5 Steps to Optimize Your Assembly Line with Digital Workflows

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70% of errors that occur in manufacturing operations are from workforce errors. Many manufacturers implement digital, static work instructions as the first step to decrease workforce errors. Consider this PDF uploads for workers or “paper behind glass”. But what’s next?

Implementing anything beyond digital, static work instructions are often a second thought, but in fact, dynamic guided workflows are the linchpin to a successful start in digitizing manufacturing operations.

Join our webinar and see how leading manufacturers have implemented effective digital discrete assembly lines and expanded beyond digitizing work instructions — and leveraging connections to sensors, machines, scales, light strips, and cameras to build error-proofed workflows.

During this webinar, we discuss:
- How your operations should look with digital work instructions and what technology may be missing
- Next use cases you should consider implementing on the path to a fully digitized assembly line
- Real manufacturing examples of fully digitized assembly lines

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About Tulip: Tulip, the leader in frontline operations, is empowering the world’s leading manufacturers to improve the productivity of their teams, the quality of their output, and the efficiency of their operations. Companies use Tulip to digitally transform their operations and gain real-time visibility into the people, machines, and processes involved in production—all in a matter of days.

Manufacturers and industrial businesses of all sizes, across industries including consumer electronics, pharmaceuticals, aerospace and defense, contract manufacturing, automotive, apparel, medical devices, and more, have implemented Tulip to solve some of their most pressing challenges. Companies use Tulip to error-proof processes with guided workflows, and integrate edge technologies to capture and analyze real-time operations data.
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