Darth Jar Jar is the Key to all this #shorts #starwars #darthjarjar

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Darth Jar Jar, known to most as Jar Jar Binks, was a Gungan Sith Lord. He survived the Battle of Naboo and became a Representative of Naboo, when he helped to give Darth Sidious emergency powers. After the fall of the Galactic Empire, he forced a small alien named Snoke under his evil wing. Through Jar Jar's mind control, he seduced Kylo Ren and authorized the destruction of Hosnian Prime. Eventually, Darth Jar Jar exposed him to Finn and Rey. The two of them defeated Jar Jar, marking the coming of the war's end.

Invasion of Naboo
First Order-Resistance conflict
Eventually, Darth Jar Jar captured Snoke and forced him to help create the First Order. Following Skywalker's disappearance, Darth Jar Jar spoke through Snoke, assigning Ren to hunt down the last Jedi. Ren's search led him to Jakku, where he learned that the final piece of the map to Skywalker was in the possession of the astromech droid BB-8. Jar Jar played a mind trick on Snoke, prompting him to order the droid's capture or destruction, preferably the former. Despite the efforts of the First Order, BB-8 managed to escape Jakku aboard the Millennium Falcon. Ren and General Armitage Hux later returned to Starkiller Base to communicate with Darth Jar Jar via hologram. Hux proposed using Starkiller Base's superweapon to destroy the New Republic government, which was backing the Resistance, an undertaking which Snoke was forced to authorize. Through Snoke, Darth Jar Jar then spoke with Ren privately, asking if he had felt an awakening in the Force. He ordered Ren to kill his father to overcome his temptation by the light. When he realized that Snoke was horrified by the orders he had given, Darth Jar Jar tortured him just for saying so.

Shortly after the destruction of the Hosnian system, resulting in the eradication of the New Republic government and a portion of its fleet, Ren invaded Takodana in search of BB-8. He later deemed the droid unnecessary as he captured a scavenger named Rey, who had seen the final piece of the map to Skywalker's location. Darth Jar Jar was later upset to hear that the girl resisted Ren's interrogation, and expressed this by playing yet another mind trick on Snoke. Ren defended himself by explaining that Rey was strong in the Force, albeit untrained. As the Resistance base had been discovered, Darth Jar Jar ordered Hux to destroy the Resistance before they could find Skywalker, and for Ren to bring Rey to him and Snoke. However, Ren never got the chance, as Rey managed to escape with the help of her new powers. Subsequently, Starkiller Base was infiltrated by Han Solo, Chewbacca and Finn, who managed to lower the shields through the aid of a captured Captain Phasma to allow the Resistance fleet to attack the base. Solo then tried to bring Ren back to the light, only for his own son to murder him. In rage and grief, Chewbacca wounded Ren and blew a hole in the superweapon's thermal oscillator, allowing Resistance pilot Poe Dameron to fly in and destroy it, causing catastrophic damage, preventing the solar energy from being contained. When the destruction of Starkiller Base was inevitable, Darth Jar Jar ordered Hux to bring Ren to him in order to complete his training.

Finally, Darth Jar Jar could stand Rey's involvement no more, and ordered Kylo to kill them in person (who had given up attempting to seduce the latter). However, Kylo Ren was killed by the collected efforts of Finn, Rey, Rebecca Black, and Katy Perry. Following this, Darth Jar Jar exposed Snoke's true identity to Finn and Rey. Appalled at the revelation, the two of them drew their lightsabers and attacked. Jar Jar was quickly taken down after he tripped and Rey cornered him.

After the Gungan was destroyed, Snoke was freed of the Knights of Ren and was able to begin a new life.

Physical Description
Like all Gungans, he spoke with a peculiar Basic dialect, which sometimes made him hard to understand.

Personality and Traits
To all appearances, Binks was clumsier than most of his fellow Gungans, which was the reason why he was banished from Otoh Gunga. Whether or not he was di would often explain his dislike, lashing out with his long tongue. Despite his clumsiness, Darth Jar Jar was actually very intelligent and always knew his mind. He often held a certain irreverence for his superiors — often making faces behind their backs, but he would still obey their orders. He was socially active, trying to communicate with sentients around him, and collecting new allies that were valuable (such as Armitage Hux, Snoke, Phasma, or FN-2187). He was also skilled as a mechanic, despite receiving little training from his Sith Master, and was able to perform maintenance on Anakin Skywalker's pod. As a diplomat, he helped unite the Gungans and the Naboo in 32 BBY (though in the long run, this was to help Palpatine initiate Qui-Gon's death). For that deed, he was promoted to general.
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