What Really Happened with u/YAYVIDEOGAMES?

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In 2010, a Reddit user by the name of YAYVIDEOGAMES shook the Internet with a very ominous outburst that left Redditors completely dumbfounded. Since then, the mystery has simply faded into obscure Internet history without ever really being investigated. Tonight, we’re going to take a deeper look into what exactly it was that happened, and what some possible explanations could be.

Massive thanks to SoLegitHS!


Video music:

End credits: Black Heat - Ross Bugden
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ubisoft goes steamworks bye bye always on drm

works byworks bworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steaworks bye bye, alworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.ways on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.mworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft works bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.Uworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.bisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.ye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM.e bye,


It all started with the guy who simply asked "wat"


the guy who replied "wat" obviously deleted his account because he was getting spammed so much


"I'm on vinyl" could have been a cryptic way to say that he was stuck in a loop


This guy was suffering and his Jehovah's Witness mother made things even worse. Cults suck the life out of you and your family. The doctor prescribing the wrong medications was probably the tipping point. I feel so bad for this guy.


My opinion of YAYVIDEOGAMES went from “wow what an annoying guy” to “wow what a creepy guy” to “wow poor guy.”


Zelda is a character from Stephen King's book "Pet Semetary" who is bed ridden from a chronic illnesses...


As someone who also suffers from chronic pain, Lyndon has my deepest sympathies. May he rest in merciful, painless peace.


it's kinda creepy that a person can get so much information about someone just like this


"Ubisoft goes steamworks bye bye always on drm."

Love him or hate him he spitting straight facts.


Citing a reddit post is like was able to find who the muderer was by some skillfully done geolocation."


I'd have preferred that he was just another troll on the internet. So sad he committed suicide and had such a hard life.


I explored a bit of u/NotSureHowBigYouAre and in one of his comments he had recommended the movie “Death of Mr. Lazeresque” It’s a Romanian film about this dude with an illness that nobody takes seriously throught the movie and he is calling the ambulance and pleading at the hospital for someone to attend to his distress until he succumbs to his illness and passes away. I really get Lyndon’s pain and in the words “I find the movie funny” and I sooo get it. He experiences it happening to him and therefore finds the movie amusing and it’s pretty cool that he felt that way


Imagine a world where that guy never said



"This story starts way back in 2010."

W-way back? In 2010?
Oh my god why is time going by so fast


For anybody wondering, his name was Lyndon, and in 2015 he took his own life. His best mate has made an AMA post on /r/yayvideogames offering more information about his illnesses, and what caused him to make the decision he made in the end


I know this is an old video but I can provide some personal insight to what happened here. he said he was taking gabapentin and pregabalin (lyrica), and he wanted to stop taking them. The withdrawals of these medications can be extremely intense, the symptoms are very similar to alcohol withdrawal, and in severe cases pregabalin withdrawal can cause delirium and hallucinations.

I’ve been prescribed lyrica before, I took it for about 2 years and I stopped taking it 6 months ago cold turkey, which is very unsafe as it results in worse withdrawal symptoms. I’d had hallucinations a few times during this time, and I still have symptoms to this day. Which match the symptoms he describes, worsened pain, delirium, restless leg syndrome, insomnia, etc...

If he already was in a fragile mental state, the lyrica withdrawal could have easily pushed him over the edge. Lyrica is often prescribed for chronic fatigue syndrome, CFS and Lyrica withdrawal have similarities between whats going on in the brain. They both cause a state of increased glutamate, calcium and oxidative stress in the brain, all this could have easily combined to cause an extreme mental breakdown. Anti-psychotic’s pharmacology wouldn’t have helped these symptoms at all.


random guy: Wat?
YAYVIDEOGAMES: *starts summoning the dead*


"Zelda is the princess"

He knows the truth


This just serves as a reminder that you never know what someone is going through, no matter your limited perception of them. RIP, Lyndon.
