What is kubernetes? Explained simply #tech #techskills

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Girl, thank you for this one. I was avoiding learning Kubernetes because I couldn't find a good definition.


The Gardner is the control plane, and API. The pods are the boxes for your plants, the namespaces are the sections of boxes named, the container is the soil and the plant is the software, each pod should only hold one type of plant you can have multiple of those plants though which is replicas, and if you needed a second container in a pod it would be known as a side car which you can think of as for example a guiding stick for the plant. If you want to water all these plants at once that are in the same namespace you need to dig out and install channels for the water to flow think of this as the networking aspect and services, and if you want to consume the plant you’re growing think of when you look at the garden and everything is behind glass to access the window to this glass box garden you want an ingress controller which you can think of as a window that opens and allows only certain or everybody’s hands in depending on how you set it up to consume said plant or fruit from the plants.

Now let’s say you wanted to replicate aspect of these gardens, or the whole garden you would make a blueprint to share with your friends and you can think of that as a yaml file. You then deploy this blueprint (yaml file) to your friends house and now they have the same garden.

Super high level but in the spirit of her explanation I figured I would give it a bit more depth.

She was close, just needs a bit more experience on the platform.

But hey, she’s trying to educated people and I can appreciate that.

Additionally you don’t run different sections of your site in different containers, a more apt explanation is you run the front end in a container (whole site), and say the API in another, and then the DB in another. This gives a basic 3 tier topology.

To access the site you need an ingress controller or if you’re using a cloud solution their native load. Balancer.

Something like nginx could govern you routing to multiple domains internal to your cluster.

Like I said I appreciate her trying to educate just be careful because there are misunderstandings in this video and if you bring this as your only knowledge to say an interview asking if you know is what it is you will actually probably fail that interview as there is some key and fundamental misunderstandings of how kubernetes operates and what its use cases are in this video.

But hey if your here and this got recommend to you that means your looking for something or another and if it’s info on kubernetes your on the right track. Keep it up!


I’d love to request for some impressive but simple tech projs to upload for beginners venturing into the IT industry too! If possible, something that would wow ppl :)


That was such a clear explanation!!! Nice :)


thanks, great breakdown, I'd always been afraid to look, you made it simple, nice work :)


Hi, Tiff. Amazing! I have tried to explain how the world of physical computers turned into “cloud” based on virtual machines and technology like Kurbernetes, but your explanation just made it something easily understood to the non IT audience! Thank you so much!!!😊


Thank you! Simple and I love the animations


Old clip that's timely for me as I'm working on transitioning from LAMP development. But I have to say, sticking every component in it's own "container" seems like a massive headache to get them working together.


So if the application is based on micro service architecture then each service will be containerised used docker and then each container can be run and managed together by Kubernetes? Is that correct?


Oh, Now I understand what are Kubernetes thank you.


Thx for the simple explanation! Could you give a summary of APIs too please?


Not quite. But's a good entry level definition


So is there anything to do with microservices? Or is Kubernetes and Docker are same kind of application?


Kubernetes and docker is like yin and yang, you cant prefer one over another.


It is not easy to give instructions to a gardener


You nailed it with simple explanation, thank you girl 😊


I bet a cent against a thousand dollars that she does not understand what kubernetes is


You gotta be dumb to run each page of a website in a different container. Worst case scenario possible.
