Find Odd Occurring Element in a Sorted Array in O(logn*logn) Time | #Algorithms #InterviewQuestions

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Find Odd Occurring Element in a Sorted Array in O( (logn)^2 ) Time :
Given "n" numbers in a Sorted Array where every number is repeated even number of times except one number which is repeated odd number of times. Find the time complexity of best algorithm to find the number which is repeated odd number of times?

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At time 1:09, output would be 4, as element 4 is occurring odd number of times.
But Excellent explanation. Thank you for this.


but sir are you sure when we are finding the range..we are using binary search...but how can u be sure that in the left part binary search it will return the index of left most part...basically we know in binary search when the search is successful it will return....i think linear search will be the better option...bcz we can't assure that by doing binary search we will get left most or right most index ?


I have a better approach to this question... Using unordered_map<int, int>
just store all the elements on the map... i.e no and frequency

// it is given one element are odd no times(given)

scan the frequency of unordered map....if the frequency is not divisible by 2 has odd no time.
hence you got the result in o(1) time but space is o(n).


sir how can you be sure that array is getting divided in two equal halves only bcz it might happen
T(n)=T(n-1)+2lgn, this can be the case that case it will be O(n lgn) not O(lgn *lgn)