Real Love Unraveled: Hidden Heart - Muslim Women's Love Experiences

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Hidden Heart is the work of filmmaker Zara Afzal and producer Christopher Hird (Battle for Barking, Inside the Saudi Kingdom, The End of the Line). It chronicles the lives and travails, the joys and sorrows of muslim women who find love outside their own culture or faith.

In finding love they face challenges to their idea of community and oftentimes ostracism from those closest to them.
The film explores a new vision of cultural identity, defying the notion of a so-called 'clash of cultures' and challenging barriers to understanding between different communities. Although focussing on the lives of British men and women, the film will strike a chord with any and all of those around the world living in a tight-knit community, under pressure to maintain their identity.
Hidden Heart is currently in production, with completion expected later in 2014.

Real Love dives into the world of love, dating and relationships in all its many shapes. Whether you like documentaries, reality TV shows, or classic films, Real Love delivers your weekly dose of snuggles and affection.

hidden heart

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This ‘documentary’ falls very short of explaining the actual Muslim principles of marriage and the long term impact on family life and Muslim society it brings. Marriage is not just about two people falling in love. And it is not the same as the ridiculous cultural practices that are imposed by some people upon their kids in the name of religion. What was depicted in this film was a cultural gap between parents and their daughters. Not a religious conflict. There are deep and valuable reasons for marrying within the faith. As someone who went through this exact experience I can tell you that if you hold dear to Islamic principles in your heart, then the outcome of a ‘mixed’ religious marriage will never bring contentment in this life nor the hereafter. Of course if you don’t truly value or adhere to Islamic principles then you will think you have ‘won’. At least in this world. I will also add that marriage between different cultures and ethnic groups is all perfectly acceptable within Islam. However the foundation of religion has to be the same.


The concept of marriage in Islam (unfortunately which has been forgotten by muslims in the muslim countries) is not only to fulfill your sexual desires but to leave behind a progeny which is beneficial to the Religion of Islam and the society in general. Mother plays a vital role in the upbringing of Children and therefore the education of Women is more important in Islam then that of men since Women are the leaders who form the tomorrow's society. In short, everything in Islam, even marraige, revolves around the promotion and well-being of Islam.


whats halal is halal and whats haram is haram


The way these stories turned out is very uplifting!


This was so inspiring and beautiful.☺️ My husband and I are a mixed race couple and I couldn’t be happier. You can’t help who you fall in love with..


Wow, love conquerers hearts. May the remaining days of your life be happy and prosperous.


These are just challenges but remember this world is very small compared to the thereafter, fear Allah, haram is haram


The summary of this video is to rebel against tradition even it goes against your religion, then you will be happy. But, also define the tradition to suit moral.


God is the root of all religion so what does it matter if you’re Muslim or Jew or Christian or Spiritual, God didn’t make human’s to be divided by religion, he made us to be united to follow God, and God alone.


Awsome to see people who choose for themselves❤


“Bad statements are for bad people (or bad women for bad men) and bad people for bad statements (or bad men for bad women)”

[al-Noor 24:26]


This is deep mehn ! Ya Allah make it easy for us. Kids are our greatest tests for us, ya Allah make it easy for us allow us to pass this test ya dhul jalal wa ikram .


My choice is to love and accept our children regardless if they choose to be religious or not. That’s up to every individual. A spiritual path is a private matter and only the free can find true faith as every individual must make their own unique experiences in order to grow spiritually. Brainwashing one’s children is shameful because it disables their free decision making abilities in their future lives. May they find a happy life and true faith within and an understanding of the self. May they not be suppressed by a fearful guilt plagued judgmental society.


Unfortunately, these families remained isolated in Britain and could not pass their religious conviction to their kids. Those kids are shaped by the British society and education system rather than Islamic values. If those families were able to build Islamic communities, they would not push their daughters marry their cousins as a safe option. If those daughters had strong faith, they would not even consider non-Muslims as potential husbands.


Islam allows marriage between different race but religion has to be the same with the exception of Christan/Jews for Muslim men..there's no justification for marrying outside the faith as it brings no benefit in the hereafter


I can see it is not easy for Asian or Arab muslim or even eastern Christians community for that matter to adapt and tackle issues in the western world, issue such as marriage. My recommendations is for parents to be patients, understanding and not forceful. We choose to bring them to that world and we need to learn and adapt on how to deal with it. No one says that you need to give up your values, but prepare yourself(as parents) and concerned individuals in that affected circle to these challenges before bring them to that reality. God bless you all 🙏🙏🌷Abdulhameed from Saudi Arabia


It is amazing how advanced the world is in terms of technology, medicine, hygiene and so on. At the same time, we are so medieval in terms of psychology, empathy and fairness. Fight for your right to live, people!


Its interesting because this is so common, in the Pakistani community there are so many mixed marriages where people have become muslim to enable marriage.
I also think that attitudes are changing and children are able to talk more openly to their parents, especially with 2nd generation muslims who have been brought up in the west


I’m an English revert to Islam my husband is from Karachi Pakistan


Such a hear warming documentary
