Is Humankind on the Verge of Open Extraterrestrial Contact?

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Top defense experts from around the world discuss the role of a Galactic Federation in relation to recent UAP public disclosures.

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I hope it is .. at long last the time has come to open up man kinds lost paths we will all be as One..


As of 2023 millions of people are embracing spirituality and finding their path towards light and connecting to higher beings
I think slowly but gradually that time is comming when we see an open ET contact


What really gets me is that statistically so many humans are yearning to meet their extraterrestrial cousins, brothers or visitors. Loads of species can use telepathy/ read mind, how come all our minds haven't projected our mutual thoughts of wanting finally to meet these beings.


Aww, RIP Paul Hellyer. He was an extraordinary human - not just about UAP, etc, but as a human in society.

Gratitude to him on that star path.


With so many subscribers we should do global meditations once in a while.


It's clear that if extraterrestrial beings were observing us, they might have reservations about revealing themselves. Why would they, when humanity is still plagued by conflicts driven by differences in religious beliefs, skin color, and sexual orientation? If they are indeed watching, what does humanity's behavior show them? Are we ready to handle the knowledge that beings unlike us exist, given the prevalence of prejudice and discrimination?


I honestly believe we are right on the verge of widespread open contact. I have prophetic dreams and recently had one which showed it happening ❤


*You are ONLY a few thousand years LATE ! It took place some Thousands of years ago in History !*


You know what pisses me off the most about all of this? It's not the secrecy that angers me. It is the fact that decisions are being made with an ET race on my behalf to which I have ZERO input or influence over. When our government denies a race that wants to bring a new age of enlightenment and technological advancement that is peaceful and beneficial to Humanity. It really angers me cause I don't think there is a single human alive today who doesn't want a better and more utopian life. But our governments refused because the evil forces at work here on Earth think "where do I benefit in a world where people live a life of Heaven on Earth?". They wouldn't benefit. That's why they denied them and made a deal with the devil (or more so his forces) to further their own goals.


I really really hope so and I think we're getting close! I've been waiting for this pretty much my whole life and it's about time! We are clearly not the only intelligent life in the freaking known universe lol and as far as that comes to planetary age we are actually pretty young as a planet and society in the scheme of things so I think yeah it's time! Just imagine the things that we're going to see and learn


I am ready for it.🙏
The Galactic Federation are good guys.🙏🌀🛸


“I envy you for taking these first steps into a new frontier.”
- Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek: First Contact) 🖖🏻

Thank you, Gaia. 🙂🤝👽


We had better hope that the aliens treat us better than we have treated our own. 😎


On 17.09.21 I had an OBE experience with a young male Lion Being. Three tall adults were in the background. The density where they were was different to Earth. I was shown how to mentally levitate through this atmosphere. It was a delightful experience. I was then show a scan of a human foetus. This happened to be true a few weeks later.
I had a lot of questions about Lion Beings afterwards. Your artistic depiction is accurate . I would call them


This is great! Keep walking your individual paths of love and peace ❤✌🏽😊


I woke up to a dream today where the sky was full of multiple moons in different shapes. The night was as bright as day. Everyone in my family was outside taking photos and everything. Then we could see upclose the flying objects of different shapes. But they were shooting at us and setting everything on fire. They took my mother on one of their ships and continued shooting at us. I somehow communicated with them without verbally expression asking them why they had to shoot at us. Then they said it had something to do with not trying to seem weak or like they are backing down to the humans hostile behaviour. Kinda like they are forced to display their capabilities. The weird thing is this is not my first time dreaming of these particular dreams. Even in this dream I told my brother (in the dream) that I had a similar dream before. In one particular dream the beings took me into their ships (I don't remember what happened in the ship) I remember being brought back to my bed and given lots of coins (money) so that I promised that I would not tell anyone. Damn, and here I am telling yall 😅. I guess I would have kept quiet if I woke up to the money next to me 😂. Definitely been dreaming of some weird things going on in the sky.


I’ve been trying to help/ heal one person at a time by providing them with 🍄 . And ever since I started healing with stropharia my life has improved so much more. I’m happier, more confident, relationships with friends & family have enhanced significantly as well. I don’t stress out or get as anxious anymore. I think mushies r also here to help us if one is willing to be helped and surrender 🌞🧘🏽‍♂️🌑


I am so excited to be alive during these changing times. I see people evolving within❤


We can't even get along with each other 😅


Personally, I've observed UFOs on multiple occasions silently doing "impossible" maneuvers. I was among numerous other airmen in 1968, so on that occasion and occasions, I was not alone. I'm also a sort of spiritual "nut, " in a manner of speaking, having had numerous metaphysical experiences. I'm a nontraditional Christian who has delved into Buddhist "stuff, " and more. So, I've never been christalized in my thinking processes. 😊
