Tech Bros Inventing Things That Already Exist

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It seems like every day the tech industry comes out with a "brilliant new idea” that turns out to be merely a reinvention of a mundane product that already existed. Tech bros keep reinventing the bus, but they have also taken to reinventing the tea pot, the toothbrush, the lunchbreak and the public park. In today's video we look at the tech products that either already existed or should never have existed.

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Nearly five thousand years ago Emperor Shen Nung sipped that first cup of tea and thought, “No, we don’t have the technology for this yet.” And tea was never heard of again.


I like the bottle app that tells you to hydrate because being thirsty isn't reliable anymore.


Patrick, you missed the best one. Uber attempted to secure a patent for 'surge pricing', otherwise known as supply and demand, a concept as old as trading itself


All this AI insanity is turning customers off of AI. They will see it advertised on a product and intentionally not buy it because “AI” is becoming synonymous with “overpriced version of something I already have”.


"possibly the most disappointing transit innovation in history"

i mean, i remember when people said "they're going to rethink cities around the segway" in public with a straight face


Ubers entire business model is pretend to not be taxis while ignoring taxi regulations. I’m still waiting for reality to catch up with them.


Who needs real innovation when you can get an unpaid intern to photoshop a Star Trek looking version of something that already exists to impress investors.


My new invention is the iPen. It’s a stylus that allows you to write on paper instead of a tablet. The writing remains on the paper without the need of any additional power. This will revolutionize the way we take notes. The 'i' stands for ink.


Showing Vanilla Ice as David Bowie was the funniest thing I saw this week 🤣


- It survived burning man
- Of course it did.



I sure hope he mentions that tweet about what’s your favorite tech innovation. Illegal hotels, illegal taxis, fake money, plagiarism machine


I'm reminded of the footballer Gary Neville speaking about what he calls 'mini-retirements' on the Diary of a CEO podcast, where every once in a while, he'll take a couple of days off work. A truly insightful new idea,


There's an episode of Pinky and the Brain where Brain takes out a huge loan to build a casino. He adamantly insists that even the internal lumber that nobody will see must be made of high-quality mahogany instead of normal lumber. He insists that the main attraction be the one game he likes. He explodes the budget and only manages to make the casino work by giving in on the demand for the games people actually want. The Juicero is this episode, but for a product even more overengineered than load-bearing mahogany, less popular than an unfun game in a casino, and without the final concession. It's crazy to me that it happened in real life.


The proof that solid British humor can be perfectly combined with serious "dry" information. Made my day..


Adding a small train in the Vegas loop is the smartest thing I've heard all week.


The combination of dry humour and zany humour is incredible


Myself from an hour in the future assures me that I found this video informative, the pacing and wardrobe immaculate, and Patrick's dry sarcasm was both hilarious and on point..


Great point. I have spent my long life working in Technology industry, learning to code in the seventies and then spending the next 40 years working in all areas of IT. Im engaged, informed and very interested in how things develop over the next few years.
There was a time when the capability of computers was far behind what various industries required or was prohibitively expensive.
It was discouraging to be approached to help companies automate, but the cost and end result simply wasn’t feasible.
Shopping with my millennial Son the other day, his words “ I just want a fucking tooth brush, all these things for sale have apps, and electric motors, and a bunch of BS, where can I buy A tooth brush ?”
I’ve been reviewing current state of Quantum computing development. One company I looked at used the word Quantum hundreds of times in the Company documents and yet they have absolutely no stake in that technology.
Thanks for the video, Always and fun.
Have a great day !


"How will the bottle know how hydrated you are if you drink out of a different container?" This is where the Neuralink chip becomes an indispensable consumer good!
Techbro-ing isn't about inventing actual things per se so much as creating a hype bubble around the *possibility* of doing so. Then you sell to VC or do an IPO and walk away with a bunch of other people's money without ever actually producing anything but the original hype.
They are truly a class of genius that has ascended to higher level of humanity. We should not only be grateful for their benevolent labors, we should just put them in charge of everything. Balaji Srinivasan's ideas will lead us to human utopia.
