Breaking the Silence | WHY 99% of Churches Are NOT Telling You This

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Get ready to challenge the status quo as we shed light on why most churches are reluctant to share this vital insight. Don't miss this revealing discussion that will leave you questioning what you thought you knew. It's time to break the silence and seek the truth together.

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My every breath is for Jesus. My life would be meaningless without Him. As the world increasingly moves away from Him, I look forward to the eternal day when I am at His feet. In the meantime, I give thanks that there are still some like you left in this world who teach real truth. God bless.


Falling in love with Jesus is the answer. When you truly love someone, it is hard to sin against them.


Jesus said ' A new commandment I give to you that you love one another as I loved you. ' John 13. 34


My church did not teach "don'ts" as repentance, they taught "change your mind about what you see as true, right and good and find what God's word teaches as true, good and right and let that be your guidance."


Thanks so much... revelation is being revealed.... Daniel


Taken in context, the repentance John the Baptist was calling for was not a detectable change in people's lives, it was a change in their hearts. The Holy Spirit was coming upon the world through Christ. These people were awakened by the Holy Spirit to the arrival of the Messiah. These people's hearts were ready to receive His message. These were the people who came and followed Christ around to listen to His words. These people were awakened by the Holy Spirit, they were participating in a repentance that called for a departure from living under the law of Moses to a law based on faith and the moving of the Holy Spirit in their hearts. Consider these words... 'your righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees and scribes', 'I am the bread of life', 'I have water to give you that you may never thirst again', 'seek ye first the kingdom of God', 'upon this rock I will build my church', 'it is the holy spirit that has revealed this to you'.
See Jerimiah 31. The father will cause the Hebrews to repent of their old ways and embrace the salvation of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The New Covenant.


Simplification is the answer when the golden rules are followed we are one ; feed the people if we can do that we can be as one, so simple it's full of interpretation 🙏


Thanks to Constantine…the truth was exchanged for religious things. Outward appearance. The word of Yah says to rend your heart and not your garment!


It was 10 years ago this month that I began seriously studying Scripture.


I feel like I have been lied to all of my life, well I have been. But this just means I can learn from the mistakes myself and others.


I applaud your summary explanation of the Tanakh as it relates to the Lord Jesus, and the importance of understanding the Jewish backdrop and OT references of many things that He spoke to the Jewish people then. However, the commission to "repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand" is universal to both Gentile and Jew alike. The Gospel messages is universal, as well. This is confirmed countless times in the Old and New Testaments. The insistence of having a deep "Hebrew Roots" understanding, which I've heard from this camp a lot over the years (8:00m mark) - is where I couldn't continue listening anymore.

When we all stand before God at the judgment, the ultimate question will be "What did you do with Jesus?" or by consequence "Is your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life?" End of story. God Bless and Shalom, sir. 🙏


Matthew 5 is a good example of the teachings of Jesus & outlining of God's Torah (Pentateuch) commands & obedience in thought, word, & action.


Finally someone giving the whole truth


Shalom Adonai dear Brother Michael Rood! May our mighty YAHUWEH ELOHIM blessed you furthermore!


To repent is to turn your life around. To turn towards God, to emulate Christ and his teachings.


Yep, my heart told me what it was that I was sorry for. Born again, there's really been a change in me. Just like Jesus said.


Praise the lord, I feel like we are in the end times and I always struggle with the "do's" and "donts" chruchs often give you a set of rules and punish you for makiing mistakes, I strayed from the path of the lamb due to that and the tramua that took place. Recently I came up with the notion Jesus was the first hippie, into natural healing, walked amoung the people, belived in peace and love and died for that reason. I choose to love like jesus with endless bounds, I choose not to be judgement and to follow a morally good compass. I appericate you rood! thank you for preaching <3


Amen. Totally came to the same conclusions


It wasn't until i was starting my 5th time through the good book, that i started to understand what it said, and that was just starting to understand. Ive now read it dozens of times, and still haven't come to understand all it has to teach. But I do feel closer to God each time i read through. and i can say, if you don't read the Old Testament, it is much harder to understand the New. Just keep reading.


Repent: Turn your face to God away from sin and error!
