
Master Yi: 17:39
Miss Fortune: 9:10 (Gangplank)
Mordekaiser: 17:54
Morgana: 15:08 (Kayle)
Nami: 18:00
Nasus: 18:18
Nautilus: 18:27
Neeko: 18:41
Nidalee: 18:50
Nocturne: 18:56
Nunu & Willump: 19:02
Olaf: 19:23
Orianna: 19:27
Ornn: 19:39
Pantheon: 14:45
Poppy: 19:45
Pyke: 19:57
Qiyana: 20:03
Quinn: 9:22 (Garen)
Rakan: 20:14
Rammus: 20:34
Rek'sai: 20:38
Rell: 20:41
Renata Glasc: 7:52 (Ekko)
Renekton: 18:18 (Nasus)
Rengar: 20:45
Riven: 20:53
Rumble: 21:06
Ryze: 21:08
Samira: 21:14
Sejuani: 4:48 (Ashe)
Senna: 17:02 (Lucian)
Seraphine: 21:24
Sett: 21:34
Shaco: 22:29
Shen: 22:31
Shyvana: 22:51
Singed: 23:21
Sion: 23:33
Sivir 6:18 (Cassiopeia)
Skarner: 23:52
Sona: 9:22 (Garen)
Soraka: 24:03
Swain: 24:07
Sylas: 24:17
Syndra: 24:28
Tahm Kench: 24:39
Taliyah: 13:44 (Kai'sa)
Talon: 24:42
Taric: 24:50
Teemo: 24:55 (Yordles)
Thresh: 11:24 (Camavor)
Tristana: 24:55 (Yordles)
Trundle: 25:02
Tryndamere: 25:08
Twisted Fate: 10:49 (Graves)
Twitch: 25:13
Udyr: 4:48 (Ashe)
Urgot: 25:16
Varus: 25:26
Vayne: 25:40
Veigar: 24:55 (Yordles)
Vel'Koz: 25:55
Vex: 24:55 (Yordles)
Vi: 7:52 (Ekko)
Viego: 11:24 (Camavor)
Viktor 13:12 (Jayce)
Vladimir: 11:24 (Camavor)
Volibear: 19:39 (Ornn)
Warwick: 26:16
Wukong: 26:26
Galio: 19:45 (Poppy)
Xerath: 26:33
Xin Zhao 9:22 (Garen)
Yasuo: 26:39
Yone: 26:46
Yorick: 11:24 (Camavor)
Yuumi: 24:55 (Yordles)
Zac: 26:50
Zed: 22:31 (Shen)
Zeri: 27:12
Ziggs: 24:55 (Yordles)
Zilean: 27:04
Zoe: 27:16
Zyra: 27:34

If a champion apeared during the explanation of another ones age, i put the timestamp for the original one there aswell as the name.
For example if you click on Jarvan IV it takes you to Garen, just watch for a bit to get the age of Jarvan then. I did this so everything is in alphabetical order.
(Edit: Tanks for 1000 likes and all the nice replies C: )


Kindred being "yes" years old is just a vibe by itself


"Heimerdinger is immortal"
Heimerdinger: "How old are you, my boy?
Jayce: 24
Heimerdinger: Ah, well I am now 307 years old"


there is some reference to Veigars age: He considered himself a master of celestial magic when mortals started studying it - right after the Darkin War, so he should be over 1550


—So Necrit, how old is kindred?
—but that not a num-


It's gotta be hard just trying to find all the information through all the champions. You're a mad lad Necrit.


Necrit: Arcane isn't canon
Also Necrit: According to the "Vander theory" Warwick is 55


A lot of these seem to ride on characters being born at the start of a specific war but since those campaigns lasted years it could add even more variables to it. Also, who knows how old Ekko or Zilean REALLY are when you consider their time travel shenanigans and how you define age at that point (especially in Zilean's case).


Loved this video! Lots of details I haven't noticed before, especially for ancient champs. However, you mentioned to tell you anything you might have missed and so:

Alistar is not 300 years - in the story, the line is: "Though these fierce minotaurs had protected the overland trade routes to the ancient city of Zaun for centuries..." - this is a reference to his tribe not him. But he is old for sure, over 60 I'd say.

And the major thing - you always say 14 years since invasion, but remember, invasion lasted for 5 years!

Taliyah is indeed roughly 24 or 25 and the quote from the Rioter makes sense - 989 was the END of the war when she meets Yasuo, so you need to add only 9 years to her 16 in the tweet.

Same for Akali - sorry, but this is not set in stone, and I am not sure how to reach you to mention that. The 14 years reference in her bio talks about when she officially joined Kinkou, not when it happened. If you read a story called "The Bow, and the Kunai" she is not an official member there and it literally states that: "Akali sat up and brushed some leaves off her clothes. She was nine, three summers younger than Faey." More importantly, it says that the invaders were already rampaging Ionia for several seasons, so if we take it as, say, 2 years, then she is at most 22-23 now.

Same for Irelia - she was 14 fighting at Placidium, and that was already 2 years after that war started.

Again, amazing video but I was hoping you'd fix the above since your streams :(


Okay, I just checked Sett's bio and its vague. It seems that Noxian fight pits may have existed in Ionia before the invasion. The main thing of note is that it talks about Ionians being conditioned for war around the same time he took control of the pits.


a video about what is each champion doing currently would be amazing


evelynn wasnt "born" during the rune wars, she was existed at the beginning with asol, bard ect. but only in spirit form it was after the rune wars that she took physical matter, so technically because she is an immortal spirit, she is ageless,


can we talk about how gwen was sitting there for around 1000 years unable to do anything. and then whenever live people finally show up. all she can do is just watch them walk away
