AITA for not taking my nephews to Disney World

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AITA for not taking my nephews to Disney World

All my wife has talked about since she got pregnant was how she wanted to take our daughter to Disney World. I’ve never been but my wife says it was the best part of her childhood. We are now 25 and have a 3 year old daughter. This will be the first family vacation we’ve ever taken, just the 3 of us. We are going in October.

Yesterday at a bday party my two nephews (7&9) came up to me and asked if they could come to Disney with me. I was a bit surprised because I had never mentioned the trip in front of them. I said something along the lines of I’m sorry, I wish they could come, but we’d already bought the tickets a long time ago and also they’d be gone from their parents for too long. They said okay and went away.

About 15 minutes later my brother and his gf (Tori) approached me and said that their sons were wanting to come to Disney World with us. I replied that I know, they just asked me a few minutes ago.

“They said you said no,” Tori crossed her arms looking upset.

“We can’t afford to add on two people for a week’s worth of tickets and food.” I said.

My brother suggested that my wife would make back the money spent on their sons within a paycheck and it would be no harm to take the boys. My family thinks that because my wife is an RN we are rich, which is not true. They just don’t know how to interpret stable income, I guess.

I said that was too much money to ask us to sacrifice on such a short notice and regardless of money, my wife had very carefully planned this trip around things our daughter would enjoy. I gave our reservations at CRT and BBB as an example. The boys would hate half of what we planned to do and are likely to throw a tantrum until we left or were kicked out. It’s a learned behavior from them bc they know if they do it they’ll get what they want.

They said excluding them was selfish & I should want my nephews to have this experience. They also suggested cancelling the “girly” stuff we had planned for our daughter and finding something that all three of them could enjoy.

I reiterated that we planned this trip for our daughter. I said maybe next time we could work something out but I’m not willing to have my wife rearrange this entire trip a month out.

I thought it was over after that but Tori has just sent my wife an awful text. It was lengthy but basically said that we were giving into greed by excluding two impoverished children from a trip that could be once in a lifetime for them. She also sent Bible verses to support her case. Tori is not religious but knows my wife is, so she this was purely a manipulation tactic.

My wife is very kind hearted and Tori’s guilt trip hit its mark. She asked me if I wanted to drop things off of the trip to try and accommodate them. I told her no. I love my nephews but I’m really tired of their parent’s entitlement to our money and life. I think my family should be able to take one vacation by ourselves without being called greedy. AITA here?

#reddit #AITA #shorts #storytime
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