Deploying an EF Migration Zero Downtime? Watch Out!
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It is fairly easy to deploy an EF migration without stopping the application, unless we made a breaking change. As this video is demonstrating, the migration, which is a DDL script, is normally deployed in a transaction. It is therefore possible to run it alongside online transactions executed by the running application! Again, unless the change imposed by the DDL script will break the application.
In this video, you will learn a safe way to add a field to the model, and so to add a column to the database table, without causing any service interruption that could be noticed by the users. The prior version of the application will be available through the entire process, all until replaced by the new version and stopped.
This update scheme is fully supported by the Entity Framework Core. It only remains that we, developers, make the steps in the right order, and the most daring part of our daily work - deployment - will work out smoothly.
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