This Christian Conservative implies it's heresy to not understand Bible entitles the rich

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Dave Ramsey, one of the well respected financial advisers in the evangelical world believes God selects a few to manage his wealth, the wealth of the Kingdom. I one ever wonders about the biblical justification of capitalistic greed, he has an interesting take.
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"Work hard and save money". Look buddy, I'm all for that. I'm not against hard work or saving one's money. I'm against rich people evading their taxes. I'm against corporations not paying a livable wage. I'm against everyone just expecting that people who work at McDonald's or Walmart, or janitors, or most service sector jobs are just lazy non-hardworking people who deserve low wages. It's hard for the working poor to save money. I'm saying rich people can pay more in taxes and corporations can pay their workers more and we all as customers can pay a little more for service. And you can twist the words of Scripture all you want. The Nazarene lived a life of a penniless teacher. You ain't pulling no wool over my eyes.


Mocking God like that will earn him his place in hell alongside Pat "The man who said God told him Romney would win" Robertson.


This guy never read James 5:1 (through) 6 ...


With this logic wouldn't the inheritance tax be gods way of adjusting "his" wealth.


You can literally justify any horrid thing you want to do by finding a verse of the bible and interpreting the way YOU want to.

Such a diverse tool to live how you want while judging others, and doing horrible things to people.

Its not how much money you have, its how you treat people and what you do with your money to help others.  


Ramsey, the quote is "It is easier for camel 'thread' to pass through..."  not camel.


The casual, arrogantly self-assured way that some religious people refer to what they think their god is thinking is flabbergasting: "I think that is one of the reasons God asked me to write this book."  Shameless.  Absolutely shameless.


Just like Jesus preached, hey Pat, hey Dave?
How are things in opposite world?


It's interesting to point out that this guy makes money off ignorant poor Christians who are unwise in the management of their money.


John Calvin would be so proud.... (And no, doofus, it's not Gnosticism, it's dualism, with a dash of Manicheanism. Who's illiterate?) SMH


Think about
You believe that God is perfect, right?.
God is perfect he does not want for anything, he is complete in every way, and does not need anything material or spiritual because he is all those things, he is perfect, all powerful and mighty.He is the almighty God.

So if God is all knowing, all perfect, all mighty, not wanting, then for what reason did God decide to create the heavens and the earth?. Was it that he couldn't think of anything else to do. Was he not satisfied with himself.

Was it because he was bored, lonely, not satisfied with his existence so he decided on a whim to play a little game of creation for fun.

A Christian would not view God as such because if that was true he would not be perfect in every way. A perfect God doesn't play games.

If it wasn't true and he did not create heaven and earth we wouldn't be here, but we are, so God can't exist.
We made him up.
I you don't agree then you are admitting that God is not perfect.


Matthew 19:24
"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."



He never said evade taxes. He pointed out the total unfairness of inheritance tax. It is Unfair and unconstitutional. He did not promote greed. Are you suggesting we don't manage our money according to teachings. You cannot help anyone in need if you don't. You have completely distorted this video. I hope God blesses you with wisdom and wealth so that someday you can help those who are hungry, or homeless.
