Your Organs When You Do Intermittent Fasting

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What happens inside of your body when you do intermittent fasting.
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Idk why everybody thinks intermittent fasting has to be starvation. You still eat. You just eat less depending on the day. On lazy days I go the whole morning without eating and avoid snacks/drinks. On active days I eat a lot. You match your diet to your activity. That’s how marathon runners do it, that’s how strongmen do it, and you can do it too.


Literally not eating for some hours won't kill anybody.Yes you will feel hungry, you will lose weight but the benefits are huge.Ive been doing fasting for like 8 years and I love it.


I went from 407lbs. and I am down to 280lbs. My type 2 diabetes is gone, my fatty liver is gone too. I am healthier than I have been in a long time. I was fasting on Saturdays and Sundays. Now, I skip breakfast and don't have lunch until 1pm. I eat whole foods, I eat in moderation, I exercise every day. My goal is 200lbs. If you do intermittent fasting correctly, you will be healthier for life.


I think you forgot the "intermittent" part of intermittent fasting.


I love it when the comments section is more knowledgeable than the actual video.


I did OMAD (One Meal A Day) during the pandemic and lost 12 lbs of muscle and fat. It did do my body good. Two meals a day is a better fitting for me. It's all about controlling your hunger and not allowing your appetite to control you.


I've found the hunger pangs associated with fasting pass after some time. It's just about riding out those pangs. Drinking a cup of warm water helps trick your brain that you're getting something, and generally gives enough time for the feeling to pass. I think it's just about giving yourself something to do until the feeling subsides.


As a lazy bachelor student i have been intermittent fasting before it was even a thing 🤣🤣


I'm here for my dose of this channel. Don't mind me.


I've been intermittent fasting for 3 yrs now, with around 14 hrs break between dinner and breakfast. Definitely seeing positive results as I used to have a little pot belly before (even though I used to eat less). Now I eat twice as more than before but still stay thin. It has also improved my digestion and reduce stomach problems.


I loved and felt so healthy while intermittent fasting. Helped me stop overeating and cut the extra body fat. I’m pregnant now so I stopped of course, but I’ll continue after my baby boy arrives and the doctor gives approval


As a UPS delivery driver who lost 100 lbs via intermittent fasting, you don’t fast for more than 16 hrs on average. I lost the weight before joining UPS and still continue to not eat until it’s past 2pm.

At most I’ll have a no sugar energy drink or black coffee in the morning, once I eat I usually don’t eat anything past 9pm.

Still haven’t gained all the weight back, I definitely prefer this diet as the new “normal”

In fact I hate having to eat during work, because I feel groggy afterwards (I try to nap for at least 7-12 minutes to offset)


I thought this was an info video about how to do intermittent fasting correctly and effectively! I wasn’t expecting a satire! FR tho, this was pretty good.


Weird. I’ve been intermittent fasting for a while now and I’d say that for the most part I’m doing alright. Down from 231.8 pounds in June 2019 and am now 160 pounds although I also work out. And this looks more like fasting in total, rather than intermittent fasting with careful use of supplements this shouldn’t be a problem


This worked for me. I lost the weight. But if you don't have an active work life, you body will store all the yummy stuff you will eat. It remembers what you did and will prepare for next time. Not everyone's body is the same at loosing weight.


Intermittent fasting is you still eat your caloric requirement. Mine is about 2, 000 calories. My eating window is 8 hours, and 16 hours, half of which is sleep, so it's not bad.


Honestly, and as awful as this sounds, the only way I lost weight was through fasting. I have PCOS and I was seeing an endocrinologist for my issues. They put me on a low carb diet (legit under 40 carbs a day target goal) and it worked fine the first month. I started at 250lbs and then after my first month I lost 10lbs. The second month is when I noticed that I would lose multiple pounds in just a few days of not eating lol! So for the first few weeks of the month I ate whatever I wanted for ONLY one meal a day. I ate Taco Bell, McDonald’s, all of my faves. Right before I had a weigh in I would just not eat anything for a few days prior. Always lost 2-6 lbs every appointment and I never actually gained it back. I just did this cycle for a little under a year and I lost 100 pounds! Your hunger actually goes away surprisingly, it comes back after you’ve not eaten for a few days. Once it comes back that’s the signal to eat again. Usually your stomach is so much smaller the food you’ll eat would be less than what you’re used to. ALSO side note I ate a lot of vitamins throughout this ordeal, I was afraid of not getting any nutrients so I used daily gummies as supplements. Anyways, I got my blood work done after I finished my treatment with the endo, and it came back really good. I had normal levels and was no longer prediabetic! I’m pretty sure I did have headaches every once and a while, but honestly it beats not eating sugar for the rest of my life lmao


If you do it right it really does help.
The Human Body was designed to not know when the next meal is, so it is perfectly healthy to go a little while without food. Do the 16/8 Split Fasting. 16 hours without eating, and that includes sleeping, and then a 8 hour window to eat. Also when you eat go for Meat and Vegetables due to them filling you up far more than other foods, as well as helping to build muscles.


I'm in my second year of fasting and I love it. It's a way of life for me now. In the beginning I almost felt like I had a cold for a couple of days, fatigue, tired, foggy brain over all just not feeling good but by about the third day I felt fine. Hunger was a challenge for about the first 6 months, I would think about food all the time and some days I would just be counting down to when I could eat again. Eventually though it just became routine and honestly two years later I rarely feel much hunger until about an hour before my eating window begins. I'm an early morning worker so my eating window is a little bit different my eating window begins at 6 at night and closes at 10. I went from being as heavy as I've ever been over 200 lbs to the lightest I've been as an adult 168 at that point calories in was equal to calories out and I basically maintained. You must maintain a good workout routine while fasting as you will loose muscle a long with fat in many cases. And that was the case for me so I maintain a 6 day a week 45 min workout routine. Fasting changed my life, I'm in the best shape of my adult years! Truthfully I'll never go back. Once you make it a routine it is super easy to maintain! Truthfully some times it feels like you must be cheating somehow when your eating the things you love and still staying lean.


one of the best animation video about IF. Thank you guys. keep up the good work.
