Roasting my Audience's Favourite Anime

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12:50 I'm that guy who answered Gintama and said this was the easiest question ever. It's funny, when people ask what my favorite movie or song is, I always struggle to come up with an answer. However, when people ask what my favorite anime is, Gintama comes out so easily. It has been my favorite anime since 2016 and I actually caught up and watched the show alongside the final 3 arcs as they came out. To this day, no anime or piece of media has given me the joy or made me feel emotions to the extent Gintama has. Which probably sounds super strange to anyone who hasn't seen the show to the end. It is my favorite anime and will likely be my favorite for years to come.


I've been writing software for databases for over 35 years now, and what you do NOT do when creating a poll is allow free-form text for things like "Where are you from?" You create a dropdown select list, or radio buttons, but NEVER NEVER NEVER free-form text. You're lucky you didn't get a bunch of "Texas" entries, though I'd bet you actually did.


I wouldn't have picked Stein's Gate for number one, but can't say just how happy it makes me to see it there. You're right. Your audience has great taste.


I'm one of those 17 people who put down Legend Of The Galactic Heroes. Not only have I watched the entire series twice but I've also read the original novels. On my MAL list it is one of three shows that has a 10. As challenging as it may be to recommend the show especially to newcomers, if you can tolerate the dated animation, it's in my opinion easily a masterpiece.


"My audience does not have bad taste."
High honor.


Natsume's Book of Friends made me the person I am today. The protagonist's gentleness and vulnerability gave me the push I needed to be kinder and open with the people I love (even when I felt like I needed to keep my pain all to myself), and I'll always hold it in the highest regard because of the profound impact it had on me. But Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu is way up there for the sheer ARTISTRY. I'm not immune to loving Big Shounen Thing, I too cried during Fullmetal Alchemist, but for me, it's the smaller gems that make the biggest impact specifically Because it feels more private and special if it isn't everywhere. I really love your idea that your new favorite anime is just beyond the corner and I'm looking forward to finding more in the future! (Putting this here because despite being subscribed for years, I MISSED THE DANG SURVEY.)


There's a reason why Countries in most forms have a dropdown with a limited list of countries so its easier categorize the people from US and UK


Demon Slayer with only a single vote is shocking! I wonder how many people in your audience are like myself, having been a fan of anime for over 10 years but not having as much time to watch the latest shonen hotness and maybe growing a bit less interested in the genre as a whole. I tend to pick up a series only if it gets a glowing recommendation from yourself or a close friend, or if I know it's a classic that's held up under the test of time

Also worth mentioning I put down Shin Sekai Yori as my favorite because it's a fantastic show I never would have discovered without your channel


Legend of the Galactic Heroes is legit my favourite anime. It's a perfect storm of things I like: intricate massive plot, space and space battles, classical music, history, complete neutrality of both sides. Silly and dry humor, politics, and Yang Wen-li casually shitting on his corrupt government


So happy Made In Abyss made the top 5 for people <3 Truly Glass Reflection is bringing only the greatest of anime tastes in one place~


In this episode, an Anime Nerd learns about data cleanup and why you never use a free-form text field when a drop down list can be used instead.

But on the subject of favorite anime? I think the only way to answer that one is which anime have I gone back to watch again because I enjoyed it so much the first time... that would be 'Aishiteruze Baby' for me. Hits my dad spot. I haven't watched it again since my daughter was born though. Dad spot getting haymakered already by my little girl. Once she's all grown up I might go back and watch it again.


Put Darker Than Black as my favourite (well because it is). Everything about the show just hits perfectly for me. The episodic storytelling, the art style, the mystery, the worldbuilding, the music, etc...
It's the anime that really got me into thriller-style anime and it's the only show where I own it not once but twice on DVD and blu ray: the individual volumes and the original complete series. I even love season 2 (unpopular opinion, know). It's just a show that has a very special place in my heart.


For me, Baccano. Very few anime of that length had such a high level of detail and world building. An absolute peak of perfection. World building, good animation, multiple story lines and graphic content. Had it all in spades... need to rewatch it quick see you all soon!


Next time you do something like this, you should mention it at the end of a video; I almost never check community posts, so I missed the whole boat and filled it after the tallies were in (Durarara as favorite btw.) I'd like a breakdown of the other data points like age and spending habits, if only to see what sorta people follow you on the regular


Hey, this video was great and all, but I wish we could like see the actual entire list! In a spreadsheet or something. It would be so interesting to analyze and get the full order.


To be fair, when you asked us for our favourite anime, my brain went through a roller coaster and got stalled twice


Legend of the Galactic Heroes is from 80s but still relevant to today.


I legit shed a tear in hearing number 4 and number 1. They're my favorite shows of all times and I'm proud to see that more than ~20 and ~10 years later they're still so cherished and loved. Quality's just timeless. ❤


Awe darn it, I missed the survey. Would have said, easy; "Oh Edo Rocket". A more obscure one, but for some odd reason that one really resonated with me. Edit: BUT, Mob Psycho's getting close to toppling it, haven't finished this finale season. For similar reasons, mixing comedy with a heartwarming tale of perseverance.


Top 10 guesses:

1. Steins;gate
2. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
3. Cowboy Bebop
4. Attack on Titan
5. Hunter x Hunter
6. Code Geass
7. Neon Genesis Evangelion
8. One Piece
9. Samurai Champloo
10. Gurren Lagann
