Top 10 Last Minute Things to Do Facing SHTF

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Top 10 Last Minute Things to Do Facing SHTF
1. Get Your Family Home
2. Implement your Bug Out Plan
3. Prescriptions Filled
4. Buy Last Minute Supplies
5. Water Storage
6. Test Equipment/ Generators
7. Protect Your Freezers/ Refrigerators
8. Heat Source Options
9. Basic Medications / 1st Aid
10. Implement Security Plan

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Exercise!!!! Get strong, cut the crappy food. You'll need that energy and muscle tone soon


There are 'riots' in your area. Remove from your 'lawn' any objects that could be used to break into the house or break windows. Flowerpots, shovel, ladder, bench and the like.


Good info, here is my plan - slightly different:
1. Get everybody in one central location - Rallying point
2. Do we need to bug out? - if yes, start packing truck; need to leave SOONER rather than later
1. Food & water
2. Meds
3. dog & food
4. Weapons & Ammo
5. Clothing & footwear essentials ONLY
6. TP, Towels
3. Fill up bathtub
4. Generator - fuel? Test it.
5. Charge devices, flashlights
6. Wrap blankets around freezers
7. Blankets, sleeping bags, warm clothes (winter)
8. Medications, first aid kits
9. Implement home security plan
1. Weapons in every room
2. Body armor
3. Plate carriers & helmets
10. Food organization


I started prepping in 2015 while living with my daughter and her family because I lost my home to fire and I had health issues. I explained about all the reasons to prep but they, my 4 grown kids, only kinda prepped during COVID. Now Mama's just crazy again. I've been in my own place for 3 years now and still prepping. I am constantly gifting them prepping items at random times and Christmas. Everything from PK and apple pectin to buddy heaters. As with most moms, they are my life.


Instead of cold packs I freeze empty milk plastic jugs and keep them in the freezer. They can easily be moved to an ice chest, an additional benefit as the ice melts you have drinking water. I really respect the time and effort that you put into your Vlogs. Thank you so much😀😀.


The thing I see folks not thinking about as they prep is building a library of actual books, maps and pamphlets. It will be common sense to the old school folks but younger people have been trained to go to the internet and most likely that won't be an option.
Thanks for all the work you put into these videos- you will save a lot of folks 👍


Remember, most water heaters hold approximately 40 gallons of potable water. Attach a short RV hose to the outlet of the drain valve, open the valve, if water flow is slow, then open pressure relief valve.


Most everyone has it in their home but petroleum jelly aka Vaseline will stop bleeding when placed on a wound and if your allergic to to ingredients in antibiotic ointment it's also can take the place of that


I keep my freezer doors filled with water bottles to help keep in the cold if the power goes out. Thanks Sootch. I've been following you since 2020. Appreciate your expertise


I bought some(3) of the cheap 6 gal water jugs from Wal Mart several years ago to just keep some water stored in.(Just sitting in the garage) A couple of weeks ago I had to throw one of them away because one of the seams started leaking.
Just a suggestion to buy "Quality" storage equipment, so, when you need it, it's there/works for you.


I have no friends and no family. I plan on staying in place. I've been prepping for a very long time and I have no doubt that I will be ok.


Get into shape! If you are not fit all of the equipment prep in the world will do very little. 😊


I don't have a wood stove in my house, but I've made hobo stoves, and I've stockpiled firewood. When SHTF, I'll be able to boil water and cook. If the neighbours need to cook on my hobo stoves, they can. It's great to have them premade and ready for SHTF.


A great video to help to do a bit of a reset and focus. This is the perfect time for it


It’s tragic that many preppers are physically prepared, but fail to be spiritually prepared. “Then He spoke a parable to them, saying: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully. And he thought within himself, saying, ‘What shall I do, since I have no room to store my crops?’ So he said, ‘I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build greater, and there I will store all my crops and my goods. And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry.” ’ But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?’ So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” Luke 12:16-21


You didn't list "get cash." One of the first things you should do is withdraw as much cash as you can as quickly as you can. I don't like storing a lot of cash in my home. But the FIRST think I'm going to do when I SMELL SHTF coming, is to get as much cash as possible. If I'm wrong, I can always re-deposit it back in the bank. And remember there are different types and phases of SHTF situations. Only in the most absolutely dire type of SHTF will money be worthless. But in MOST types of SHTF situations, the ability to use credit cards/checks/electronic funds transfers etc. will be one of the first things to go south!


As always, can't thank you enough for all your videos.
Thank you.


We live in the country, have a well, generator to pump the well, all propane cooking, wood burning stove, 4 freezers full of food, I have a huge garden, fruit/nut trees, livestock, I can/dehydrate/freeze dry. We try to be as prepared as possible for what’s coming. Just been busy organizing everything.


food grade 5 gallon buckets with lids filled with clean drinking water. Put those buckets in your chest freezer, same thing with used milk jugs. They will help keep your food cool longer + a full freezer is more efficient than a half empty one. When the water melts, you can drink it.


I would suggest you add another care point: in such an emergency, take extra care of your hands and feet. Keep good gloves (work and warmth), and good walking boots. In a grid down situation, you need to carry out extra tasks and move about. Good lists.
