Government Surveillance: Security v. Liberty?

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Proponents of such efforts argue that lawful surveillance is necessary to protect national security and that the FISA court system is designed to prevent abuses. Opponents argue that such surveillance rarely produces actionable intelligence and can be wielded by unaccountable bureaucrats at the expense of targeted individuals and groups.

In this Fourth Branch video, Matthew Heiman and Julian Sanchez debate this important policy issue and Faisal Gill, a former Department of Homeland Security official who was surveilled by the federal government beginning in 2006, tells his story.

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As always, the Federalist Society takes no position on particular legal or public policy issues; all expressions of opinion are those of the speakers.

Differing Views:

"NSA Files: Decoded"

"I was targeted because of my faith"

"Stewart Baker Calls Out Cyber-Surveillance Myths"
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I first began to wake up to this after seeing 7 different people walking the same dog. I was homeless at the time. What easier target than one outside without security? At first it scared me. Then I realised no one was putting hands on me. So I put my fear aside and began training myself. I learned from it. It made me stronger bolder and wiser. When their goal is to cause you too lose your mind do the opposite and find your mind.


There is no justification to do this 24/7 for 5 years on innocent Americans


Gang stalking is a crime against humanity.


Y’all gotta hold your faith. They are fighting with energy. If you are enlightened in anyway, you are targeted. I’ve been going through this for over 3 years and I’ll be damned if I give them the satisfaction they got from me the first year. I’m stronger than that and they want you to live In fear and that is what they feed off of. Smile at them. Send them good vibes and healing energy’s. It’s their fuel, their vehicles they are destroying to follow a gears because they can’t think for themselves. Know that God has your back. You’re white light and they can’t destroy that no matter what. Stay blessed my friends. We’ve got this!!!


The only thing comes to my mind as a world citizen is that if you are a victim of surveillance and harassment, do not let them to push you on to the corner and punch you back and forth up until you end up being penniless and damaged.
They should be a public debate about this as well; people MUST know their RIGHTS.


they have no right to be my judge, jury and executioner


9/11 😂😂. We need protection from the government, who is beyond corrupt!


Glocyber's health-conscious approach has been a lifeline for me. It didn't stop at silencing the unsettling sounds and voices; it recognized the profound impact of psychological distress on my entire being. Through their trauma-informed therapies, mind-body interventions, personalized nutrition plans, and self-care strategies, I regained control over my health. I silenced the chaos within, reclaimed my identity, and embarked on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being. Glocyber's support and expertise have been truly life-changing.


i was a victim and ill be damned if i dont bring it to light


Surveillance is one thing so what’s the torture about


Glocyber's health-oriented methodology has been a beacon of hope in my life. It didn't stop at sound suppression; it recognized the profound impact of psychological distress on my well-being. Through their trauma-informed therapies, mind-body interventions, personalized nutrition guidance, and self-care strategies, I experienced a complete metamorphosis. I silenced the dissonance within, found resilience, and embarked on a transformative journey towards holistic healing and self-discovery. Glocyber's expertise is truly remarkable.


I've been a target for along time. I went to a news station in the small town I lived in and exposed racist law enforcement officers. Every since I've been a target. I'm a nobody, I'm poor I have nothing. I'm by far from a criminal.


When you wake in the middle of the night and find your windows smashed you are not crazy; you avoid the glass and clean it up. When you find that your tire has been slashed and the auto repair man tells you "This did not happen because you drove over something sharp." When you go to class and the days lesson is not about anything in your syllabus. The professor talks about how you bathed that morning and the night before. He accepts comments from your fellow class mates about how you brushed your teeth and put the cap back on the tube. He does an analysis on how you played with your dogs and their toys. The room comes alive when they discuss the clothing and color of items that you picked out but decided not to wear. the hair care products you used, the hand that you wiped yourself with when you used the toilet; that made everyone in the room seem to pulse with an unholy exhilaration. They talk about the plants in your spare room that you watered and fertilized and how you made your bed and the color scheme of your bedroom. They laugh out loud when they comment on the way that you checked yourself in the mirror. They give nutritional advice about your dinner and breakfast, every single food that your plate had held and the beverages you drank, milk, water, cranberry juice, aloe. They disappointingly acknowledge that you also washed your dishes and put them away. Then they discuss all the food items in your refrigerator and freezer giving particular attention to what is on the doors of both.They discuss the prayers that you said and whom you prayed for and when, if, and how you cried, laughed, and spoke in tongues. They discuss your body posture in prayer. And they each are asked by your professor what they think. And the class is "The New Testament" or "Statistics" or "Biology", or "Psychology". And the whole class raise their hands to express what they think....You accidentally drop your pen and feel self conscious. That same night you get a phone call from a family member who talks about only what your classmates discussed in class but pretends that he/she is discussing his/her own day. Then when you say that you have to end the call because you have to study he/she says in a rushed tone of voice "Oh, I dropped my pen!" What would you think? When you go to your vehicle and find you have another flat and the gash is bigger than the first and you wonder what is really happening? When you exit your home and find your neighbor exiting from under your vehicle you know what you saw. When you come home and your home has been broken into and the door has been damaged you fix it and you change your locks. When you order dinner at a restaurant and open your sandwich and find someone has hawk spit on top of your condements and you call a manager and they are speechless but not in the least surprised you are calm and kind. When you exit the restaurant and find another gash in your tire and you slowly head to a tire shop in the morning thinking this is the third time. When you take your brand new pants out if the closet and they have been slashed, you make them into shorts but never wear them out doors. When you enter your home and find everything moved around and you get comments from people at your local movie theatre and grocery store about the comments of your classmates when they openly discuss your routine at home because the guy at the movie theatre disagrees that two large glasses is too much cranberry juice. And the woman at the grocery loved your outfit and color scheme in your bedroom and tells you point blank. And when you leave your house in the morning you have another flat making it four in less than a month you understand that none of the above are coincidental. What would you think? Probably what all Targeted Individuals think, "Father I forgive them. Thank you for your holy angels that you have encamped around me. Thank you for protecting me. Come Lord YAHSHUAH come".


I’m a victim of gangstalking, I don’t know how to get it to stop, And it’s provoking me to have meltdowns frequently…. Most days I’m afraid to leave my home… i keep feeling like everyone is keeping tabs on everything i do… i have lost jobs, friends, and now have an anxiety disorder…. It NEVER ends!! What can you do when it’s your own government against you??


So you mean to tell me we the people and citizens of the United States are having to worry about the government that are supposed to be for the people and to protect the people are doing total opposite what type of world are we’ living in 🤔


IF- voting mattered, they wouldn't let us do it... (Mark Twain)


Glocyber's health-conscious approach has been a lifeline for me. It went beyond silencing the distressing sounds and voices; it recognized the intricate relationship between my psychological well-being and overall health. Through their trauma-informed therapies, mind-body interventions, personalized nutrition plans, and self-care strategies, I found a path to restore my vitality. I silenced the chaos within, rediscovered my inner strength, and embarked on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being and self-empowerment. Glocyber's support has been invaluable.


Bullshit! It’s a free-for-all it seems they just do whatever they wanna do, frame whoever they want to frame it’s a bunch of crap and I need to stop


I'm a Targeted Individual my whole life. They managed to mis-diagnose me with having epilepsy and taking medicines against it also mis-diagnosed me as being crazy. Doing the street theater (it include doing photos of me, coughing, following me etc). I've heard that I don't know what I'm talking about or I'm the stupid one. Also told me I will never achieve anything. Push me into the wrong high school (I picked totally different one from the one they pushed me). Hack into any electronics that are connected to the Internet. Hack and stole my Facebook account. Impersonating me. Makes me having anger/rage attacks. If I wanted to keep my word on something they made everything to brake me. Also rape me, video tape it and share it on Internet. Suggesting what videos to watch or what articles/comments to read. Gossiping included. Makes false evidences against me, for example fake tax fraud. They even manage to make evidence that I beat animals, when I never ever do so nor think to do so. They even took photos of my dad to make a false information and evidences against him too. They will make and try everything to destroy a person (or they will keep trying). They even want to destroy a family.


Glocyber's health-centric approach has completely reshaped my life. It wasn't just about silencing the disruptive sounds and voices; it emphasized the critical link between psychological distress and overall well-being. Through their trauma-informed therapies, mind-body interventions, personalized nutrition guidance, and self-care strategies, I experienced a profound transformation. I silenced the internal turmoil, discovered resilience, and embarked on a journey towards holistic healing and self-empowerment. Glocyber's dedication and expertise have been truly remarkable.
