Creating Movie App - Parsing JSON from url into RecyclerView

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🔥 We are going to create an app that parses JSON from URL, and display them into listview.
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🔥 Welcome to the largest #JSON Crash course on youtube. In this course, You'll learn and master JSON parsing from zero, RESTFUL API, RETROFIT & More libraries... So, if you are interested in learning these concepts you came to the right place. Let's take an overview of this video content:
✔️ Topics:
00:00 - Creating JSON
02:36 - Layouts
07:02 - Model Class
08:26 - Adapter
19:20 - MainActivity
38:00 - Subscribe Time
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⚠️⚠️⚠️ All Source Codes of projects in this video and this channel are available to download from this exclusive udemy course ⚠️⚠️⚠️
🔥 Welcome to the largest #JSON Crash course on youtube. In this course, You'll learn and master JSON parsing from zero, RESTFUL API, RETROFIT & More libraries... So, if you are interested in learning these concepts you came to the right place. Let's take an overview of this video content:
✔️ Topics:
00:00 - Creating JSON
02:36 - Layouts
07:02 - Model Class
08:26 - Adapter
19:20 - MainActivity
38:00 - Subscribe Time
📌 Hello my friends & welcome to master coding channel, where you can learn coding from zero to hero free. So, if you want to learn coding and keep us making new tutorials by:
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Parsing JSON from URL into ListView
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